Chapter 127

Mikael staggered but he kept his body standing. He looked at the surrounding. He realized that he was not the only one who was grieving. He saw people dying everywhere. He heard their crying voices, the people that survived the terror of the Dragon were mourning for the death of their loved ones. 

The Dragon killed millions of people. He never thought that he would witness destruction like this. Mikael's anger and hatred were endless, he absolutely wanted to kill the Dragon. 

His left side was bleeding and he lost his left arms but he felt nothing. He was numb. He only stared. He watched the Dragon fighting the other Hunters. 

He saw an Orb Beam, dozens of it. He knew that ability but his mind was not processing it. He felt like his mind was floating in the sky and he couldn't comprehend anything. 

He lost so much blood. His appearance was pale. However, he clenched his Spear. He focused his everything and watched the Dragon. 


Kyle and Christian were doing their best to prevent the Dragon from moving. Christian was using his Telekinesis to freeze the Dragon. His nose was bleeding because of too much use of power, he would lose his consciousness any moment. Despite it, he prevailed and stood firm. 

Kyle was shooting dozens of Beam to incapacitate the Dragon. The Dragon's body was disintegrating but it quickly regenerated. The Dragon screamed, mana rippled, and Christian lost his concentration. 


He kneeled, his head was shivering. He overused his ability, that's why his body was malfunctioning. He gasped air and fell. 

Oliver Johnson was lying on the ground. His body was in normal size but his limbs were missing. The Dragon bit it. He was currently recuperating. He already used his potions. Right now, he could only watch the Dragon. He gritted his teeth, he loved to kill the Dragon and grill it. How frustrating that a delicious meal was close to him but he couldn't eat it! 

Their two Illusionists were already defeated. Janna and Fransisco were in critical condition. 

Only three Hunters were fighting the Dragon now.

Kyle, Kim Soo-Woon, and Hakase were fighting the Dragon but they couldn't hurt it badly. The Dragon was now stronger compared to when they fought him earlier. 

The other reinforcement was still not coming. Kyle was reserving his mana in case something happened. He knew that this Dragon could be killed. However, they need the power of all Hunters. Particularly the Elders of Dwarves and Elves. 

Right now, he was thankful that the damage was still small. In his past life, the whole world was affected by the Dragon's attack. Right now, the Dragon only attacked Africa, the other countries were still safe. 

"This Dragon is tough!"

Kim Soo-Woon was frustrated that he couldn't injure the Dragon. Hakase was with him, he was breathing hard. Hakase was close to fainting, he reached his limit a long time ago. He only forced his body to move. 

Kyle looked at Kim Soo-Woon. 

"Kim Soo-Woon, I think it's the time to use it."

"Hm, what are you talking about?"

"Fuck you, don't act like you know nothing. Use it, your Title Ability. "

"Hey… I'm starting to hate you. No, I already hate you since the first time we meet. But now, you are crossing the line. "

Kim Soo-Woon wanted to chop this man. He didn't know what, why, or how Kyle knew everything about him. He felt like he was naked whenever he confronted this man. 

There was a rumor circulating that Kyle was a Regressor but no one could prove it. It was just hearsay, perhaps he had the ability to saw the future. No matter what it is, it didn't change the fact that Kim Soo-Woon loathed him. 

"You can do it after you kill the Dragon. "

"As if I can kill that!"

Kim Soo-Woon replied angrily. 

"No, you can. What do you think is the reason I took you here?"

"Because you want help?"

Kyle chuckled. Kim Soo-Woon would kill the Dragon.

"Use your power and I'll support you. Hakase, you can rest. I know you're exhausted."

"S- sir, I can still fight!"

Kyle stared at him with his commanding eyes. Hakase dropped his longsword, he could see that Kyle was serious. He too knew that it was dangerous if he joined the fight. Since he would not partake in the fight anymore, he decided to take Christian and the others to a safer place. He ran and evacuated the other Hunters. 

"You ready?"

"Tch, after this, you must help me to take that Third Round Dungeon."

"Okay, okay. "

Kim Soo-Woon bent his body and started stretching. Crackling sounds reverberated in the surrounding. 

" DemiGod, release!"

Power surged in and out of Kim Soo- Woon. He used his Title.

In this world, there was only one person who had a Title. He was Kim Soo-Woon, the DemiGod. He received this Title when he killed the 6 bosses singlehandedly in the Punishment Event. He was the only one who could fight the Basilisk's head-on. He had the same level of average Awakeners but he defeated the Minotaur, Gryphin, Golem,...etc, and Basilisk using his strength. No one helped him, no one could. Unfortunate things happened and he was the only survivor of his District. 

He fought the monsters alone and he returned alive. He was the DemiGod. 


Kim Soo-Woon shouted, power was overflowing inside and outside of his body. The one-man army would show his power. 


Fafnir felt that a creature appeared behind him. He tried to turn back but-


A large force smashed him. His neck bent in an abnormal way. The Dragon felt the pain. He quickly countered but Kyle's Beam distracted him. 


The Dragon released a large pool of mana and the surrounding exploded. The Savanna was now gone. Only dirt and destruction were present. 

Kim Soo-Woon attacked again! This time, he cut his arm. 


The katana slashed the Dragon's tough scale but the Dragon withstand it. He used his other arm and grasped Kim Soo-Woon. Kim Soo-Woon tried to fight back but the Dragon didn't release him. Instead, Fafnir squeezed the man. 


The pressure broke his bones. Kyle shot another Beam to throw off the Dragon. He hit the Dragon but it was not reacting to his attack. Fafnir prioritized Kim Soo-Woon because Fafnir believed that he was dangerous.  


Kim Soo-Woon screamed in pain.

Fafnir started to grin. The Dragon thought that he could kill the man but his end was getting near. 

A teenager and woman arrived on the battlefield. The Dragon remembered this presence, the image of the glowing eye gave him horror. 


The Dragon was afraid. He realized that he would die if he stayed here. 

Cedy opened his left eye and his retina glowed. He stared at the Dragon, never blinking. 

Fafnir spread his wings to escape. He didn't want his Wishing Orb to lose its power. His flesh was melting and his bones were starting to become visible. At all cost, he must leave this place, or else his divinity would vanish. 

However, Kyle would never let him. He shot his wings and the pair of wings disintegrated, the Dragon lost his ability to fly. 


The Dragon was now close to his death, he descended and crashed into the earth. Yuuki cast her spell and freeze the Dragon's feet. Kyle shot another Beam. 


The Dragon cried, not because of the pain but because of the anger that swelled inside him. 

Kim Soo-Woon stood up. The Dragon was now losing his divinity, Cedy was disarming his power. This was the right time to kill him. Black Aura covered Kim Soo-Woon's body, a flash of raven light traveled. He disappeared and cut his neck. 

The Dragon's head was slashed and blood gushed out. It was almost sliced. 

"Nooo!!! I will not let this happen!!!"

The Dragon amputated his feet and charged to Cedy. He only needed to kill this kid and he would win. He could salvage this situation and his divinity would return again. 

He struggled and he never stopped. He opened his mouth to eat the kid. Cedy escaped which caused him to blink his eyes. The effect of his left eye disappeared. The Dragon's power started to return. 

"Hahaha!! you let your only chance to end me!!! I will kill all of yo--"

Kyle shot him. One, two, three, he was shooting non-stop. He grinned. Kyle Rockwell couldn't believe that he would witness this. 

Kyle saw a man dashed like it would be his last time. He knew this man. The man ran so fast clenching his dark-blue spear. Black Lightning encircle and followed the man. His eyes were decisive, he only looked at his prey. 

Kyle couldn't control himself and smile. He didn't know why but he had these feelings that this man could end this destruction. 

He shot a barrage of Beam at the Dragon, he wanted to give Mikael the best path to the creature. His Beams touched the Dragon, disintegration and regeneration fought. When his mana was drained, he pointed his finger and said. 

"Go get him, Mikael! Kill that f*cking Lizard!" 

He yelled his voice out.

Mikael jumped. His weapon was telling him to crush the chest of the Dragon. He must destroy his Crystal!!

Fafnir realized that a person was coming to attack him. Memories of the past came pouring at him. He remembered the man who killed him. For a moment, he saw Sigurd. 


The Dragon extended his arms to prevent Mikael but his flesh was disappearing. Cedy was looking at him, he lost his divinity again. Mikael activated his Void Spear and the bones that blocked his vision were sliced like papers. 


This was the last word that Fafnir said before he died. 

Mikael stabbed his chest, the Dragon stumbled. Our protagonist yelled and cast his Lightning Spear, the chest exploded and he saw the beating Crystal, he stabbed the Crystal and cast another explosion. 


The Crystal began to crack into pieces. Fafnir tried to fix it but it was futile, he lost his strength. He died not knowing that his mortal enemies, the Gods, were already dead. His eyes lost their color and the Dragon was finished. 

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

Mikael heard the system notification but he didn't react. He forced his battered body. 

The Crystal detonated and blew up. Mikael flew and crashed to the boulder of rocks. He rolled and stumbled, he realized that he landed to where Furrneka was lying on. Mikael and smiled faintly and held her hand.

" I love you…"

He regretted that he couldn't say it when she was alive. 

( And here we go! Mikael did the last hit!

I just want to say thank you to, Haddouch and Dan!!!! My first goal has been achieved, yipee! With another five subscriptions, my second goal will be reached too so don't be afraid to subscribe to my Patreon!! 

Goal: 5/10 subscriptions

Rewards: three chapters, on Patreon only. )

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