Chapter 129

The reinforcement came. The Hunters saw that the battle was already over.  They helped the injured but they realized that no one was wounded. They were even dumbfounded when they learned that there was no casualty in the headquarters. 

Thousands of Hunters traveled to Africa. They felt the presence of a large creature but when they arrived, the Dragon was already dead. However, there were still undead that were continuing their assault so the Hunters' job was still not finished. 

The high heels stepped into the ground. Ai Biyu looked at her surroundings and frowned, she just used her private plane to get here but it seemed that her help was not necessary anymore. She saw the Hunters that fought the Dragon, Kyle and the others were full of dirt. 

She walked to them. Janna was lying on the ground but her wounds were already healed. She sneered when she saw the Guildleader of Long Guild. 

"Hmmp- so the Dragon Lady is already here. How does it feel that you proudly say you're a Dragon but you didn't partake in killing the real one?"

Ai Biyu looked down and she saw Janna lying next to the sleeping Francisco. She scoffed at her words. 

"Oh, I can't believe you're still alive. Look at your appearance, you look like a slut that was raped by hundreds of men. You shouldn't have fought the Dragon, you should have hidden in your little cloud."

She mocked the woman. Janna wanted to stand up and beat her but someone butt in. 

"This is not the time to fight."

Christian came in the middle of them. He was actually dizzy but he forced himself to stand. Ai Biyu and Janna hated each other, they always clashed when they were together. He didn't know the reason but whenever they meet, they always loved mocking each other. 

Kyle was just looking at them. He was drinking a high-grade tea, his face was covered with dust and dirt but his dignified expression was still on. He looked left and right to find his friend. He saw a man and woman holding each other's hands. He chuckled.

"Kuku, I don't know what will Niña do if she saw this. Mikael, you're a womanizer huh. "

He shook his head laughing slightly. This was not the time to talk to him. After all, he couldn't face Mikael. He did an irreparable wound. He threw Miriam away and forced Niña to assassinate the Elf Princess. He was the culprit of their misfortunes. 

He looked at them. Mikael and Furrneka followed Jubero and Sekena.




Yet they didn't know that there was an entity looking at the child and the man under the shadow. 




Furrneka was holding him tightly because of her anxiety. She didn't know why but she felt threaten whenever she thought about Niña. Mikael already kissed her but she still didn't hear the three words. Her heart would only ease if she heard it. 

They were currently following Jubero because they heard that the Patriarch was injured. 

Mikael saw Vania and Evie. Together with them, Mikael saw a beautiful woman who had nine tails. Only one thought crossed his mind. 

' Kitsune, my brother's fiance.'

Mikael was curious about the woman. Furrneka detected his expression and gaze, she followed his eyes and she realized that he was looking at Kitsune. Furrneka gritted her teeth and bit him, how could he look at the other woman when she was next to him? Hateful!

"Ow! Why did you do that?"

Mikael glanced at her but Furrneka didn't speak. She hated it whenever he looked at any other ladies, especially if they were beautiful. She couldn't believe that she was now having these feelings. Furrneka realized that she wanted this man for her. She would never let anyone steal him!

Mikael was confused why she bit him but Furrneka was only furring and grumbling. However, he already had experience in this situation. Whenever a woman is angry, you only need to cuddle her!! He snuggled her hair and kissed her neck.

"Nyah! W- what are you doing!?"

Furrneka blushed but she didn't stop him. Mikael chuckled and looked at her. He smiled and kissed her lips. 

"E- ehem! "

Vania coughed. She couldn't stand this kind of atmosphere. A man was a creature that a woman needed whenever she wanted companionship. Vania never fell in love that's why she never understand why couples were always happy whenever they snuggled. For Vania, men were tools to use. She was glaring at them.

Mikael shrugged and Furrneka kicked her tongue. They needed to use Vania's power to get to the Patriarch so they didn't say anything. Her apparel could carry 50+ people, she was a good transporter. 

Kitsune glanced at them. She saw Mikael and she felt like this man and her darling were identical. She didn't know that Mikael and Klein were brothers. Klein was always sad whenever he talked about his brother that's why Kitsune never ask him about his older brother.

She only met Grandma Tibano, the last relative of Klein. She was actually frustrated that she couldn't attend the funeral. The Elders of Beast Kingdom were scared that her powers would become stronger if she and Klein became close, that's why they always blocked their relationship. They could only meet thrice a year. 

However, now, the Kingdom was already fallen. Kitsune smiled whenever she thought about it. She could now meet her darling freely. While she was smiling, the two women came up with an idea to protect their lover from Kitsune. 

Sekena and Furrneka looked at each other. They were beautiful but Kitsune was on another level, they had these thoughts that perhaps Jubero and Mikael would fall for her. They nodded and made an alliance. They won't let this woman seduce their lover! 

"Hello, I believe I need to tell you my name. I'm Mikael, my brother is Kl- ooop ooop!"

Mikael tried to greet the Nine-Tails but threads covered his mouth and he couldn't talk. He struggled but the threads wrapped his whole body and he couldn't move. Furrneka punched his stomach. She carried his body and executed a suplex. Mikael lost his consciousness and faint. Furrneka had a smug of victory. 

Jubero witnessed it. His body shivered, he tried to run but he fell. He realized that his feet were tied. Sekena smiled at him.

"Babe, I think you need to rest. Don't worry, I'll wake you up when we're in the Kingdom."

"Ooppp ooopp!!"

He fought back but he was already captured. Threads covered him, the last thing that Jubero saw was the face of the two women. They were smiling but their aura was deadly. 

Evie hid behind Vania. She was afraid. She felt like she witnessed a murder. Vania shook her head. This was the reason why she couldn't understand her species. They would do anything to protect their lovers, and sometimes, it's in a disturbing way. 

Furrneka and Sekena smug. They looked at Kitsune and sneered, they felt victorious. Now, Mikael and Jubero won't be seduced anymore. 

Kitsune didn't care about them, she didn't even saw their murder-like scene. She was having fantasies about her darling. Her tails were wagging whenever she thought about Klein.

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