Chapter 163

"Did you see it!?"

An excited voice of a woman shrieked because she saw the love of her life, her feet kicked in the air as she sat on the sofa and kept screaming at the television. The three people behind her nodded because they didn't want to anger their mistress. 

Niña's eyes were shining, she watched in front of the portable TV, her face was so close to the screen and her three followers sighed because they couldn't see what happened to the battle. The head of their mistress was blocking the television. 

Maya and Kaya decided to make a coffee since they couldn't watch. Sasha was moving her head up and down, left and right to watch but her mistress was really obsessed with watching Mikael. Whenever she saw Mikael on the screen, Niña would beam and grin like a proud woman. Sasha wanted to ask her to move a little bit but she was afraid that a knife would fly at her. 

"You ugly! How dare you hit my Mikael!! Sasha write his name down! He will not see the sun anymore!"

Niña reacted when she saw that Mikael received an attack, she held her dagger and she wanted to kill someone...



Mikael's team advanced again, two more fights and they would reach the quarter-finals. Their past battles were so uneventful because Mikael massacred most of the enemies, the battle was too tiresome to explain since Mikael always won.

He exited the cube, many people cheer on him when they saw his face, their expression brightened and praised him. A lot of people became his fan, especially girls, they loved his nonchalant yet cool attitude. He was not a quiet and cold man like Colt, actually, he smiles a lot and many females fall in love just by seeing his smile. However, whenever he entered the battlefield, his face became fierce, he was still smiling but his smile was dangerous and hot. Girls kept screaming 'kyaaa!!' when they saw him. 

Many girls tried to flirt with him, even a female reporter tried to flirt with him live on cam. Still, Mikael only laughed at it and treated it as a joke, he already had two women and he loved both of them. 

… This was a secret but, two women made a rampage when they watched the reporter flirting with him. The cat woman pounced on the screen and the other woman stabbed the TV with knives, hundreds of knives, although Mikael didn't know it. 

Mikael gained fans and gained enemies too. Anyone who researched him could easily found that Mikael and Niña had a relationship, they were lovers. The Elves found that Mikael and Niña had a connection, they were discussing it. 

"Phew, another bleak fight."

Mikael came out of the stadium, his tough body stood and scrolling his phone, he was waiting for Klein. He was at the hidden place out of the stadium where people and reporters couldn't enter. This was a private place and only prominent and rich people could use this place. The silence still eased and calm his mind, although that peaceful moment ended quickly. 

"Hm? Who's there?"

He detected few people hiding in the vicinity. He easily discovered them since they didn't have any intention of hiding their presence. 

A group of people appeared and faced him, all of them were males but they had pretty face and you could almost think that perhaps they were women. The second thing that you would notice about them was they had long ears. 

The Elves appeared and approached him, their gazes didn't look friendly, they released negative auras aiming at him. They only had one reason why they wanted to meet Mikael. They wanted to talk about Niña, they wanted to know if Mikael still had a connection with her. 

One man stepped up, he looked handsome with his greenish-brown eyes and aqua blue hair, he had an indescribable presence and dignified posture, he treated Mikael as a nobody. Mikael squinted when he saw him, he could detect that this man was the strongest of them. 

Mikael deduced that the average level of these people was around 600- 700. However, the man who faced him had suffocating air, Mikael believed that he couldn't defeat him if he won't use his 4th Skill and Dragon Slayer. He didn't have a chance to beat this man if he won't go all out. 

"Mikael Tibano, I am Siegh, one of the thirteen Elders of the Elves. I am here to ask you if you still have a relationship with Niña and if you met her."

Siegh stared at him and he put pressure to scared the man, his eyes glinted deadly meaning. Mikael felt the pressure pushing him down. 

"Oi, oi, I thought that Elves had good manners. I didn't think that you will greet me with this."

Mikael grinned, the pressure was strong almost making him kneel, he decided to use his Title to fight it, his neck started to cover with golden scales. He stood like nothing heavy was pushing him down, he negated the powerful pressure. Siegh was surprised that Mikael didn't kneel, he looked and studied him, he found that Mikael started to have scales around his arms and neck. 

'The intel said that he only has Lightning power. Why does he have another Skill? Perhaps an effect of an Item or equipment, it seemed that he's lucky, he had a good Item.'

Siegh concluded.

"I'm sorry but we lose our manner when we talk to someone who didn't earn our respect. Let's just say that we didn't like your ex so we didn't like you too."

Siegh honestly answered, seeing Mikael made him recall the ugly face of Niña. Mikael was the older brother of Klein Tibano, Elder Siegh believed that Klein talked about Niña's crime to Mikael.  

"Ex… I didn't like that word, me and Niña didn't break up."

Mikael felt good, the pressure that was trying to crush was now massaging his body, his Title gave him a great deal. He looked at the Elder, his fingers were ready to summon his Spear at any moment. 

"Is that so, it seems that our information is wrong. Are you saying that you and Niña still had a connection, could it be that you meet each other?"

"What if I say yes? Are you going to -"


Seigh extended his hand to break his neck but he realized that he couldn't move, a gust of wind surged around them, his hand was stuck in the air. Three people appeared out of nowhere and strived and stopped him. 

"Narohodo, looks like you have good friends."

Three people stopped him from attacking Mikael. 

Jose was holding his rapier and he was pointing it to his neck, he was grinning but his eyes were vicious. In this distance, he could blow up Siegh's head. 

"Mikael is the captain of my team, you can't do that to him."

Chairman Renato covered Siegh's lower body with rocks. The rocks slowly going up to eat him completely. 

"You are not trying to touch my brother, right?"

The Ash Wolf was showing its fangs at them, he was growling and ready to bite at any moment. Klein patted his wolf and looked at these Elves with disdain. 

The Elves readied themselves and raised their concentration, three High-Rank Hunters appeared and there's a chance that this could turn into a battle.

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