
(Someone recommended that I should make Princess Belle's past a foreshadow and slowly pour them, but forgive me, I already wrote the story, and it would be hard if I changed it, I can not alter this chapter... Please endure this info/essay chapter.)

Chapter 166

Belle loved him, that's for sure. 

However, one thing happened. One day, she saw that Mikael was summoned to an unknown world. She started to saw the creatures, monsters, that were common in their world and Mikael was fighting these monsters. Mikael fought the monsters to return to his family but fate was cruel, he faced a Hobgoblin... He died, Mikael died and Belle saw it. She witnessed how the monster cracked his head and ate his brain. She screamed at that time almost turning insane, her tears burst out as she watched how horrible it was. 

Her heart shattered, she lost her power and kneeled, she didn't know if that vision was true or not, she didn't want to believe it. 


That was the last time that she saw Mikael. Her Vision stopped after that and Belle lost her reason to live. The only man that gave her hope and happiness died at the hands of a monster. 

She cried, shedding tears to the man that she deeply loved. Mikael was her everything, every time that she saw his face she would smile and forgot her loneliness, but that happiness stopped, her Vision ceased. 

At that time, she became lethargic as her eyes lifelessly stared nowhere, she became bedridden and never get outside. She locked in her room and lost time of the outside world, it took ten years for her to slowly move on. She only completely came out of her room when she found that her mother was dead. Belle was there when her mother was burned to ashes and returned to the soil to become one with the World Tree. 

Belle inherited her mother's books, while she was scanning and turning the pages of one of the books, she found something. She started to read about the concept of other worlds, it was a theory, an unproven idea. Still, Belle was interested in reading it, she lost her time reading the book. Then she decided to go to the Eternal Library of their family and studied anything related to the other/parallel worlds theory. Her mind gradually realized one thing as she found many studies.

"Perhaps the vision that I saw was from another world? A peaceful world where there are no monsters and Demons…"

The life came back in her eyes, Princess Belle started to study the parallel world theory. She wanted to go there, to the place where Mikael lived. She didn't know if Mikael was alive or not, but she wanted to see at least the place that he lived in. 

She spent all her time reading books, the other Elves felt that their second Princess was getting crazy and aloof as time passed. Some of them despised her, instead of helping and protecting the World Tree, Belle was busy doing nonsensical things. 

They lost their hopes in her and they all depended on the first Princess Celine, still, they slowly lose the war. The Demons were strong, so strong, and even the miasma that they created made them insane. Their world was getting corrupted and they couldn't stop it. 

As for Princess Belle, her studies started to pay off. 

"I can do this."

And another thing, her Vision came back again, furthermore, her Vision evolved causing her to see multiple futures of Mikael. This time, Mikael was with four people and they fought inside the Castle. Belle felt elated, hope brought back inside her and she was motivated to make the Portal, a Portal that would take her to his world. This was the structure that Belle planned to create. 



Many years passed, the Elves were on the corner, they were waiting for their end. They fought but they couldn't win no matter how much they faced the Demons, the corruption was on the edge and they only have one place to protect, yet even the World Tree was at its utmost end. 

But one person saved them. 

Princess Belle redeemed their hopes and enlightened them to their survival. She talked to the Elders and said that she needed one of the two True Seed of the World Tree so that the Portal would work. The Elders and Princess Celine accepted it, they would die anyway so they decided to agree. However, never in their mind thought that her invention would work. The Portal opened and created a door connecting the two worlds. They saw a beautiful yet modern world, a strange but captivating one, they arrived at the Earth and the Portal lost its power after escorting all of the Elves. 

This was how their story of migrating ended. 

But not for Princess Belle, her story was just getting started. She was excited because the Earth was the exact image that she saw in her Vision. High-rise buildings, odd machinery that could run faster than their chariots, and people who didn't have long ears.

But for Belle, all she wanted was to see Mikael.



People said that misfortune comes after luck, and it seemed like it is. Princess Belle learned Mikael was comatose and bedridden, despite her desire to go there, she controlled herself not to. Her Vision stopped again and it only awakened when Mikael opened his eyes after a long slumber. 



Belle had mixed emotions when she saw the man that she deeply adored walking into her. She touched her chest and endured the longing that she had. She swallowed her saliva, she was thirsty, she was thirsty of him. 

Mikael approached her and stood in front of Belle. He kneeled using one of his knees, he already experienced what to do if he met Royalty. You must kneel and show respect, it seemed that meeting the Royalty of the Beast Kingdom gave him an understanding. 

"Um, Hello, Princess Belle, I am Mikael Tibano…"

He didn't know what to say after that, even his introduction was impromptu. Belle curled her lips upward and nodded, she was excited deep inside. 

" You may rise."

She said. 

Mikael followed her command and stood up. 

"I am Princess Delabelle Zuri y Angsalvor… You can call me Belle or Zuri."

She said her Real Name even though it was taboo. As for the reason why she did it, only Belle knew it. 

Mikael didn't know that saying your Real Name was taboo in the species of Elves, he nodded and treated it normal. 

Belle clenched her umbrella unnoticed. Her heart was exploding and every beat made her delirious. She did it, she tricked Mikael without the man knowing. This was her first time tricking someone, and she did it with ulterior motives. She followed the Vision that she saw so that she could get him. 

It was funny because she couldn't believe that the Vision she saw was her, Furrneka and Niña happily talking with each other.  The ex-friend that killed her sister, it seemed that in the future, they would live together in harmony. Although this Vision was not constant and sometimes it changed in an image where one or two of them were missing… Yup, the future was not constant and it changes depending on how people choose or do. 

(A bit complicated hope you understand. )


The mission for this week:

[2/150 power stones in Webnovel: 1 chapter.]

I decided that to create a mission to make it a bit fun... Yeah, I just want to reach top 200 in weekly original ranking, okay. Anyway, I just want to say that every subscription in my Hunter Tier in Patreon will have one advanced chapter of MNPOTS. Here's the link: www.patreon.com/Puji_maki

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