Chapter 181

Tiffany started the ceremony. She put all of the mana stones on the dead bodies of the monsters. The mana stones were almost ten tons combined, this amount was hard to gather. Tiffany was amazed at the Shadow Demon who spent his time just gathering this, she whistled in respect. She clapped her hands and blew the dust away from her hands, she finished preparing. 

"Now, I guess I have to do it, huh."

She took out an instrument that Delorio gave to her, it was a black plute with tints of white, dark energy was coming out of the plute but Tiffany didn't care. All Delorio said was that she must play this plute-like thingy while thinking about the saddest memories that she had. 

Tiffany breathed in and she started playing the instrument, she remembered the time when she was watching on the television how her brother died. Mikael sliced Shawn into two and she witnessed how his body flopped on the ground together with his blood splashing. Tiffany lost her reason for living when she saw her brother losing his life on the screen. That was the most painful memory that she had. Tears fell from her eyes as she played the plute, her chest was tugging her. Even now, she hates Mikael down to her core.

The instrument started to make a sound on its own. Tiffany didn't have to do anything, the instrument created harmony and used her feelings, a crimson smoke came out of the plute and touched the mana stones. The mana stones began sparking and burned together with dead bodies. 

The blood of the monsters that were burning became smoke and merged with the crimson smoke that came from the plute. The smoke formed and became a sphere in the sky.

"Delorio... is this the existence that you are talking about?!"

The red blood sphere expanded in the air. The Portal was completed. Tiffany felt that a great existence was on the other side, her every hair was standing. She understood that something bad would come out. Tiffany gulped a mouthful of saliva, she was not afraid of death but this presence made her convulse.


A woman came out of the Portal, she had scarlet hair, crimson eyes, and a one-inch horn could be seen on the left part of her forehead. She was beautiful like a diamond. She looked down the place and easily realized that she was inside a mini-world. She scanned around and found that a woman was playing the Plute of Entrance. She descended on the land and faced the Tiffany, the ground cracked just by her landing. Tiffany smiled terribly, the source of her fear was this woman. 

"Are you the one who created this Portal?"

Lilith asked, her eyes narrowed at the burning monsters. She was surprised that someone would open a door for her.

"Y- Yes, I am."

Tiffany nodded, she was the one who did it anyway, her face was pale and she was having a hard time breathing. The presence of Lilith was enough to make her puke. 

"Is that so?"

Lilith scanned her up and down.

"Not bad, you have a different power inside you. It's close to us Methuselah, but your regeneration is stronger and faster. And something inside you is keeping you alive, interesting.… Even your blood smells nice, maybe your species are delicious. I guess we will not be hungry. "

Within just a few looks, Lilith understood the essence of her Skill.  Tiffany was sweating, she heard from Delorio that the one who she was going to meet named Asmodeus, a man. However, it looked like something was wrong. Instead of a man, the existence who was facing her right now was a woman. A beautiful woman who was spreading a deadly aura around the place. 

Tiffany didn't know what to say, her mouth was not moving. She experienced many things, and she died many times but this was the first time that someone gave her this dreadful feeling. She felt an endless power inside this woman. 

"Hm? Oh look at my manners, I'm sorry I didn't say my name. I'm Lilith Luxuria, the Queen of Methuselah, the Goddess of Succubus."

"H- hello…"

Tiffany didn't know what to say, the muscle in her mouth was tensing.

"Since you are the one who presents me this brand new world, I will give you a position in my order."

Lilith said, she wasn't the type who would kill without any reason. She had reasoning and she knew that the woman was afraid of her, she smelled the fear in her scent. 

"I don't know how the power system in this world work so I need your help, are you okay with that?"

She asked, but she didn't have to. After all, she could just kill Tiffany and hypnotized her. Or maybe she could turn her into a Succubus so that her loyalty would be certain. Lilith was waiting for her answer, no matter what Tiffany said, Lilith could get what she wanted. 

"I- I swear my fealty."

Tiffany kneeled and bowed her head on the ground, she didn't want to die. Her intuition was telling her that something horrible would happen if she won't accept it. 

Lilith smiled and liked her answer. It seemed like this woman knew how to live her way.

"Good... Now all of you can enter!"

Lilith commanded and thousands of people came out of the Portal. They looked different from each other but all of them had red eyes, that's the only thing that they had similarities. All of them landed on the ground and kneeled, surrounding their Queen. 

"From now on, this planet is ours."

She stated with confidence. She believed that this place was now her property. As a divine existence, she could get what she wanted.

"Yes, Your Highness!!!"

All of the Methuselahs agreed. Nobody could take this planet except their Queen. 

"We will take this place and turn it into our new home."

Lilith lifted her hand, a small red dot rotated in the air. It flew and penetrated the Eternal Cube, the place shook and a rift was created. The Cube was destroyed which caused Maya to explode. Maya died, her upper body disappeared, blood and flesh were the only remains that she had. 



The rift with a crimson shade was glowing. Delorio was laughing like a madman. Francisco was behind him, he was curious about what he was going to see. The truth was he didn't care about what's going to happen. The world, the Hunters, or the innocent people, he didn't care if they die. 

All he wanted was to spread despair,  he was a Demon who was moved by his instinct of doing horrendous things to others. Fuck being the "king of the world", he wanted to do evil things and watched as the world dyed with darkness. 

The rift opened and the strong presence slapped their cores. Francisco almost puked, he covered his mouth, this was the first time that he felt this. So much nasty, his sensation was. 

"Y- You!!! Why are you here!!!?"

Delorio became hysterical, his image of being crazy was none. This was the only time where he showed his true emotion. Delorio widened his eyes in shock to see the Queen of Methuselah!

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