Chapter 184

As the blow of a powerful Skill erupted over the city, the sky turned crimson and alien presences poured out of the rift. Two men felt the shaking, every strand of hair stood on their skins. Chairman Renato and Jose Pasodaro felt the presence of thousands of creatures descending. The atmosphere was suffocating and they started hearing screams all around.

The two men looked at each other, they were surprised, what possibility would a disaster fall down this city? It was unexpected that enemies would arrive and make war. Despite being experienced in battle, they were still surprised about this. However, instead of being afraid, they chuckled. Jose smirked and opened his Inventories, he took out the best rapier that he had. He didn't think twice about joining the battle, his teeth were shining because he was grinning like a madman.

"This is the first time that I will join a large battle like this, I'm excited."

He beamed, clenching his weapon. 

Chairman glanced at him and shook his head in acceptance, he could understand why Jose was excited. They didn't participate in any world-saving battle, all they did was leveling and protecting their own country. They raided many Dungeons and killed Bosses, still, they didn't feel the excitement.

But now, the battle was in front of them, and it was a large-scale one. Chairman replied to Jose's eagerness.

"I'm glad that I attend this tournament. Now, I can show to those bigshots that many hidden tigers are crouching and waiting for the right moment to attack."

Chairman Renato stood up, tapped Jose's shoulder, and asked him.

"Are you ready Jose?"

"I am ready Chairman."

"Good, now let's do this."

The two left the room. People said that there were only three dangerous Hunters who lived in their country, they were Klein, Miriam, and Rena. However this info was wrong, aside from them, two hidden storms were silently protecting the country. And now, these two wanted to show the world that their opinion was incorrect. 



"Hm? Just a couple of months passed since a Legendary Dragon attacked, and now another problem is here?"

Ivan yawned, he just woke up because of the strong power surging in the sky that caused the people to panic. He wiped his eyes and sat up, beside him, a beautiful woman was sleeping too... although the woman was cold.

"I guess it's time to add another species to my collections."

He took a robe and approach the window, he looked up and he found that the sky was blood red. 


Ivan Smirnov started his job.



The four people who were happily eating stopped their movements, their hands halted as they felt the danger released all over the city. All of them perceived the changes that were happening outside. 

Klein and Kitsune dropped their utensils, they came outside to find what exactly was happening. They widened their eyes when they saw the red sky and the demihumans showering down the city.

Mikael and Furrneka followed them. As Hunters who fought in the battle in Africa, they understood that this thing was a major situation. They saw hundreds of thousands of people falling down the sky… 

The destruction had come.



The rain of blood drove dropping as the Methuselahs destroyed the towering buildings. They didn't hesitate to kill the population, this was normal to them. They heard the screams of the people and they put them in silence.

"For our Queen!!"

The Methuselahs had the power to control their blood, they could turn it into a weapon or armor, this was their main power. Next to that, they had the ability to hypnotize their enemies if they looked into their eyes, although the hypnotism depends on mental capability. If the enemy had a strong mind, they could easily escape the state of being hypnotized. 

As a species who fought many times, they were naturally strong. Methuselahs had strong regeneration, especially if they drunk blood. Actually, it was their food, drinking blood. As long as there are animals or people close to them, Methuselahs could drink and their wounds would heal and their fatigues would disappear after drinking blood. 

So basically, the Methuselahs are Vampires. 

They were afraid of the sun. 

They could control blood. 

They had hypnotism. 

They drink blood, that's their food.

They had a strong regeneration. 

Yeah… they are just vampires… Idiot author changing their name into Methuselah, seriously idiot.

As the dead increased and destruction expanded, the people who saw the Methuselahs started to running, they understood that something bad was going on. The color of the sky was already enough for them to comprehend it, the blood sky represents death. 

They ran to escape the slaughter, however, some of them didn't have the time to respond. The enemies cast their powers and rain of blood fell and penetrated their bodies. Their blood dyed the street with red yet the Methuselahs didn't stop, their mission was to massacre them.

The people died just like that, the Methuselah exterminated them. Some of them feasted to the bodies, their fangs bit the neck of the people and drunk their blood. Their red eyes glowed under the crimson sky. Within just a minute, they killed thousands of people. 

"Is this another species that are trying to invade this land? Seriously, how many times did this happen? The Beastmen did this and now they are bowing their heads in front of IHA. Recently, a Dragon attacked us but he died too… and now, a group of blood bender? Although, I'm surprised that I can get experience points killing you."

Rena sighed, one of the Methuselahs saw her and dashed to exterminate her but the soldier was sliced into pieces, hidden blade hacked his life. The Methuselah died and his dismembered body landed on the street, Rena's Wind Blades were much sharper and faster than before. 

"This is going to be tiring..."

"Yeah, right. It's actually puzzling why different types of demihumans are appearing in our world. I mean we already have three and now these vampire-like people want to join too? Where should we put them?"

A woman replied to Rena's statement. A pillar of fire appeared and dozen of Methuselah were burned to ashes. They cried out before they lost their lives, yet their misery further went as the flame eaten them. Ai Biyu walked into the battlefield, she was wearing a red skirt and pink shirt, she was actually shopping when the Methuselahs came. She was holding shopping bags, they didn't burn even though Ai Biyu cast a pillar of fire around her.

Rena saw her carrying shopping bags and looked irritated, she could relate to her, she didn't want anyone to disturb her shopping too. 

"So the Dragon of China is here. I have an expanded box, if you want I can put them inside."

Rena offered her help even though she knew that Ai Biyu would decline, she only did it to show some face. 

"No thanks, I had my own expanded box and I believe this one is bigger than yours."

Ai Biyu shook her head, she didn't want anyone to touch her belongings, their value would reduce. She waved her hand elegantly although the words that came from her mouth were a mockery.

"Yeah right."

Rena shrugged, her prediction was spot on. She rolled her eyes and didn't argue around.

Ai Biyu glared at the Methuselahs while putting the shopping bags inside the cube. A Methuselah tried to attack her while she was putting them but an eagle made of fire ate him whole. The Methuselah shrieked and rolled on the ground, he died miserably, charred by the fire. 

"Don't disturb me, I hate people who don't have manners. Tch, fuck, because of you I remember an idiot who don't have a good attitude."

Ai Biyu kicked her tongue, she recalled Mikael, and she wanted to punch his face. She had an annoyed expression and her left brow was twitching in irritation. 

"… Why do I feel like I know the person that you are talking about."

Rena said as she had bad experiences with Mikael too. She nodded her head and agreed that Mikael was stupid.

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