Chapter 187

The Chairman proceeded walking, his figure moved despite the Methuselahs surrounding him. The Methuselahs who tried to attack him fall in the holes that had stakes under or pierced by the sharp rocks. Even if they reach him, the ground beneath them would crack and send them down the earth.

The enemies cry in pain and crawled to the ground, their bodies had gashes all over. They looked like livestock that was being butchered and impale. The Chairman approached Jose and Marilyn, his suit looked fine, it didn't have any dirt or hole. He was dazzling despite walking in the middle of disaster.

"Jose, how's it going?"

"Everything is fine, Chairman."

Jose chuckled. Chairman Renato was the hidden weapon of their country, a man who could modify the earth. Marilyn was still dumbfounded, her mouth was opened staring at the old man. She couldn't believe what she witnessed, she saw how the structures moved aside just to give way for him. The Chairman could fully control the earth.

"It seems like you did your mission well, Marilyn is here."

Chairman nodded and glanced at the woman, Marilyn was still shocked and couldn't comprehend what he meant. However, the old man didn't have time to calm her.

"Marilyn I want you to locate every citizen, tell me where they are and I will do the binding after."

" Huh?"

The woman questioned, her mind was still stuck at the magnificent scene earlier. She didn't understand what Chairman said, Chairman Renato decided to repeat it.

"Locate every citizen so that I can save them… I'm not confident if I can save all of them, but I will do my best."

The woman couldn't assimilate what he said by saying every citizen still, she followed him. She nodded her head a bit confused.

"… Okay."

Marilyn started, she cast her Skill and located the people. Her ears heard many sounds that distracted her but she focused on the noises of the people who were crying for help. The shiverings of their bodies, the weak sobbed they created, their movements making themselves smaller hiding from the Methuselahs. Marilyn found almost all of them, it was unfortunate that she could only locate them using her hearing. She knew that many people keeping quiet right now afraid that the Methuselah would hear them. That was the main reason why she couldn't locate all of them. Anyway, she did what she could. 

"I found most of them."

Marilyn confirmed glancing at the Chairman, she saw the old man stretching his body. Renato rotated his shoulders cracking his muscles and steady his legs, this would be a bit bumpy and turbulent. 

"Tell me where they are."



A powerful earthquake roused and shuddered the city. The buildings started wobbling like weak jellies. 

"What is happening!!?"

Mikael and Furrneka fall to the ground, the place was shaking and they couldn't stand. The shaking was strong and fast that even them, Hunters, feel nauseous. Their sense of direction was rumbled, Furrneka hissed like a feline. Her tail was standing, her claws were stuck deep in the ground. The world wriggled and it was fucking awful, Michael's head was aching so much. The trembling was too much to endure despite them being Hunters.


Klein shouted, he realized that he and Kitsune were moving, or to be precise the ground that they ducking on was moving. The ground moved like a rubric cube and changed location. Kitsune held Klein, even her senses couldn't cope with this strong earthquake. 

Mikael glanced at him, his saliva was dripping out of his mouth, he yelled at Klein.

"Don't worry about us!! Focus on finding a solution to this problem. You and Kitsune can do it!!"

Mikael shouted. He looked at the surroundings and realized that Klein was not there anymore. Mikael wasn't sure if they heard him, but he believed that nothing bad would happen to them. Kitsune and Klein are strong, Mikael perceived the devilish auras inside them. 

He sighed in relief when he found that Furrneka was with him, they didn't separate. Although the woman was hissing because of the earthquake, her animal instinct was kicking in.

The shaking gradually stopped and they felt relief, no aftershocks happened and it was confusing. They started to stand up, they were a bit groggy but they quickly regained their balance. Furrneka touched her head, it was aching, throbbing pain lingered in her head, and even now her vision was rotating. 

"Furrneka are you okay?"

Mikael looked worried. 

"N- Nyah! I'm okay…"

Mikael scanned her and nodded when he didn't find anything bad. He looked around the place, his eyes widened when he realized that the whole place changed. He didn't know where they were anymore. The buildings were everywhere yet it was confusing because Mikael remembered some of them and at the same time not. They thought that perhaps they traveled away from their location.

However, the most thing that confused him and Furrneka was not the place, instead, they didn't detect any presence of life. 



Chairman Renato changed the topography of the whole city, he created a puzzle and put the blocks in the right place. His two hands were on the ground, concentrating on each place that he must focus on. It was even a miracle that no buildings fall or destroy by the process. The Chairman took great care of the structures and no buildings dropped even though the earthquake was strong. 

Chairman found the normal citizens and moved them to the safest area. The place that he chose was the area where only a few Methuselah was fighting on. He swiped the Methuselah away and moved them to another place. After that, he started his mission, the surface moved fast and went to their respective place. 

Most of the citizens were in the southern part of the city, many Hunters would protect them because the stadium was near that place. This was the best plan that the Chairman could think of right now, his Skill had limitations and he could only control the earth at a certain distance. Still, what he did was impressive, changing the landscape of a city was like a work of God. 

As for the Methuselah, Chairman Renato put them all together in the northern part of the city. Some powerful Methuselahs didn't abide by the will of the earth but they were minorities. Overall, the Methuselahs were gathered in one place. 

The Chairman did all of this to give the Hunters a good starting line without worrying about the normal citizens. He then gathered the Methuselahs together so that the other could easily find them.

He put almost all of the civilians away from the battle, giving them time to evacuate. On top of that, he segregated the Methuselahs and put them together in one place, he did a  great decision.

Chairman smirked, what he did help many Hunters and made their job easier. With this, the Hunters won't hesitate to go full power. The Chairman staggered losing his strength in his knees and fell, thankfully, Jose was there to catch him. 

"You did a great job, Chairman."

The old man massaged his head, he was suffering from mana deficiency and he was having a sharp headache. Changing the topography of a city was not easy, and it will never be. 

He closed his eyes, he wanted to get some rest. It was sad that he won't be participating in the wide battle but it was fine. The important thing was that he saved millions of lives.

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