Chapter 189

The sky started to fill with creatures falling. They were the species of Methuselahs, their crimson eyes reflected the killing intent they had. Mikael and Furrneka were running but their focus was on the enemies that started to surround them. They dashed and confront the landing enemies killing them before they could start their movement. 

Their goal was to stop the advancement of the Methuselah. Right now, the rift in the sky kept pouring out soldiers. They understood that more miseries and destructions would rise if they let these Methuselahs do what they want. 

As they were busy releasing their flashes of lightning, a man descended at them. The man landed and cracked the surface, rocks flew but the couple parried them. Furrneka and Mikael halted their action and glance at the newly appeared man. 

"I am Count Redrose. I feel that you are worthy to fight me!"

The man announced and cast his power, flowers of red roses bloomed around him. The scent of the flowers traveled to them as the petals drifted and wandered over the place. Furrneka's vision started to darken, she caught a slight fragrance. She covered her nose so that she won't inhale it more. Her nose was sensitive so she easily caught the scent unintentionally. 

Mikael saw that Furrneka was affected. He helped her by swinging his spear, the scent that was going to them was swept away by the gust of wind. 

"Furrneka are you okay?"

Mikael inspected her. Furrneka shook her head because of the fuzzy feeling, she was a bit dizzy but she was fine. She regained her vision and glared at the Count.

"You thought that's the only power of my roses. Young lady, do you still clearly see your surroundings?"

Count Redrose questioned her, he looked in bliss as his red eyes stared at the woman. Just a few seconds and the effects would show. 

"What do you mea-"

Furrneka touched her head, a throbbing pain stabbed her. Since the earthquake, she was having a headache and it was getting stronger. And now, this man just made it worst, her head was thumping so much and it hurts, she felt like her brain was going to burst out. 

"You will know."

The Count didn't answer, he just watched and waited for what scene would Furrneka show. Furrneka touched her head, her mind started to set loose. She began to see images that she remembered, she saw her parents from far away. She turned blank as she recognizes their faces, she became cold and felt struck. 


Mikael shouted but she didn't react. Her eyes lost their concentration.

"Mother... Father…"

Furrneka shed tears, her complexion was severe as she was pale like a person who saw a ghost. She was staring ahead but it was obvious in her eyes that she wasn't in her right mind. Furrneka was having hallucinations, she started to extend her hand to reach her parents. Yet the truth was she was reaching her hands in the air aiming at nothing. But for the woman who deeply loved her parents, who witnessed how they sacrifice themselves just for her, who believed that she could return to their planet as long as she was strong, she easily accepted that they were real.

"I miss you…"

She cried, her tears dripped down, her heart longed for their touch. The lullaby of her mother that made her fall asleep, and the strong back of his father that protected her from the monsters, she yearned for them. She walked wobbly. She didn't see the incoming blood bullets that were going to kill her. The bullets dashed directly into her head but Mikael arrived and blocked all of them. He rotated his weapon and parried the deadly blood rounds. Mikael gritted his teeth, he was mad, he grabbed Furrneka and tightly hugged her. His vicious dark eyes glowed at the Count, he was reeking killing intent. 

"What did you do to Furrneka?!"

The Count who watched Mikael's outrage laughed. It seemed the woman had a miserable past.

"I didn't do anything bad to her, I just help her see the things that she misses and wants to see."

Count Redrose explained. His power could make someone go into a state of hallucination. A person who inhaled the scent of his rose would begin to see a hallucination of things that they wanted to see or have. 

"As I can see to her, she's having hallucinations about her parents. What a poor child. It seemed like she lost her parents… kuhihi. Don't worry, she will be with them soon. After I kill her, they would see each other again. Isn't lovely?"

The insane man smiled like a saint who was doing noble acts. 

Mikael glanced at Furrneka. She was crying and staring at nowhere. She wailed and kept calling her parents. Her hands repeatedly reaching in the air. Mikael's heart started to bleed, he didn't want to see her like this. He glared at the Count, his fierce eyes decided to punish him.

"What you did to my Furrneka, I will return it ten times. You will cry and call your momma!"

Mikael charged and jet black lightning followed him. Dozens of blood bullets traveled to shoot him but he activated his Lightning Strength and brushed them away. Mikael ran faster and reached the Count. He lifted his Lightning Void Spear and slashed the man. 

"So you are actually strong, young man."

The Count said, he moved his feet and evaded the Spear, the weapon hit nothing. The ground snapped with his leg movement and the Count used this time to kill the woman. He pointed his fingers and cast his blood bullet, however…

"Huh? My arm, it's not here."

The Count realized that his left arm was missing. He had a confused expression and looked at his blood-gushing shoulder. 

"Are you looking for this?"

Mikael was carrying an arm, the arm was bloodied and kept dripping blood. The Count's eyes widened as he smiled. It seemed like he underestimated his opponent, he lost this battle and even his life. 

"I see, so I didn't fully evade that attack. You slashed my arm and-"

Count Redrose couldn't continue his sentence, his head fell and flopped on the ground. His expression was crazy. He smiled like a man who lived his life to the fullest, it was disgusting. 

"You are wrong, that is my second attack. You didn't see my first attack because you are too weak."

Mikael nonchalantly replied. He didn't want to waste his time talking to the stranger who caused Furrneka to hallucinate. He killed him quickly because he could. He swung his weapon to take out the dirty blood. 

He turned back and went to Furrneka studying her. The woman was still crying but she was kneeling this time and saying nonsensical things. 

"Mother Father, forgive me, I will be a good girl now. Please return to me, I miss you. Furrneka miss you… I will never make you worry again, I will be strong to protect you… Mom Dad."

The woman wailed and scratched the ground. Her vision was out of focus. Mikael took a high-class potion, he was not sure if a potion would work but he decided to use it anyway. He uncorked the potion to feed it to her. However, something unexpected happened. Furrneka started muttering one word. She convulsed and slammed her fists to the ground. Her eyes returned their clarity but this was the premonition of a disaster, her saliva spat out as she condemned her enemies.

"This is because of the Demons, they are the ones who did this!!!! Curse them!!! Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon!!!!!! Die Die!!! Die!!!!!"

Furrneka screamed. Her body released a dark aura, emitting the negative emotions she had! She was beginning to become crazy, her mind was succumbing to madness. 


Still, the spirit inside her won't let this thing go easily. The Black Serpent came out of her body and electrocuted her. The Serpent understood that Furrneka won't be saved anymore if he let this thing be. Furrneka further screamed as the lightning made her suffer. She scratched her body and wounded herself, her blood flowed and she didn't care.  

"Demon Demon Demon Demon DemonDemonDemonDemonDemonDemon!!"

She repeated the word and she fought the Serpent, she unleashed her own power. Black lightning that was filled with Furrneka's hatred clashed and hit the Serpent. The Serpent cried in pain as his scale was damaged, Furrneka's fury was stronger and defeated him. The Serpent fell and lost its strength, his body started to merge with Furrneka. 

"Demon Demon Demon----!!!!"

A strong explosion rose and Mikael slammed into the building. The windows around her broke just by the aura she released.

Furrneka was standing in the middle of destruction. Her whole body was producing black lightning just like Mikael's Skill. However, one thing was greatly noticeable, there's a horn on her forehead. Furrneka started her Demonification.

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