Chapter 200

Miriam smiled while watching them. She was away from the battle but she could clearly saw what happened. She dropped her bow and sighed in relief. She thought Lane would be killed that's why she released her arrow. 

Miriam decided to use her weapon and shot an arrow to protect Lane from the Shadow Demon. The unknown arrow was actually from her, she shot into the sky and the arrow traveled. However, it seemed like Delorio had high intuition and evaded the arrow, but it still caused the Demon to lose his balance and gave Niña time to stab him. She protected her but sadly, the Shadow Demon managed to escape. 

"It's not important, we can have another chance to kill that Demon. For now, it's good to see my sisters fixing their relationship."

Miriam saw that Lane and Niña hugged each other. Lane was sobbing saying sorry and Niña kept patting her back. Miriam's heart fluttered watching them, it was unfortunate that she wasn't there. She wanted to hug them too.

"Fufu, I guess I'm still a child."

Miriam giggled, she was in the garden with her table, chair, and tea. 

"My job is finished for now…"

Miriam was actually anxious about Kyle and the others but she decided to put her trust in them. Her family was strong.

Mikael was slaughtering the enemies and his limit was none. 

Klein and Kitsune were fighting together and they devoured their opponents. 

Christian protected Kyle from any attacks, Miriam believed in Christian's ability, that man could defend Kyle. 

All of them were safe. That's why she decided to focus her attention on her sisters. Thankfully, she protected them before something bad happened. 

She eased her beating heart, she could only use the [Bow of Fragmented Gungnir] once a day. After that, she had to recharge it for a day. The weapon could travel across the earth but it needed time to recharge. Still, nothing change that this is the best weapon that Miriam could have. This Bow is the only one that had the power to reach the other side of the earth. Together with Miriam's Clairvoyance, the weapon reached its maximum potential. 

"Mistress Miriam, Lemar is already sleeping."

A maid disturbed her and said that Lemar was in the bed sleeping. 

"Thank you, please guard him."

"About that Mistress, Mrs. Hasvolge is there watching over Lemar."

Mrs. Hasvolge is Niña's mother. Horrible things happened to her and she became mute. Mrs. Hasvolge lived in Miriam's mansion and she was protecting her. Even now, many Hunters were still trying to capture Niña, and her mother is the best way to do it. Miriam prevented that from happening. 

"I see, so Auntie is there. Okay, you can leave now, Auntie will take care of Lemar."

The maid bowed and left her alone in the garden where the fresh breeze brushed. Miriam watched the maid completely leaving. After that, she opened her phone and dialed Niña's phone. She took a week just to get her new number, Niña always changed her phone number every month. 



Lane sniffed and wiped her tears. She couldn't believe that she cried like a child. She was not a child anymore, she rarely did this thing, crying that is. All the more than she bawled in front of her sister, she was embarrassed to look at Niña's face as she sniffed. 

Niña giggled watching Lane having a hard time, she recalled the child who always called her "sister". Lane changed but she's still Lane. No matter what, Niña would treat her like her little sister, the same as always. 

"You are really cute Lane, fufu."

"Mou! Sister stop, please."

Lane covered her face, she was bashful. She wanted to hide her embarrassment but Niña further laughed seeing her reaction.

However, her giggle ended when she heard her phone ringing. 

*ring ring!* 

Niña narrowed her eyes, she took out her phone and saw that the caller's name was unknown. Niña squinted and decided to answer the phone.

"Hello? Who is this? Eh, Miriam?"

Lane's eyes widened when she heard Niña. She turned around,  stared at Niña, and flinched when she confirmed that Miriam was the one on the other side of the call. As a high-rank Hunter, Lane heard Miriam's voice over the phone.

"Yup, this is me. Niña, you have the eye, right?"

Miriam's static voice asked Niña. 

"Yeah, I have it in my Inventories. Why? Do you want it? I can give it to you, although I have to finish my job here before doing that."

Niña didn't hesitate to give the eye. If Miriam wanted it, she would gladly give it.

"No no, I don't need it. It's disgusting… ehem anyway, I believe that eye has a pair."

Miriam said. She remembered the battle that Mikael and Francisco had.

"I think Francisco had the other eye, I saw him holding it."

"Yeah, you are right."

Niña agreed and recalled how Francisco bullied Sasha, she gritted her teeth. If she ever saw that man again, she could slice his head off. His appalled yet grinning face was irritating to remember.

"I saw Francisco using that eye when he fought Mikael."

Miriam saw their battle, Mikael ended Francisco's suffering. Francisco had a peaceful expression when he died.

"Eh?! Oi, what do you mean by that? Did Mikael and Francisco fight? What happened, is Mikael okay?"

Niña's voice trembled, Mikael was strong but she couldn't help being anxious. If something bad happened to Mikael, her heart would fall apart. 

"Niña relax. Mikael is fine, he killed Francisco."

"I see… So he killed that bastard, huh. What a waste, I want to torture him but I guess it's fine. Mikael's the one who killed him anyway, it means that he avenge me without him realizing it. Hey, did he died miserably, that Francisco?"

Niña wanted to know, Francisco and Shadow Demon killed Maya. She wanted to know if Francisco suffered before he died. She didn't have any mercy to the people who did her badly. 

"… Don't ask me that, he is dead already, just leave it like that."

Niña nodded, she was a bit dissatisfied but she left it like that. 

"Miriam, what's the reason why you call me? Is it because of the other eye, you want me to find it?"

"Yeah, I'm still not sure about the full potential of that power but maybe it can stop the Rift."

"And how did you know about the eyes? I only know that this eye had the power to prevent my Skills, where did you get the information about it."

She wanted to find the answer why Miriam knew the eyes. Never in her life did she experience losing her Skills, but this eye gave her that experience. She was curious.

"It's a long story, let's just say that Ice Empress visited me and inquire about a child..."

Miriam's voice was sullen, she found what was happening to Yuuki right now. The Japanese woman was hunting the culprits, she didn't know that the culprits were actually here in Rio. Even Miriam only realized it when she saw how Francisco used the eye. She realized that Francisco and the Shadow Demon are the murderers who killed the children. 

"What? Explain it to me, okay."

Niña's forehead furrowed, she was curious.

"Just find the other eye. After this, I will explain everything to you."

"… Fine."

[Happy 200 chapter!! how about it? Should I drop this now since I already wrote 200 chapters anyway? This is a milestone, wow... Anyway, thank you for continuing reading this shitty novel. I know I still have many things to improve, but I hope you will never get tired reading. I know I'm busy right now and can't update on schedule anymore but I hope you'll understand. Anyway, thank you again.]

[Can I have a favor?]

[Please give your honest opinion about the series. You can give a review, in fact, I'm begging you to. To be honest, I'm expecting that most of you are going to say that this series is mediocre at best and maybe you'll add that the grammar is shitty. It's okay, I'm not going to get angry. Actually, even I am thinking of writing a review... I'll put all of the negative ones. Yeah, let's do that. Fuck all the positive reviews, they are trolls and fake. The true reviews are those who said discouraging words and forcing the author to stop.] 

[Let's all roast this series, thank you.]

[And hopefully end this.]

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