Chapter 203

Christian walked into the area where Kyle stayed, he chuckled as he saw dead bodies around. As a man who experienced many battles, Christian was used to seeing dead bodies. He didn't feel anything as he saw their blood, flesh, and organs flopped on the ground. For him, this is normal scenery, he strolled with no problems and didn't give another glance at the bodies. 

He saw that Kyle kept shooting Beams onto the area where most of the Methuselahs dwelled. Christian was a bit happy, seeing Kyle alive, he breathed a lot and exhaled after. His burden lifted up, washed away. As long as Kyle is alive, Christian knew that everything was going to be fine. Kyle is a crazy person but he is a great man, he did prove himself many times and saved the world many times. Besides, he was afraid that Miriam may aim her bow at him if he let Kyle died. That woman may look decent but she was crazy inside.

'Well, all of us are crazy anyway. After all the time we spent together, almost dying many times, who will not be crazy? Even Lane became coldhearted after we separate."

Christian sighed. He didn't regret becoming a Hunter but he regretted that he was not stronger enough to protect the team they made. 

"How's the fight? Did you kill the Duke?"

Kyle glanced at him and asked about the Duke Sanguine. Kyle understood the danger of fighting a Duke. 

"Do I look like dead to you?"

Christian spread his arms, he showed that he beat the Duke. 

"He was strong but he didn't know my way of fighting. He thought he can kill me if he got close and I used that idea to kill him. I dismembered his body."

"As always, you're a gruesome man. How could you do that to a person?"

Kyle replied while shooting at the buildings, the debris fell down and crushed the Methuselahs. 

"Pfft- says the one who made this mess, don't you see the dead bodies of the people you killed? How can you say that I'm gruesome yet you are far worst than me?"

Christian returned the insult but Kyle didn't answer him. The man was busy aiming at the enemies. 

"Hey, can you still fight?"

Kyle asked him because he knew that something big would come. Christian made a thumbs up.

"I drunk a mana potion and my body can keep up, I can fight another Duke if I want to. How about you? Using your Skill that long will be hard for you."

The regressor smirked at his question. Kyle thought that Christian's question was funny.

"You don't have to worry about me. All you have to do is to be conscious of your body."

"… Okay. And? What is it this time? I know that you will not ask me that question if you don't need my help."

Christian narrowed his eyes.

"You have to reserve your strength, the real enemy is still not here."

"Haysst, as I expected."

Christian sighed, of course, there are more enemies to come. He should have been accustomed to this kind of stuff. Since the time he met Kyle and the others, his common sense slowly crumbled. 

"If I count it, it should be many… where should I start? Ah, first, Mikael's slaughtering the Rank 5, the attack of the Hydra, the Beastmen War, the fuckers who tried to kill us, the incident of Colombia, and Bone Dragon… this life is getting fuck up."

He recalled the moments where things got bullshit and deadly, the world would surely crumble if not because of their efforts. And Kyle was the crucial factor why they accomplished many impossible feats, this man in front of Christian was the main reason. 

"What do you think, are you in or not?"

Kyle asked his vice-leader, Christian didn't have any choice, he nodded with defeat.

"First tell me what type of monstrosity will we going to face this time."

"About that, you can say that it's a Chimera, strong one. You have to be wary about its eyes, they are dangerous. "

Kyle recalled the monster that sucked the souls of the people. When the monster first appeared, its eyes gazed upon the people and the innocent people lost their lives, they fell like puppets that strings were cut. Kyle was a bit afraid to face this monster because of its powerful ability. The Manticore, or the man-eater in ancient Persia. The Manticore sent destruction when it landed on the city, it absorbed the lives of the people and turned into a massive calamity. 

"If that thing descent, throw all of the things you can throw. Distract it. I'll be the one to end the monster."

Kyle explained his plan, the plan was simple but hard to execute, the Manticore won't let things go easy. Just by a glimpse, the Manticore could absorb the life of a person. Except that, the Manticore had strong regeneration, it had to be killed by one shot, or else the Manticore would regenerate. 

"Got it, all I have to do is to distract it right?"

"That thing will become larger as it absorbed souls. Fortunately, the citizens are now in the safest location away from the battle, the Manticore will not get bigger."

While they were busy talking, a Methuselah appeared behind them and made a surprise attack. The Methuselah dashed and aimed at their hearts.


However, his movement stopped a couple of feet away from them. Christian extended his hand and prevented the Methuselah from moving. The enemy grunted in pain as the invisible forced crushed him, the Methuselah slowly kneeled until it fully lied on the ground, Christian didn't hesitate and pulverized him. The blood exploded and the Methuselah died just like that. 

"You are really merciless, did you know that?"

Kyle commented.

"As I say, you are worst than me."

They bickered, it was a mystery how could they argued while they were in the middle of a crisis. Perhaps this became a normal occurrence to them. To relieve the pressure of the battlefield, they had to argue. 

"Anyway, let's return to our topic. Christian, you should always aim at the Manticore's head, the eyes to be exact so that it can't use its power. If you can do that, I will make sure that I will kill it with one shot."

"Are  you sure you can kill it with one shot?"

Christian asked just to make sure.

"Kuku, I have to-"

{No you don't have to.}

A voice echoed inside their heads which caused Kyle to stop talking.

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