Chapter 210

As the Manticore was busy hunting others, he didn't know that he was being hunted too. His gigantic body traveled around the city and with every step he took, the ground shook a bit. His eyes lit up in the darkness, like a signal light in the shoreline, gazing upon the incoming ships. However, instead of being a lantern of a path, the eyes became the lantern of death. Seeing and stealing souls away from them, a grim reaper in a hideous body of chimera. 

The Manticore's feet moved as his eyes were swaying left and right, looking at the living people around him. Before the people could react, their bodies lost their strength and plunged into a permanent rest. They close their eyes as they died peacefully. Either Hunters or Methuselahs, they were deprived of their souls and met their end, they flopped to the ground like dolls.


The horrible monster terrorized the night. However, he didn't know that his death was coming too. 

"For the Princess."

A drop of water dashed, darting with the utmost speed, and pierced the Manticore's left eye. Compare to the size of the Manticore, the water droplet was far smaller, yet the small liquid stabbed him and penetrated his eye. The Manticore whimpered wailing as the pain in his eyes kept stinging him. 

"Giiyyyaaarghhhh Giayayahhhh!!"

The monster created screeching screams, filling the city with its suffering. The small drop was moving inside his head and kept damaging him. He fell and started writhing in pain, he felt horrible. He felt like an alien parasitic lifeform was invading his body and destroying his insides. How could a tiny particle do this? 

However, his suffering didn't end with just a simple shot. He was too focused on his pain that he didn't know that he was being surrounded by hundreds of water bullets. Before he could understand what was happening, the bullets rained down into him, a barrage of shots hit and punctured his body. The Manticore wanted to do something but his body started to become heavy. He couldn't move his body, feeling like boulders of rock were on top of him. 


The monster shrieked, furious about his current condition. He was being shot down by hundreds of bullets and his body couldn't move, how miserable he was right now. His body became a beehive, putting hundreds of holes mercilessly, his blood made a pool around him. He cried, his face was human and the pain was visible in his expression, tears were coming out of his eyes, he was tortured.

Fortunately, the barrage stopped after a couple of minutes. It seemed like the man who cast this Skill couldn't keep it forever. The holes in his body were disappearing, he was lucky that the bullets didn't kill him. Still, the Manticore was in a state of being a statue. He couldn't move because the water inside his body prevented him from moving. 

His wails sounded lonely in the middle of the night, it felt like a dog was abused and left alone dying, although the Manticore was not a dog at all so nobody care. Even the Methuselahs who heard his wails didn't help, only an idiot would help a monster that could kill them with his sight. 

As time passed, the Manticore gained control over his body. He could move now although a bit tipsy, he shook his head and looked at the place. The monster narrowed his eyes realizing that the city was covered with a thick fog, he tilted his head. He was confused, earlier the city was clear even though it was night, but now the fog was covering the whole city, his vision was blocked. 

He gritted his teeth in frustration. This was not good for him, his main power is that he could absorb souls by looking. If he couldn't see them, his power won't work, and in this fog where he could only look 10 meters ahead, this was bad. 

He realized the seriousness of this problem, his vision was impaired in the situation. If he couldn't use his main power, then he had to utilize his strength and size, this was the best thing he could do. 



"Is this enough Princess?"

Elder Siegh asked in the sky, he was sweating a bucket. He just cast his Skill at the Manticore. He was surprised to see that the monster was alive despite his barrage of bullets. Elder Siegh had the intention of killing the monster but it seemed like he failed. The monster had a high vitality, perhaps the souls he eaten increased his regeneration too. 

{It's already enough.}

An angelic voice confirmed his words.

"I'm surprised to see that there is a monster that can absorb souls by looking, what a frightening ability."

The Elder gasped as he tried to recover his power, he did two powerful techniques just now. The first was the barrage of bullets, and the second was this city-wide fog. He spent a great amount of mana just to do that, especially the latter. Covering the city with fog was hard. On top of that, the fog didn't have offensive ability except blocking the vision of the Manticore, this was the only job of the fog. 

However, he still did it, he believed that the instructions of Princess Belle were spot on. Using the fog was the best way to prevent the Manticore to become stronger. 

{Elder, this is enough, you don't have to fight anymore. Just believe in me, I will do my best to end this.}

The Princess said without a hint of hesitation. She created many simulations in her head and this was the best answer she could get. She must put her everything to accomplish the 0.000001% possibility she wanted, and this was her first step. Sometimes, knowing the future was not good. She saw many visions, and most of them were devastation. 

{I notified the Elves who had water elements to maintain the fog. You don't have to push yourself Elder Siegh.}

"As your wish, Your Highness."

Princess Belle added as she clenched her fists in anxiety. It was ironic how she could encourage the Elder yet she was afraid too. Since she knew many possibilities, she was the one who was scared the most. Especially about Mikael, she saw how many times he would be injured in this battle.

{For now, take the other Elves away from the monster, and if the monster tried to go to the evacuation again, I want you to inform this man…}

Her firm voice said and commanded the Elder. 

"… I will do my best to meet your expectations."

Elder Siegh was confused why the Princess gave him instruction like this, but he decided to listen to her. 

{Thank you, Elder Siegh.}

Her sincere voice mumbled around. She understood that Elder Siegh was perplexed and he was moving cluelessly. On top of that, the Elder used his power to stop the monster even though he could use it in different methods. With his power, he could kill thousands of Methuselahs alone but he spent all his mana on the monster. 

"No, it's my duty to follow your will, Your Highness."

His voice was firm and determined, he put all his trust in Princess Belle. He believed that she had a valid reason why she was doing this.

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