[Headsup about my two other novels.]

[The first one is a gore-action, the title is-- Reincarnation: Human/Weapon/Beast. A.K.A. I became a sword and a monster.

I like Soul Eater so I decided to make a story similar to it although I added some concepts, like transforming into a beast. The Mc is a weapon/beast, just like in Soul Eater he has a partner that will use him. His partner is a female by the way, it's a spoiler but not vital. ]

[The second is a *cough* smut *cough*, the title is-- The only fuel is using the D.

Welp, I created a poll in a chapter in MNPOTS asking if they like to read smut and most of them answered yes. Still, I'm reluctant to write smut about them( Niña and the others) because I don't want to tarnish their image, you know. Once you see a woman in a lustful way only, you will lose your respect and I don't want my readers to become that. So instead of making a smut scene, I decided to create a new story focusing on smut.]




Chapter 215

Mikael groaned as the poison crawled in his veins, making him lose his strength. On top of that, his berserk mode was going to end, the time was ticking yet he couldn't prevent it. The nauseous scent of the monster's breath lingered, Mikael wanted to slap the dirty face of the Manticore but he couldn't. Even lifting his hand was hard, he was caught this time. And perhaps this would be his last time experiencing this. 

The Manticore's lascivious tongue wriggled and approached him. Mikael was dangling in the air as the tail was deep inside him and lifting him up. He further coughed blood when he was moved, his body gradually reached the mouth of the monster. Or so he thought, the hidden power inside him awakened, the Fourth Skill erupted and made a move. Mikael started to lose himself, his eyes ignited and flashes of lightning bolts cracked, the lightning wanted to come out. The monster felt that something was changing in Mikael, he injected more poison to subdue him.

Mikael's blurring mind completely cut off, he would become a living disaster… however, a hoarse voice awakened him. A magnanimous yet worried female voice shook his heart. 

{Mikael--!! Stop!!}

Mikael regained his focus, vigor returned in his eyes and he glared at yellow teeth that were trying to chomp him down. The Fourth Skill's effect dissipated but it was fine, Mikael regained his energy anyway. 

"Fuck this shit!!"

Mikael cursed the monster with his throaty utterance and raised his arm. The Spear that he dropped earlier materialized in his hand. Mikael channeled his mana and cast a Lightning Spear, the lightning made an omnidirectional burst, but most of the damage landed on the Manticore! 


The monster released Mikael and yelped, he kicked Mikael away and ran. The Manticore's mouth was scarred, his tongue was hanging weakly attached to his throat. Tears shed as he escaped, he decided to leave Mikael. The man was still struggling even though his death was imminent. The Manticore didn't want to eat him anymore, he was afraid to eat him. Besides, even if he doesn't eat Mikael, the man would die anyway since a great amount of poison was injected inside him. His heart would stop beating together with his nonfunctioning organs. 

The massive shadow of the monster slowly dissipated in the fog, the monster's mission was to eat people not to suffer. He could become stronger if he continued consuming souls.

Mikael was left in the middle of nowhere, debris was all around him. Mikael grinned as he felt victorious, the last ounce of his strength, he spent it in that attack. Although the outcome was imminent, Mikael took pride that he wasn't eaten. He coughed again and spat blood, this time the blood was colored violet, an odd color that meant death. He stared at the sky but it was unfortunate that he couldn't see the glimmering stars. The fog was too thick and blocked his vision. 

"I'm sorry…"

Mikael wanted to say something but his mouth stopped moving, even his eyes were unfocused. His vision darkened and death started to embrace him.


Mikael felt that someone was tugging him but he couldn't see her. He didn't hear the sound of the anxious woman beside him who kept calling his name. Mikael fainted and completely lost his mind to reality.


The silver hair brushed on his bloodied body, the woman started doing her best to keep him alive. As a person who saw different possibilities, she knew that there was a chance that Mikael would be poisoned, that's why she had a special concoction that she created. 

However, her heart couldn't keep calm, it was pounding crazily. Even though she knew that Mikael would be hurt, her chest was still agonizing despite readying herself. Her tears started falling on Mikael's chest, her trembling hands opened the bottle and put it in her mouth. 

Princess Belle understood that Mikael didn't have any strength to drink the concoction. She put her lips on his and her mouth did the binding. She was afraid, so afraid, seeing Mikael suffering was too much for her. Sometimes, the thought of facing him and begged him not to fight lingered in her head.

However, she duped those ideas. In the first place, Mikael didn't know her, they were just strangers. She would look insane if she suddenly kneeled and talk to him intimately. Princess Belle's tears landed on Mikael, but the man was peacefully sleeping.

"Please, Mikael... Don't leave me again."

She sobbed looking at him.

Princess Belle can't let him activate his Fourth Skill here. Mikael can eradicate this place with one swoop, it will be detrimental if that happened. He needs to meet HIM first.

After a couple of minutes, the huffing Princess wiped her lips and breathed in relief. Mikael was saved, the poison around his body melted, and defeated by the concoction. Princess Belle had mixed emotions while looking at the sleeping man. She bent her head and kissed him, the contact ended after a few seconds and the Princess stood. She had a stone expression devoid of any feelings, she had to become stronger. 

She stumbled and forced her limped body to advance, it would be painful but she didn't have a choice. The next scenes would be brutal for her.

"This outcome can still be saved, it's within the expectations. But I have to cope and act depending on the circumstances... Still, I hate to do this."

She clenched her fists and blood dripped in the cracks of her fingers. She couldn't accept that the one who Mikael was going to see first was the woman who killed her sister! Despite the things, despite saving Mikael, the one who would take the glory was Niña! 

Princess Belle bit her lips and a tint of blood escaped, her wobbly walking looked miserable. She started to wipe the tears from her eyes. 

"The worst thing is… I have to hurt him later on. I hate this! Why do I have to do this! Letting Niña become his savior while I'm going to be the enemy… I don't want to hurt him."

She sniffed and covered her face, this was too much for her to endure. Her heart was tearing apart as she knew that she didn't have any choice but to become a woman who would hurt Mikael. She clutched her chest as she sobbed in the middle of the mist, her silhouette was pitiful.



"Miriam, can you still find where the eye is?"

Niña looked at the thickening fog, the place was starting to get blurry and their vision was impaired in this situation. Thankfully, they had a great navigator. 

"I can, although you have to hurry because even my Clairvoyance won't work long in this place."

In the span of eight years, Miriam could see the place without using a person as a medium. She became a complete satellite where her eyes could see the world in bird's eye view. But this power had a big weakness, she couldn't see the place if it was unclear in the first place. Just like this, her Clairvoyance couldn't penetrate the fog anymore, and she could only use Niña and Lane as a medium. In short, her vision was obstructed, but it was fortunate that she remembered where the eye was. 

"You have to hurry, perhaps another person will get the eye. If that happened, it will be harder to locate it."

(let's just say that Princess Belle is like Doctor Strange, Doctor Strange knew the future of the Avengers: Endgame but he kept quiet about it just played his role. Princess Belle was trudging the future just like him.)

(Why is Gamora?)

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