Chapter 230

[Quest Completed]

[Reward: 5 levels each Hunter who participated.]

[Reward: The Queen accepted the alliance. From now on, the Methuselahs are certified people of the Earth. XP won't generate anymore even if they are killed.]



A powerful gust of wind shook them, the light was so strong that it forced them to close their eyes, afraid of being blind. Even the fog that was covering the city was washed away. As for the people in the evacuation, they flew as the force erupted. Although other Hunters saved them from getting injured.

The sun started rising up, and the battle ended after. Their vision returned and realized that the whole city was destroyed. The debris of the buildings was all around the ground, the road cracked and blood painted most of the place. Whenever they shifted their head, all they see are the dead bodies on the ground. The battle ended but both sides suffered major damage.

The Methuselahs lost and their species would surely suffer. It was good that the red sky veiled the place or else they would further lose their power.

As for the Hunters who fought, they felt that energy enveloped them. A notification stated that they leveled 5 levels. Some of them grinned when they learned that they earned rewards defending the city. However, most of them didn't feel any joy, the city was destroyed and millions of people died. Despite winning, they didn't feel any urge to celebrate.

"Look! The red sky fade away!"

One of the people pointed his finger at the sky, they followed him and realized that the red sky slowly vanished. The normal blue sky returned resulting in them sighing in relief. This meant that the battle was over.

The Methuselahs who saw the sky started running away, the weaker Methuselahs knew that their skin would be burned if the sun touched them. However, nothing happened, despite being hit by the sunray, their skin didn't feel any irritation. They looked at the sun… they were shocked that they could actually see the sun!

"T- This! I don't feel any drawback even I'm under the sun!"

"W- what's happening?"

They were confused and surprised at the same time. They were anxious yet excited, they had mixed emotions while being under the blue ocean sky. Methuselahs lived in the darkness as the sun burns them, but this planet didn't have any effect like that.

The Counts and the Dukes who were still alive had contorted expressions. As high-ranking Methuselahs, they understood the meaning of this.

"Our Queen lost…"

The protector accepted them as a population of the planet. This meant that Queen Lilith agreed to the pact or perhaps she was forced to accept it. They knew that the Queen won't accept any kind of alliance, she won't bow her head to anyone. Even in front of the Seven Demon Lord, she won't bow.

"This means that she lost, the Queen won't accept any agreement of coexistence. She's a greedy one."

One of them sighed. Some of them were happy being touched by the sun but the high-rankings are not happy at all. Not being affected by the sun meant that they lost the battle and completely became under the jurisdiction of this planet. Overall, the Methuselahs started finding their comrades… some of them realized that their friends died. They knew that they were under the war but seeing your friend on the ground, lifeless and not breathing was hard to accept.

"Hoh, so the leader of these pipsqueaks lowered her head and joined the Earth."

A charming voice resounded and the Methuselahs who heard it stopped their movements, Kitsune started walking together with Lane and Klein. Veins appeared on the forehead of the Methuselahs as they were insulted. They lost the battle but it seemed like someone was asking for more. They won't accept any humiliation about the Queen, one of them tried to raise his weapon but a strong voice stopped him.

"Stop this!"

8 figures appeared, their clothes were in tatters but that didn't stop their dignified stature. They were the remaining Dukes, one of them stepped up and present his name. He had white hair and red eyes, the Methuselahs who saw him started parting and gave him a path.

"I'm Cassius Vladimir, the oldest Duke."

"Hmmp! So what? I don't listen to the group of people who lost their leader."

Kitsune replied, she spent her mana but she was not afraid to talk to them. Kitsune met the protector once and she understood that the little girl had strange abilities that even she was not confident of facing. This time, it seemed like she won the battle and defeated the Methuselah's leader.



"But Duke, she's degrading our Queen-"

"The Queen will be more humiliated if she knew that her people couldn't control their emotions and lost in a conversation!"


The intense and thick voice of Duke Vladimir reverberated which caused the others to twitch. He released an aura that was telling them to shut up.

"As a new member of this planet, I humbly apologize for the commotion."

He bowed his head and the other gasped. Since Queen Lilith accepted to be under this planet, then their fate was already tied in this world. The other Dukes understood this as well and they bowed their heads too. Actually, they were surprised why the protector of this planet wanted to create an alliance instead of making them slaves, she defeated the Queen and could force her to create a pact. But instead of doing that, she made a fair transaction. Them being not affected by the sun was the first evidence, and lifting up the experience points rewards was the second.

This indicated that the protector was helping them instead of punishing them.

As the leaders of their species, they understood that lowering their heads was the best option, for now. Methuselahs were prideful creatures so they would return this favor ten times.

Kitsune and the others saw their behavior, they saw the sincerity although some hidden intention was mixed. Kitsune scoffed watching these people, they were pathetic.

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