Chapter 232

Niña was curious about the Item but Mikael was resting his head on her lap, and for her, being with Mikael was better than trying to identify the Item. Despite walking for only ten seconds and inspect the wriggling thing, Niña decided to stay with Mikael. She shrugged and brushed Mikael's hair, the man innocently nuzzle on her, he rubbed his face close to her, and Niña giggled watching him. She understood that Mikael needed rest than a healing potion, the potion won't work on him since he drunk dozens of them earlier.

The corners of her lips raised up while looking at him, she wanted to stay like and watched him sleeping. However, someone came and disturbed their babe-time. Klein appeared on the crater, he was riding his wolf and approached them.

"Niña, I heard from Lane that you are with Kuya-"

"Tch, yeah, I am."

Niña kicked her tongue causing Klein to stop talking. He looked at her and realized that she was glaring at him while smiling, Klien's hair stood and immediately understood that he disturbed them. He felt a cold sensation on his back, he was sweating. How ironic that the man who threatened the Methuselahs earlier was afraid of Niña. Well, Niña is a Yandere so he had enough reason to be afraid. Although Klein has a Yandere-fiancee too. 

"U-um, am I disturbing you?"

He asked while stuttering.

"No, it's fine."

Niña waved her hand, Klein was Mikael's little brother. She didn't want to show any bad behavior in front of him, anymore... Since the time Mikael became bedridden, Niña turned into a bloodthirsty sadistic woman. Niña wanted to change her image, she promised to herself that she must become a great sister-in-law.


Klein swallowed his saliva as he sensed the determination from Niña. He didn't know what she's planning but he hoped that it won't be related to any carnage.

"By the way thank you for helping my brother."

"It's nothing, I'm ready to do anything for him. Anyway, Klein can you bring that Item here."

Niña pointed her finger into the wriggling thing, Klein turned his head and found that a strange Item was squirming on a spot close to them. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the Item, he approached it as his brows further crease. He was perplexed and didn't know what this thing is.

He stretched his arm and touched it, the thing was still moving even though he touched it. Klein felt a soft texture, the gelatin-like substance was soft and continued wriggling. Klein tried to read the description but he couldn't read it. In fact, he couldn't open the description.


[Can only be opened by the owner.]

Klein didn't know anything about this so he turned around and asked Niña.

"It says error, the owner is the only one who can read it. Niña, what monster does this Item come from and who killed it?"

Perhaps he could understand it if he knew what monster and who killed the monster. Although he already had clues about who killed it, Klein was more curious about what monster it was.

"Mikael killed it, I think he called it Manticore. It had the power to eat souls using its eyes, it was certainly a dangerous monster."

She explained as she had a proud expression, she was proud that Mikael defeated a powerful monster. She tickled his nose and Mikael scrunched his face, Niña giggled watching his reaction.

"Is that so, a monster who can eat souls using its eyes… I guess my Kuya killed another abomination."

He sighed and decided to not further ask, instead he put the unknown thing in his Inventories. He would give it to Mikael later on.



"Although it's a rough ride, I'm glad that everything went according to the plan. The damage is minimal and the future is still bright."

Princess Delabelle Zuri Y Angsalvor sighed in relief, the knot in her chest set loose. The incident was now finished and Mikael killed the Manticore. Lilith was defeated although it will have a major backlash later on… and Princess Belle and Kyle Rockwell were the only ones who understand the severity of this problem.

Princess Belle had a melancholic expression, she wanted to see Mikael but fate was tying her. She couldn't do the things that she wants because it would cause an effect on the future. She clenched her fists and talked to herself, she wanted to convince herself.

"Not now, I can do that next time. I will show them what I can do…"

However, before that, she must talk to the council. She decided to lift the ordinance of hunting Niña. Belle still hates her but she must do this, Mikael's safety would increase if Niña is with him. Belle closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, she chuckled but she was not happy."

"I did save the world, but I don't feel happy."

No one would, hurting your loved ones just to save the others was not going to bring you any happiness.



As of now, the Hunters were busy cleaning the city. They realized how massive the damage was, most of the buildings crumbled and the land had a lot of craters. Although the greatest thing that struck them the most was the dead bodies all around. The smell of the dried blood caused them to shudder in hatred and disgust.

As for the Methuselahs, they dispersed and left the city. Some Hunters tried to attack them but the Methuselahs successfully escaped. They helped each other and decided to find a place to stay and build their fortress.

However, the Dukes stay and confront the WHA, they wanted to have an agreement. The Dukes know that they are at disadvantage, but they still swallowed their pride and settled it. Their future would be bleak if they further incur hatred. They know that they killed millions of people and they didn't have any excuse for that, all they wanted was to face this obstacle, for their Queen and their species.

Thankfully, the higher-ups know what to do with them.

[So yeah, we finished another Arc! Phew, I almost drop this story to be honest. 

Anyway, in the next Arc, our MC will not appear at all for the next 40 chapters lol. What do you expect? The title of this story is "Mc's not part of the story". The next Arc will focus on the other side characters such as Miriam and Kyle. And another character that I have deeply hidden in the background will show too. I don't know if you still remember her, but she will have a major role in the story. I made those foreshadow solely based on her. It depends on you if you like them.]

[Overall, I just want to say thank you to those who support me especially those who subscribed to my Patreon. Thank you guys, I know I can't write three chapters a day but I will do my best to keep with the schedule... Please don't unsubscribe...]

[If you have some time why don't you read my other stories such as TOFD(this is hilarious imo), RHWB(currently doing my best to create a good world-building), and MOC(dropped)]

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