Chapter 24: CHEEKS

(Awakening=500,000 people)

(Awakening District 1,2,3,4= 125,000)

(Awakeners that returned to Earth= 41,783)

(Awakeners that received Punishment= 321,193)

(Punishment District 1= 68,479)

(District 1 Current Population= 24,748)

(Punishment District 2= 92,631)

(District 2 Current Population= 53,272)

(Punishment District 3= 76,097)

(District 3 Current Population= 30,516)

(Punishment District 4= 83,986)

(District 4 Current Population= 0)






After the fight. I feel that many people are looking at me. 

"I'm famous, do they want my autograph? "

"Idiot! Can't you see that they are afraid? A gorilla massacred a large number of monsters and bathed in blood!! What you've done scares them!"

Niña irritatingly smugged.

"Who's gorilla!? F*ck you!! Flat chested!!"

"W-w- who's F-f- flat chested!? Huh, Gorilla!!!!"

"Flat chested!! No boobs, board as f-"


A knife came at me and I evade it. The knife stabbed the concrete walls. I'm starting to sweat because I know how I almost died. 

"Hey! That's dangerous! What will happen if I didn't evade it!? Are you hurt that I say you're flat!? You board!!!"

*shing!! *

She tried to hit my eye, but I caught the knife. This girl is dangerous!!

You want to kill me!? You need a council! Anger management! Perhaps this girl is crazy!

Yup, now I know! She's insane!!

"Say that again!? If I ever hear you say I'm fla- flat chested!! I will kill you!!?"

As if you can. 


"….!!! I'll kill yooouuu!!!!!!!!"

I run because rains of knives are flying to kill me. When I exit the room, she followed me and hold her dagger.

This girl is serious! She's crazy! So you really want to kill me huh!? Then, bring it on!

Her steps are becoming faster. 


"Take this!!"

She appeared behind my back and sliced me. But I use the tail of my Spear to parry her.


I tried to stab her, though she evaded it. She spin her body and kicked me. She hit my cheeks and I staggered backward. 

"Ugh… This flat chest!!!"

F*ck, this woman hit me! I'll return this pain! I use my Shock and an electric spark came out of my spear. I ready my stance to attack.

"Let's see if you can take this! Ha! Just a touch and your body will be toasted! "

Niña took a step backward. She was waiting for my attack. She knows how dangerous my Shock is. 

"Stop this!! Mikael, what's going inside of your mind!? You can kill her with that!"

I hear the voice of Miriam stopping us. She looked frightened. She was worried about us, she doesn't want to see any of us getting wounded.

"Sister Niña! Brother Mikael!! My parents said that hurting others is bad!!! Hhuuuu please stop!! I don't want to see anyone hurt!"

A child blocked us in the middle. She was tearful and her knees were shaking. She found another family and she didn't want it to destroy.

"Please Brother stop this!!"

Lane hugged my leg and I forcefully deactivate my Shock… I don't want to hurt the kid.

I look at Niña and found her looking at me too. Our eyes met…. Yes, I'm wrong. 

"…. Sorry. I- I will not do this again."

I cannot look into her eyes. 

"…. Me too, I'm sorry. Does it hurt?"

" Ah, this? Pfft- it's okay, I'm not hurt."

I touch my cheeks. This may hurt a little, but it's a good lesson for me.

"… My ego is high above the ceiling. I thought I can do anything since I'm the strongest, but I'm wrong"

*Clap. Clap. Clap*

Kyle came out of nowhere and applaud. His smile is annoying as always.

"You're starting to mature Mikael. Let me tell you this. If you return to Earth… What are you gonna do?… Will you hurt others and take everything? Or protect them?"

My powers are so strong that I can destroy a city. I bet even guns won't hurt me. Bullets can't penetrate my skin. 

"I… I won't do anything"


"I just want to return and meet my family. I don't care about anything except that."

"….. Hehe. I like your answer. Family first huh. It's a good priority."

He left us just like that. I really don't know what kind of mind does Kyle has. But I learn another lesson.

He's weird, but he's good.

I think, this is the time to tell my story.

"….. I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated. I can't endure the thoughts that my family is missing me. I don't want them to be sad, I, I want to leave this place immediately. Everybody, I'll tell you about myself"

I tell them my story. Where I live, how old I am, how I get here. I told them everything. My raison d'être. How I fight for my life to return to my family.

"I see, so you want to live to see your family. We have the same reason, I want to see my parents too. And there's a man I need to return to. You see, I have a boyfriend."


I uttered.

"What wow!? Are you mocking me!?"

"Ah hahaha. No, I'm not… That's why please put down that bow. You look menacing."

Miriam released her bow and continue her story. She huffed and crossed her arms.

"… Well. We've been in a relationship for years. 4 years and a half to be exact. We met in college and start as friends."

… Wait a minute.

"College?…… Miriam how old are you?"

"Me… I'm 20 something"

She grinned but her eyes is telling the opposite. She was ready to grab her bow again. 


"Mikael. Stop that. It's bad to talk about age when you're in front of a woman.  It's taboo, and sister Miriam is still young. She looks lovely. If I'm a man I'll take you as my woman and never leave your side."

"Aww, thanks Niña"

The heck! This conversation is turning to a girl's talk!! 

"Then what sister? I want to know what happened? How did your love story bloom?"

Sigh, even Lane is interested.

"Lane you're too young for this kind of topic."

Nice Miriam. Show them a good manner.

"But because you look cute. I'll tell you"


… You know what? I need to get out of here. This 'girls talk' is too much for me.

"I'll take a leak. You can keep talking"

I left them. When I was around 50ft away.

"Aawwww…. "

I heard them giggling.

"… I really can't understand girls"

I touch my cheeks and remember how Niña kick me. The kick actually hurts. 

"Sigh. I guess I need to apologize later. Well, I was the wrong one. I know it. Saying flat chest is sexual harassment"

I left them, but I pause for a second. 

I don't have anything to do. My pass time is training, eating, and killing. Wow, my lifestyle is f*cking unhealthy. 

"Sigh, I'm famous so I need to go to a place that's unpopulated."

I should lay low my strength. I remember how the people look at me. Their gazes are odd.

"But I can't control it. It's fun, I want to show my all-out strength sometimes. Releasing my full power boost my confidence"

Since I don't have anything to do, then how about I train again?  I'll burn some calories.

I exit the Castle and go to a secluded area. I don't want any noises whenever I practice, it disturbs my concentration.

When I reach my destination. I started swinging my Spear.


Every time I swing my weapon, the wind blows away. 

"It's just a matter of time till I reach level 100. Kyle said that something massive will change if I become level 100"

97 is my current level. Three more levels and I'll be 100. My Skill will become strong and my physical features will be optimized. 

"What does he mean when he said optimized by the way?"

Anyway, I'm sure it's a good thing. So I'll just wait till I reach a hundred.

Time passed… somebody's here. I feel the presence of another human. He's hiding behind the trees.

" Show yourself. I've already detected you"

"… Hehe, I lose. You found me, huh."

A person appeared behind the trees.

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