Chapter 245

"I- I don't know what you're saying! I didn't see Francisco since months ago. Please believe me-- aaahhhh!!!!"

An illegal weapon seller screamed as he watched how his body slowly turning into ice. He was crying as he felt the cold crawling upon him, he knew that blood was not flowing anymore and it fucking hurts. After a few seconds, he lost his life and was covered with ice. His expression when he died was filled with despair and regret. 

"It seems like he didn't know."

Kaya said. She was looking at the documents on the man's table. She couldn't find any important information regarding Francisco or the Shadow Demon. Her expression was livid and she crumpled the papers. 

Yuuki clicked her tongue in frustration. Yuuki and Maya became partners to avenge the families they lost. Kaya left Niña and Sasha because she didn't want them to be caught up in this. As for Yuuki…

"Um, sister Yuuki, can I open my eyes?"

A cute little girl asked Yuuki. 


Yuuki nodded, her face softened. As much as she hated to do this, she decided to take Shelly with her. Yuuki became traumatized after what happened and she didn't want that to happen to Shelly. So right now, she was taking her because she felt like something bad would happen to Shelly if she left her. Although when blood was going to shed, she always said to Shelly to close her eyes, just like now. To be honest, she didn't want to take her but her mind was telling her that this was the best thing to do. She was afraid to lose her too. 

Shelly opened her eyes and saw the blood and dead bodies all around the room. At first, she was afraid of blood but she started to get used to it now. Yuuki always woke up at night and she helped her to sleep again. Yuuki had nightmares every night because of that tragedy and Shelly decided to be there whenever Yuuki needed her. 

They were both broken and they needed each other. As for Kaya, she joined halfway. She helped Yuuki to find the Shadow Demon because both of them had the same goal. They wanted to kill Delorio, no, they wanted to torture him until he would beg to end his life. Of course, they would never give him a peaceful death. 

It was unfortunate that Francisco died, they hoped that he suffered before he died. Their hatred won't easily disappear. At this rate, they may turn to no way out. Perhaps selling their souls to the devil was not bad at all. 

"Let's go."

Yuuki said to them.

Kaya nodded and opened a portal, their next destination would be in Australia. They heard that Francisco took a vacation there, perhaps they would find some clues regarding the Shadow Demon. 



Niña and Andromeda were still traveling in the sky. The hovercar was damaged so they couldn't go full speed. Thankfully, the hovercar was one of the latest models so the speed was still faster than normal. 

Niña stood and tossed a packaged food to Andromeda. The woman caught the package and looked at Niña, blinking her eyes. 

"You need to eat. After being in the Punishment, I know that you have fresh meat of monsters in your Inventories. But you can't cook that here."

Niña was right. Of course, she was not doing this because she was worried about Andromeda... Not at all. 

"T- thank you."

Andromeda's stomach made a sound and she began turning red. As a woman, she was embarrassed to show that she was hungry. It was good that Niña didn't hate her reaction.

"As a Hunter, you will experience hunger so you don't have to be ashamed."

She nonchalantly said and returned to her seat.

Andromeda was left alone again, she started tearing the package. She was surprised to see that the contents of the package were high-quality nuts and grains. They were planted in mana-filled soil and they were delicious and much healthy. She was confused why Niña gave her this instead of simple biscuits. 

Andromeda started munching her food. She needed strength to overcome this current problem. 

Niña looked at her through the back mirror and smirked. It was funny because Andromeda was a year older but she looked like the younger here. She was obedient, she was actually a good girl but Niña didn't know why she was anxious about her.

'Perhaps it's because of the words that Belle said… I think she's hiding a big reason why she doesn't want Andromeda to see Mikael… I hope my intuition is wrong.'

Sometimes, you can't fight the plot armor. Especially Dues ex Machina. 

Still, Niña won't accept it. As a strong woman, she didn't like the concept of sharing. Only stupid men would believe that there's a peaceful harem. Harem is shit and women don't like being part of that. They are selfish and wanted their lover only for themselves. 

'I know that there are girls who easily succumbed to an Alpha man, but I not that kind of person. Mine is mine, no one will get it…. Sigh, but I can't fight Furrneka anymore. Her connection to Mikael is already deep and it's hard to severe it. That's why as much as possible, I will keep Mikael away from any woman, any type of seduction.'

Having one rival is enough. 

She was in deep thinking but her senses immediately told her that something was coming, and it was fast. 

Niña immediately stood and grabbed Andromeda who was happily eating the bits of the package. And then…


A powerful attack hit the hovercar, almost half of the car disappeared. The turbulence assaulted them as they started falling. To ease the pain, Andromeda kept her Skill active.

Right now, Niña felt the pressure and she knew that four seconds from now the hovercar would crash to the land. 

'Good I still have time.'

She smirked, they were elevating in the midair as the hovercar descended. When the right timing happened, Niña activated her Wind Step and grabbed Andromeda. 0.12 seconds, within that time Niña successfully escaped from the hovercar.


The hovercar exploded and every piece flew everywhere. 

Niña and Andromeda landed safely with no scratches. However, the battle was just getting started. 

"Who is it this time, hm?"

She smiled as she raised her daggers.

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