Chapter 250

"Why? Why did you do this… Who go far doing this!?"

The man yelled as he asked the love of his life. He couldn't believe that he would see her holding a sword filled with blood. The worst was that the blood was from their son. 

The Elf looked nonchalant. She even smiled as she kicked the dead body of her son- her son that she deeply loved and protected so much. 

Then, what was the reason why she killed him? 

"This is all for the glory of Lord Diablo! Our son inherited your stupid brain. I told him that serving Lord Diablo is the only way to live. He didn't agree just like you, you affected him so much. Your bullshit teaching of heroism blinded our son! That's why I killed him."

The woman said as she grinned hysterically. The lifeless body of her son beneath her looked sad and in pain. 

"Why?! Why not me?!! Why do you go so far?!!! Why did you kill our son, just kill me!!!"

Kyle cried blood, he was in pain and suffering. He couldn't accept that the woman he loved so much would do this. Princess Celine changed, now there were two long horns on her forehead. She completely became a Demon. She lost her sympathy, even going so far as to kill her own blood son.

Kyle was in agony. He felt his heart being crushed. Tears kept pouring down and his vision was blurred. 

He knew that since the beginning, Prince Celine was already corrupted. However, he still firmly believed that she would remain as his wife. 

Kyle fell in love with her, it was love at first sight. He didn't listen to the people around him and insisted on loving her. He believed that her corruption would be cured. Humanity's technology was advance compared to the other species. He believed that she would remain as his lovely wife…

However, the cure was late, too late to be exact. When the cure was created, 1/4 of the Earth was already dead and invaded by the Demons. Princess Celine's corruption became worst until she completely lost her mind and swore her allegiance to Diablo. 

Kyle tried his best, he killed monsters and Demons nonstop so that he could become stronger so that he could save his family. But it was futile. 

[The image of his lifeless son being kicked by his wife was greatly ingrained in his mind.]



Since then, Kyle was afraid to fall in love.

Being a kind, a gentle, sympathetic man won't help him to save the earth. He had to become heartless, merciless, and brutal. 

He must use his knowledge and go as far as using people for his plan. He tightly closed his heart to anything. 

Yet, one woman faithfully opened that door and tried to make him human again.

But Kyle was afraid to be human again.

His sin was so heavy and he couldn't afford to stop… He must become heartless just like the Demons.



"Hello? Niña are you there? Niña?"

Miriam's voice echoed but no one answered. Kyle looked quietly at the phone as he heard her sweet yet anxious voice. 

Christian who saw his reluctance decided to leave. This was Kyle's problem and he didn't want to get involved. Kyle had to fix it himself. He had to face the nightmares in his mind and overcome them. 

Christian didn't know Kyle's past but he knew that these types of problems are usually solved by facing them head-on. 

He closed the door and didn't disturb him any longer. It all depends on Kyle if he answered the call or not. 

Kyle was left alone together with the anxious voice of a woman. 



A hovercar came out of the flying fortress. It was smaller this time but much faster. It was made to travel fast. 

Niña was straddling on the pilot's seat as she checked the system. Overall, the hovercar was in great condition. 

Andromeda who was behind her was fidgeting.

"U-Um, I want to say thank you. Thank you for saving me."

She honestly said. She was too absorbed earlier so she couldn't say her gratitude. Her respect for Niña turned massive within just a day. Niña protected her, she didn't run away and continued fighting the enemies.

Andromeda understood that she might be already dead right now if not because of Niña. 

Niña glanced at her through the rearview mirror. 

"You don't have to thank me. I'm doing this because I want to."

She said coldly… Was she acting or not? Does tsundere Niña still inside her or not? 

"Because of Redemption, only a few people with insane minds will try to attack us. Perhaps they speculated that the Redemption wants the Evolution Stones. But only people who don't know the ways of Kyle will believe that. Kyle is crazy but he won't kill a person just because of Evolution Stone. He can buy it through another method anyway, that man is ridiculously rich."

Niña added. Their path towards the goal slightly became better but it was not completely safe. Some people with loose screws might attack them. 

So right now, Niña was still on high alert. She was confident that she could assassinate anyone but her Skills were not that powerful. It has a weakness, such as the Dragon Sense and the Eyes of Merlin. She would die if she faced a ridiculously overpowered Skill. 

Sometimes, to fight an OP Skill you have to use an OP Skill. 

Andromeda nodded as she listened to her. She knew that she was not completely safe. Actually, she didn't even know where they were going. Niña didn't tell anything about their destination. She gulped and decided to ask her. 

"Um… I just want to ask, where are we going?"

Niña glanced at her while steering the wheel. 

"Well, at first I want to take you to the Elven Kingdom but I'm sort of reluctant to do that."


Andromeda was curious, was there a problem with the Elven Kingdom? She thought it was one of the best places in the world. Elves were good and kind people. 

"Ah, that place has a sly person that might hypnotize you."


[I hope this explains Kyle's determination.]

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