Chapter 256

"The Hrunting? I thought it's in the hands of the higher-ups of the Hunter Association? Look, I know you have your ways but you can't buy that weapon using your money… Don't tell me you stole it?"

Chen Yu asked narrowing his eyes, he could never trust this man. The Hrunting was the legendary weapon that they got as payment for what the Beast Kingdom did. It was a crime for hiding the fact that they built a tomb in the Sahara Desert for their God. Then this said God resurrected and caused a continental crisis and killed millions of people. 

To not further blame the Beastmen(since Axelle was the real culprit any way), the Association asked for compensation. The Beastmen didn't agree with working under the Association so they decided to give the Hrunting instead. That's what Chen Yu knew. To be honest, Chen Yu didn't know what was special about the Hrunting. 

He saw a fragmented piece of a Legendary weapon, the [Bow of Fragmented Gungnir]. The bow's arrow could travel across the world and hit its target. It was a unique ability but hard to control, only Miriam could use that weapon. 

'Still, the fact that it has a great ability even though it's just a fragment can't be erased. The question is what's the power of Hrunting?'

Chen Yu started thinking as he looked at Christian who just shrugged. When Chen Yu was in this state of deep thinking, it was bad to disturb him. Christian just waited for him to finish his deductions. 

Chen Yu who was lost in his mind recalled that the Beastmen had another Legendary Weapon but it was destroyed in the battle against the Dragon. 

'Based on the data we have, it's called Sigurd Sword. They say the sword can kill any Dragon-type monster… It's funny that it was described as indestructible yet it was destroyed.'

Chen Yu couldn't understand what was the reason why the Sigurd was a Legendary Weapon despite having a simple ability. 

'Perhaps our data is incomplete…'

The Sigurd Sword may have another secret. Chen Yu returned to his senses and glanced at Christian before he shook his head. 

"Nah, I can't make a conclusion if the weapon is already gone."

He said. Mikael and his family were the only people who knew that Void Spear ate the sword. Even Kyle and Christian didn't know it. They were left alone since the two were quite hard to trust. 

"Huh? What do you mean my friend?"

Christian was curious about what Chen Yu was talking about. He just said something unrelated. However, Chen Yu didn't explain to him and just clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Don't call me that. I know that you don't see any person as your friend."

"Hehe, you know me well, friend."

Christian rubbed his nose acting a bit shy but Chen Yu only wanted to punch that face. Although he knew that he would never do that because a barrier might break his arm. Chen Yu's level was not enough to even slap Christian. He was too weak. 

"Anyway, give me the findings first before I can decide."

"Eh? I thought you want a vacation."

"If the project is going to take years to accomplish then I'll never get the vacation you promise. I know you'll only give me that vacation after the project is finished."

"Fair enough. I'll give it to you later."

Christian nodded, he had a copy of the information about the Hrunting. 

"Hey, I still didn't know the power of Hrunting and how did you get it. The higher-ups of the Association won't easily give it to you even if you are the richest man on earth."

"Ah that. The higher-ups give me the weapon because they can't use it. They don't know how to use the weapon."

"Why don't they ask the Beastmen?"

"Well about that. Apparently, the only person who knows everything about it died."

"Are you talking about King Timar?"

Christian nodded and said "Yes".

Chen Yu realized why the higher-ups gave the weapon to Christian. It's because the Redemption has a Hunter like Chen Yu. 

'Tch, does greedy bastards. They think they can order us around. In the first place, the Redemption let the Association remain to stand because they are needed. If not, Kyle and Christian won't hesitate to destroy and steal everything that they can steal.'

The higher-ups needed his Skill. At first, his Synergist could stabilize any technology and Rune-related Items. However, as he evolved his Skill, his power could now read the system working inside a specific Item. In short, he could read their description fully without any problems. No hidden effects could escape his eyes. 

'They just need me to find the secret of Hrunting, what a scumbag. Acting like they own the world yet they can't do anything without our Guild's help.'

Chen Yu didn't like the thought of helping the Association but Christian who saw his appalled expression raised his three fingers. 

"Three, I give you three weeks of vacation."

He could not help but give him some leverage. Chen Yu smirked and raised four fingers. Now, they were starting the haggling like the merchant's way. 

"Four weeks and I will have vacation first before starting the project. I am not sure if I can upgrade the weapon, we need unique materials to do that. However, I'm confident that I can read all of its secrets without any hassle. You can trust me on that."

Chen Yu won't back down to this. He needed to rest and perhaps live in pleasure for a while. He would lose his mind if he stayed in this control room where every screen was filled with numbers and text. 

"You know I need a break."

Chen Yu looked at him. 

"Okay fine. You can have your vacation first."

Christian sighed and agreed instead. Chen Yu was the best scientist/engineer/operator that the world could have. 

"I recommend Dubai. It's a good place to rest."

"Hehe, it's already on my travel list."

Chen Yu started walking away as he laughed like a madman. He took out a hat, a shade, and a pair of flip plops.

"I'll have a lot of bitches to fffuuuuucccckkkkk!!!"

He was crazy, screaming in the hallway, and the females ran away from him.

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