Chapter 274

The relationship between mother and daughter was immediately fixed, all they have to do was to talk and show their real feelings. Mrs. Hasvolge didn't blame her daughter at all. In fact, she was happy and felt blessed that she could hug her daughter again. Everything she suffered, the torture, how the bastards kept asking where Niña was, Mrs. Hasvolge didn't say anything and kept her mouth shut. She didn't regret them, she didn't regret her decision. 

She did them for her daughter, she would rather hurt herself than make her daughter suffer. Their conversation was smooth, since Niña was the only one who spoke, although Mrs. Hasvolge listened attentively and smiled. She was glad to have her daughter. 

However, Mrs. Hasvolge's expression turned serious when Niña spoke about Mikael. Mrs. Hasvolge didn't meet Mikael when he visited last time, but she met Furrneka. She deduced one thing, Niña's rival was packed with seductiveness!

Mrs. Hasvolge wanted to talk with Mikael, she wanted to know his feelings towards her daughter, is it a shallow love or not? Nope, Mrs. Hasvolge already knew that Mikael deeply loved Niña. He won't sacrifice seven years of his life just to save Niña. 

But she was still anxious. As a mother, all she wanted was the best for her daughter. She sat close to Niña and stared at her eye to eye. 


Niña tilted her head, her eyes looked tender because she cried a lot. Mrs. Hasvolge cupped her cheeks and nodded.

"M- mom? What, do I have dirt on my face?"

Niña wanted to clean her face, perhaps her teary eyes made her haggard, but Mrs. Hasvolge's hands were stroking her face. Niña stayed still as her mother looked at her affectionately. Then, an idea entered her mind. In terms of beauty and figure, Niña and Furrneka are equal but Mrs. Hasvolge had a way for Niña's sex appeal to level up. It was none other than, underwear, sexy bras, and alluring swimsuits! 

She knew that most female Beastmen didn't have a sense of aesthetic, they didn't have fashion senses and they would wear anything as long as it's comfortable. When she saw Furrneka, she knew that the girl didn't have a sense of fashion. She may have a great figure but Niña is much mature! She could conquer Mikael with just her seductive gaze! 

She immediately got up and walked towards her sewing machine. Ah, before that, she had to measure her daughter. She took a measurement and grabbed her daughter, Niña stood up and watched as her mother measured her waist then her legs. 

"M-Mom? What are you doing?"

She was skeptical, she just spoke about Mikael and her mother reacted and started touching her. Mrs. Hasvolge didn't listen and just continued measuring her. She was thinking about what's the best way to uplift Niña's sexiness. 

Mrs. Hasvolge decided to push Niña out of her room. She didn't want Niña to see what she was going to create, despite being a mature woman, she knew that Niña had a maiden side. Before she closed the door, she kissed Niña on the forehead. 

"…. Mom?"

Niña was confused, she was left alone outside and she didn't know why her mother threw her out. She chuckled because she thought it was funny, she was happy to see her mother active and lively. 



"Treat this rabbit, think of it like it's an important person in your life. You don't want to see it hurt, you don't want to see it wounded, and you don't want to see it die."

Kyle spoke and stabbed the poor snow rabbit, the cute creature squealed and trembled. Kyle tossed the monster in front of Andromeda. 

Andromeda's breathing was ragged, she was sweating a lot and her dress was so wet because of the excessive use of her mana. Just like yesterday, her training was to cure the rabbits. 

'I must treat this rabbit like an important person in my life, I don't want to see it getting hurt nor wounded. And I don't want to see it die.'

She repeated what Kyle said. Then suddenly, she recalled Mikael. Something stabbed her heart when she heard the news that he died eight years ago. Her focus returned in her eyes, she didn't want to experience it again. This time, she would be there to save him.

The fatigue dissipated and she resumed healing the rabbit. She wanted to stand equally next to him. 

She started imagining that the poor rabbit was Mikael, her heart started bleeding and she gave her everything just to heal it. She had to heal it. She promised that she would be the best healer. 

"Focus, heal everyone. No one must die." 

She mumbled repeatedly like a broken record. In just a dozen seconds, the wound on the snow rabbit disappeared. It looked healthy and started running away. The rabbit's instinct was telling itself that this place was dangerous. 

Andromeda exhaled deeply and wiped her forehead, her arms smeared by the sweat but she didn't mind. She concentrated again since she knew that Kyle would toss another snow rabbit. 

However, when she looked at Kyle, she realized that he was looking far away. She followed where he was looking and found Miriam and Lemar playing and happily chatting. Andromeda glanced at Kyle, he was still enthralled looking at them. 

Andromeda couldn't help but smile, she realized that this heartless man is still a human. He has feelings, especially for Miriam and Lemar. Andromeda acknowledged that the devil has emotions, and it was obvious that Kyle loved Miriam. 


She coughed just to get his attention. Kyle's pupils returned their focus and stared at Andromeda. He nodded as he realized that Andromeda healed all of the injured rabbits. 

"You are quite talented… Or perhaps your Skill has mana absorption. I'm surprised that you can last this long."

Kyle knew that the Saintess could absorb xp points when she healed a creature, but he didn't know that she has mana absorption too. Now, he realized why the Saintess in the past had limitless endurance when she was healing Hunters. She was an endless healing potion, nope, she was better than the healing potion. Perhaps she was above that any healing Skills and Items.

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