Chapter 30: RANKING 2

[Returning Process Complete]

All of the people inside the Punishment Event return to Earth. 


The Top 100 were inside the banquet. There are tables full of food. There are wines and delicious meat. It's full of glamorous and colorful backgrounds.

The 100 people teleported. This is the third time they experience this. They were shocked to find that they're in a hall.

Their armors and weapons are not fitted to this place. Their wounds and bruises is unsuitable to the banquet. 

[Commencing the rankings]

"Oh so pretty! I like this place. "

"Wow "

Mikael and the others saw the Hall.

The five were amazed at the atmosphere. This is like a royal party. This is their first time in this kind of banquet. Even Kyle didn't reach the top 100 in the past. He only knows it by words, he didn't experience it.

"So this is the Ranking Hall... I've already changed the future" 

He gritted his teeth, his hard work has been payed off. He is now part of the strongest line up of the Ranking Hall. 

Kyle clenches his fist and look for the other legendary Hunters.

He knows that they were here. The Ice Empress and the Titan are part of the 1st batch. 

"Where are they...? Kuku, found them. "

A Japanese woman is standing. She's holding a child. Her cold eyes watches the place. She tries to identify if this is another event or not.

On the other side of the hall. A white person with a tall figure is salivating in the food. He can't control his self. He takes the food and eat it. 

"Hahaha, this is delicious!! Chomp chomp chomp"

He bites any meat he see and drink any juice he touch. He gobbled them up.

Many people caught what he's doing. They can't believe that there's a person that can eat in this environment where they don't know what's happening. 

"Hehe, as always. The Japan's Ice Empress and the Titan of Alaska is here. There odd attitudes are  easy to caught. "

*Clap clap clap* 

The sound of hands clapping reverberates inside. 

"..... And here he comes. The legendary clown. Hamlet"

A clown step up and appear on the stage. His eyes are painted with red color and his nose is covered of red ball. His suit has different colors that distract them from seeing his face. He clapped his hands. He gives a big smile and bow. After his bow, he states his greetings.

"Kishishi. Hello Awakeners I'm Hamlet! First of all, I want to thank and congratulate everyone here. To reach the top 100 is a great accomplishment! Clap your hands everybody!"

Their gazes follows his movement. They were oblivious. Some of them are hoping that this is not an another event. 

"... Now I get it!! You're the reason why we're here!! It's your fault!! "

A man holding a hammer is fuming in anger. He realized that the clown who's standing on the stage is the Mastermind. However, his conclusion is wrong.

"I'm sorry, but you're mistaken. I'm not the Mastermind! I'm just the administrator of the Ranking Hall! Kishishi."

"Bullsh*t!! As if I will believe you!"

The man enters the stage and confront Hamlet. He wants to destroy the clown's face. He lifts his hammer to kill him.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not the Game Master! But if you want to cause ruckus, kishishi, then I have no choice but to eliminate you. "

"Then take thi-"


The man flew to the other side of the hall. Silence filled the air. Hamlet is the strongest person here. 

"I'm sorry about this commotion. I know that you're confuse and clueless. That's why I will tell you all of the details! The Ranking Hall is a place where the strongest 100 Awakeners of the overall Districts will receive their rewards! This Ranking will only take two hours to finish. So do not be afraid. You can return to your home after this. The top 100 will receive rewards. And the top 10 will gain greater reward..!! Now to start our meeting! May I call Rank 100 Xaio Xhan, please enter the stage..."

The Top 100 go to the the stage and received the reward. 

Some received an Item, and some received an equipment or weapon.

All the Items that Hamlet gave is a high-class. It has many features.  The Awakeners gladly accept them. They don't have any reason to decline it. 

After an hour, almost all them have received their rewards. The ceremony reach the top 20. The Items are turning to become more extravagant.

"Rank 17 Miriam Poloma...."

Miriam received a necklace. When she saw the effects of the necklace, she grinned.

"Rank 13 Niña Hasvolge...."

Niña is skeptical why she received a mask, but her disappointment quickly diminished when she saw the description.

"A mask... hehehahaha it's good for you Niña. You can now hide your ugly face using that, haha." 

Mikael saw Niña's reward and he can't control his mouth from laughing.

"Shut up, Idiot!!"

Mikael and Niña did their never ending quarrel. They always find a reason to annoy each other.

".... But he's still not calling my name..."

Mikael is actually nervous.

"Me too brother, my heart is thumping thumping. I'm scared. "

"Don't worry Lane. Nothing bad will happen to you. We will protect you"


Mikael assures her, but he's anxious too. His rank is still unknown. 

(I'm right, it seems like I'm in the top ten.)

"Rank 8 Lane Turner..."

"T- that's me!!"

Lane enters the stage and received a pet.....

"W- what's this!!? It's cute!!!"

A puppy with a brown color lick her hands. It's adorable that you want it to hug forever.

"I'll call you Choco!"

"Arf arf!"


Miriam and Niña came to Lane. They starts to pet Choco. Girls always love every cute things. They giggle when the puppy licks them.

"Now that I think about. He still not calling your name, Kyle. It seems you're in top 10 too. "

Kyle put the wine glass down. He wipe his lips. 

"Yeah, I'm actually excited about my rewards. I'm sure it's amaz-"

"Rank 4 Kyle Rockwell...."

"Kuku. That's me."

Kyle faces Hamlet and look  into his eyes. Since he's in the Ranking Hall and Hamlet is in his front.  He really wants to ask this question.

He lowers his voice and speak to Hamlet. 

"Hamlet does _________"

Hamlet gasp. 

"!!! T- that's!!!.....kuck. How did you know it!?.... Bu- but you're right...... the Earth_____"

After he gets his rewards he left the stage. Hamlet gave him a passive Skill.

"Hehe, I can use this. "

Mikael and the others squinted their eyes when Kyle came back. 

"Hey Kyle, what did you say to the Clown? I saw him frown when you open your mouth. "


Kyle returns to his wine drinking. He never answer the question.

"Sigh. Okay, I won't ask again. "

"Good. By the way, congratulations. It's already sure that you're in the Top 3."

"Pfft- hehe. Thanks man."

Mikael show his chest. He's proud about his work. He never thought that he'll be part of top 3. 

"Rank 3 Oliver Johnson..."

The Titan enters the stage....

"Rank 2 Yuuki Kouri..."

The Ice Empress enters the stage.

"Kishishi. Drumroll!! Rampapapaplapallapalaplala!!!!  The strongest Awakener of the 1st batch. Let's give him a round of applause. I present to you our Rank 1. Mikael Tibano!!!"

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