Chapter 313

Sounds of raspy voice could be heard on the phone, Christian was listening to a call while in the middle of a predicament that may cause the end of the world. 

"So you found the answer then?"

"Yeah, it took three months to complete my research but it's finished. I can say that the Runes ingrained in the sword is quite fascinating to read. Even the Dwarves are amused by it." Chen Yu, the head engineer of the Redemption Guild admitted that he finished studying the Legendary Weapon, Hrunting.

Christian nodded as he listened. He was quite interested. 

"Apparently, the Hrunting was forged by the ancient giants of the Norse. Then, the Runes are created by Merlin. The runes are like circuits that encircled the sword. Sadly, only the chosen one can use it. Sorry, man. It seems like you have to find another way to become stronger."

"No problem," Christian smirked, it wasn't important. He doesn't use a sword anyway. He chuckled as the pressure around him started to become suffocating. As if he was in the middle of a vacuum and it was hard to breathe. Christian is not weak so he just deflected the pressure using his Telekinesis. Besides, he was not the target of the pressure. He was just watching the scene unfold while listening to Chen Yu on his phone. 

"So you think this Hrunting can help us?"

"As of now, no. We have to find a person who can wield it. It's such a waste because this Sword has a magnificent Skill. It can---"

"Oi!" A person grabbed his phone and smashed it into the floor. (Destroyed phone in the whole Arc counter: 3). 

It was fortunate that Christian heard most of Chen's report before the phone was destroyed. He turned around and stared at secretary Hakase. The secretary was bright red because of anger. 

"What is it, Hakase?" Christian's voice was heavy and he was irritated. He didn't like it when someone interrupted his phone call. An invisible force pushed Hakase down but Hakase passed through and escaped it. 

"Are you blind?"

Hakase was slowly losing his mind, this was the moment that he was afraid to come. 

"Can't you at least talk to them? They are going to destroy the Fortress in their auras alone!" He almost screamed. 

"Hakase, let's be real here. You can't expect me to stop them."


"Because it will get worst. The best way is to let them release their tension. Besides, isn't nostalgic?"

"Nostalgic my ass! You know that last time this happened, half of the fortress was destroyed."

"I know, if not for my Skill the Fortress will definitely crash at that time," Christian added. "That's why it's better if they let them do what they want."


Hakase gritted his teeth because Christian was right. However, he couldn't accept that these ex-members would return to the Guild and cause a massive hysteria. 

'Asia is already in turmoil yet these people are still going to make it worse.' 

Hakase was confused why the Guild Leader invited these people. They were dangerous. In fact, most of their members fainted and were having headaches because of the auras that they were releasing. It was too much for them, even for Hakase. He hated to admit it but they were definitely above any. 

Niña Hasvolge.

Klein Tibano.

Miriam Poloma Rockwell. 

Lane Turner.

The founding members of the Redemption Guild. The people who saved the world many times. Yet these said people have loose screws in their heads. 

'If people see them as heroes, then I see them as lunatics!'

Niña, Lane, and Miriam were sitting on the left side of the room. The girls were talking lively, smiling, and sharing some pictures. However, their presence was so damn heavy that any person would lose their consciousness if they got closer within 10 meters from them. 

As for Klein who was sitting on the right side close to them, he was alone because Kitsune had something to do with the Beastmen. Something was different from him as if he was controlling a vile creature inside him. All of the people inside the room understood what it meant.

So far, only six people were in the room. They were Hakase, Christian, Klein, Miriam, Niña, and Lane. Kyle was still not there. 

"Tch, he's late." Niña clicked her tongue, Hakase tried to open his mouth but Niña glared at him. Hakase flinched and zippered his lips, he still remembered what happened last time. Niña won the battle despite the fact that it was two versus one.

"Let's wait for a few minutes. Kyle is commanding the Hunters so he's busy right now." Miriam tried her best to smile as she justified Kyle's lateness. 

"Hmmph! Sister, I know that you like him but don't try to defend him from us. I can't trust him, after all of the things he did. If he has something to say, he should have just texted us."

"Come on Lane, you know that Kyle will not call us here if he doesn't have a big reason." 

Lane wanted to retort but Miriam was right. Indeed, Kyle won't call them if he didn't have a proper reason. After all, Kyle was always busy and he hated wasting time. 

Klein was listening to their conversation. However, he didn't open his mouth. He was thinking about what reaction would he show if he saw Kyle. That man almost kidnapped Mikael in the past, Klein was there to protect Mikael so his plan failed. It gave him a bitter aftertaste thinking of that. 

This little brother won't easily forget that moment. Maybe Klein would release Fenrir to attack him, that was not a bad idea. Miriam glanced at Klein and she smiled grimly, she couldn't defend Kyle in that area. 

In the end, their conversation became sour when it came to Kyle. Whenever he was part of the topic, they would frown and start trashing him. 

"Kuku, sorry if I'm late."

At last, the main character of this meeting had come. Miriam tried to greet him with a kiss but Kyle just gave her a nod. Miriam was disappointed and the two girls beside her glared at Kyle with menace because of his cold behavior.

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