Chapter 321

Kitsune started walking towards Wayne. She wanted to end this quickly. 

However, it seemed that Wayne already had an idea of how her power works. So instead of standing still, he started walking away from her. He knew that he would die once Kitsune got closer to him. 

"My friends told me about you, my Beastmen friends told me that you are powerful but you still have a weakness. 50 meters is quite wide, to be honest, but I can cope with that."

Wayne said. He was away from Kitsune but his words were clear in her ears, Kitsune has strong senses. 

Wayne talked about the undead Beastmen, not the living ones. Ivan's undead could retain their memories, not completely but it was enough to put the pieces together. Clearly, the Beastmen were afraid of the Nine-Tails. 

"Hoh, you researched me well. But it's not enough. I'm not powerful because of my ability to control the mana. I'm powerful because my whole existence IS powerful. In short-" Kitsune dashed and reached Wayne without a problem. "I can kill you without a problem."

"Kiyaahahaha, so much for being the greatest. But I already expected that!"

Wayne knew that Kitsune had the speed and strength, she was a Beastmen for a reason. 

Wayne activated his Skill. Everything that he touched and stood on would become explosives and it will depend on him on how strong he wanted the explosion would be. It was quite tricky and difficult once the enemies entered his trap. 

Everything around Wayne was explosives. 


He grinned and multiple explosions arose from the undead and the ground itself. Kitsune was starting to get annoyed. She commanded the mana to protect the Beastmen around her and herself. It was a long series of explosions and almost everything turned into ashes. Then, when the long-lasting explosions ended, she realized that Wayne already put some distance. He was out of her 50 meters range. 

Kitsune clicked her tongue.

"Hmmph! Stupid, if you think that I can only control the mana within 50 meters, then think about it again!"

Kitsune used the objects around her as projectiles and threw them towards him. Wayne saw the attacks and he used an Item to escape. It was a bracelet that could make him run faster. He specifically received this to escape Kitsune in case she tried this kind of attack. He dodged the projectiles without a problem. 

"Is that it?"

He mocked Kitsune with a grin on his ugly face. 

"I'm just getting started!"

"And so am I."

Wayne replied and another explosion happened under Kitsune. Wayne intentionally hid another bomb under the ground to surprise attack her. However, Kitsune was not that stupid. The explosion was contained and nothing much happened. 

"Yay! Miss Kitsune stopped it. But what about the next one, and the next next one?"

Wayne provoked her. Kitsune scowled and decided to face Wayne seriously. He was dangerous because of his ability to detonate bombs. So far, most of the damage that they received was from his bombs. 

"Follow me, Miss beautiful Fox!"

Wayne started running away, taunting her.

Kitsune didn't feel that it was a compliment. She was a Nine-Tails, not a simple fox. She rushed and pursued the asshole.



Now, the hindrance disappeared. Kitsune has a powerful Skill and almost no one could stand against her. So they used Wayne as a sacrifice, that person already lost his reason for living. And it looked like he was doing his job well because he baited Kitsune to follow him. 

This battle was slowly turning into the side of the Beastmen. The people and undead that Speitato sent were not enough to win against the Beastmen. 

The enemies were getting tilted. 

While the war was ongoing, the Beastmen who gathered around Prince Shenten and Queen Saya were still standing firm. Anyone that tried to attack Shenten was blocked by them. 

Patriarch and Lander were part of that. Of course, Ex-captain James and Kalman were there too. Kalman was raising his shield and blocking their attacks, then he would release an attack once he accumulate enough force. 

So far, everything was good… But it didn't take a long time before things went fucked up. 

The Panther woman whose presence was still unknown was waiting for the right time to attack the Prince. Hakanria was with her and they were acting like they were protecting the Prince against the enemies. The Panther, Josephine, had the power to change her appearance. Not only that, she could change the appearance of another person too, her maximum was five people. 

Josephine used this power to infiltrate the Beastmen. So right now, she and Hakanria were just waiting to end this. 

Josephine knew Hakanria, Hakanria was one of the toughest Beastmen who fought against the Demon. Although his reasons why he did it was quite selfish. Hakanria's wife died because of the Demons, his hatred towards the Demons was so strong. Because of that, Hakanria slowly lost his kindness and he became a brutal person. He didn't hesitate to rape or kill. 

That's why Josephine asked him for support. Because she knew that Hakanria had a strong hatred towards the royalty. He hated his father, Lander the Alpha, too. He was the best person to use. 

Actually, Josephine was one of the Beastmen that Lander raped back in the past. Not only that, Hakanria killed her Kampi too. She knew how this righteous person turned into a heartless one. So she understood that Hakanria was the best for this. 

'I'm not gonna lie, that time he raped me is the best part of my life. I'm disappointed that he didn't remember me. But who cares, at least I can use him. Maybe I can have sex with him after this.'

She sweetly grinned, yup, this woman was corrupted. Although it was not enough to make her a Demon, it just slowly degraded her mind. Making her the type who would agree to Ivan's dream of creating a country made of the undead. 

'No, Ivan's true dream is to build a world made of undead.'

Then, at last, the right moment to kill the Prince appeared. The defense around the stage diminished. Josephine signaled Hakanria and they ran towards the stage to end Prince Sheten's life.

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