Chapter 33: SOLDIERS

The Imus is more intact than Dasmariñas and General Trias. The buildings in this city are still on piece.

" Those monsters never leave their territories. They didn't try to attack this City."

The Imus is still a Ghost town, but it's better than the first two. The houses and buildings are still standing but the place quiet and lonely. 

"... Well, you can expect some ants losing their ways to their colony. "

Mikael noticed a small number of ants flying in the sky. This means that Imus is not safe. Monsters are monsters, no matter how weak they were, they will kill and eat humans. The ants landed to the road. 

*bang bang!*

He hears gunshots. He follows the sound and witnessed people fighting ants.

"That's a soldier! Yes hahaha, at last I saw another person!! "

He saw that the three are fighting for their lives. They looked injured. They are hiding inside a car to protect themselves. The ants are attacking them. Mikael dash to save the soldiers. 

" I must help them. I need to know the situation of Cavite. Maybe they can help me to find the Evacuation Center "

To kill these insects, he only needs a second.

*slash!! *


All of the flying ants turn into half. They are like papers cut into two by a sharp scissor. The soldiers who witnessed it are dumbfounded. 

"... A spear!? Perhaps he's a Hunter!"

"As if! You know that there is no active Hunter in CALABARZON"

"But he killed those monsters!! Just by swinging his weapon once!!"

They argued. They don't know the standard procedure for this kind of situation, they were never trained for this.  

Hunters are people that have special powers. They have supernatural abilities that can fight monsters.

Hunters started to appear when the first Portal shows to their planet. The Hunters said that they get this power inside the Awakening Event.

The first Awakeners that returned to Earth, they are called Hunters.

"Perhaps he has some good Equipment. You know that ordinary people can use Item Drops. Maybe he got a good weapon when a monster died near him? "

"... You got a point about that. Look! He's coming here"

Mikael walks to the car, he saw that the soldiers are safe and they are not wounded fatally.

"What are we gonna do!?"

"I believe he is not a bad person. In fact, he helped us, now we are safe from the monsters."

Mikael pushes himself to talk.

"Ah, hello sir... Ehem! Can I ask you about something? Where can I find the Evacuation Center for the people of Dasmariñas? "

He asked politely. The soldiers caught off guard and reacted awkwardly. 

"Ah- ah! Is that so? I know about that.... B- But can I ask you... Are you a Hunter?"

"Hunter...? Ah. Yeah, I'm a Hunter"

Mikael is skeptical but he said yes. Right now, he needs to show them that he's not a suspicious guy. 

" Could you prove it?"

The other soldier try to identify if he is a Hunter. 

"Hunters have special powers, could you show it to us?"

"Ah! Is this enough?"

Sparks of electricity come out of Mikael's body.



The soldiers were amazed, this is the first time that they meet a Hunter in real life. 

"... Ehem. So you're real huh. Okay, what do you want from us?"

"The Evacuation sir, I want to-"

"Ah, yes. The Evacuation Center of Dasmariñas people right?"

"Yes, sir!"

Mikael nodded, hoping that he can see his family again. 

"Based on what I know the people of Dasma and GenTri that survived the Dungeon wave were relocated to Laguna, Manila and Batangas. You can go to City Hall on Imus, you can ask them about the list. They have a list of family that relocated to each place. You can easily ask them since you are Hunter. "

"Thank you very much Sir!"

"... And about that. Can you take us too? We are wounded, not fatal, but our bullets are almost none... "

"Oh, no problem about that sir. "

He smiles and agree to accompany them. 






He took the three soldiers and protected them. There were ants that tried to attack them, but this is a piece of cake for Mikael. He just swings his spear and they turn crippled.

They reach the City Hall with intact bodies. The soldiers look at his dignified back, they have mixed emotions. 

"Hunters are heroes. They have super powers that can kill monsters... I'm jealous."

"You're right, they are heroes... not like us. We need to waste magazines of bullets just to kill them... Based on what I know, there  are monsters that can't be killed by bullets.  We are lucky that the ants is not one of those.... "

They felt defeated, it's their job to protect the country but now it's the opposite, this civilian used his power to protect them. 

"Sir! Excuse me, but I need to leave you here."

"Ah, okay. Just go to the second floor take the left and you'll find an officer there. You can just ask them. They will give you the list of relocation sites.. Thanks for saving us. "

"Thanks Sir!"

He followed the soldier's instruction. He saw that the officers are busy, he can deduce that they are not sleeping because of their massive eye bags... Many phones are ringing and the whole place is noisy. 


He tries to ask some people. 

"Um, excuse me officer. Where can I find the relocation of the people of Dasmariñas? "

"Hm? You're talking about Dasmariñas? We have the list. I'm sorry, but we are busy so you need scan it on your own"

"Ah, okay, I'm good with that. "

The old officer gave him a stack of papers. The documents filled the place where each people relocated in.

"....Tibano. Tibano........... Oh, I found it!! Klein Tibano, relocated in Laguna? That's where my Grandparents live.... But why only Klein? What about Mom and Dad?...  Um, excuse me sir, can I have your list of deceased"

Mikael gulped and brave himself to speak. 

"Ah, I see... Is that so. Here, take this. You need to be strong...."

The old man realized that this kid is a person that lost his way in this City. Perhaps he's finding his family, but the old man knew that many people died. He decided to give the documents. The kid needs to face the reality. 

"Thank you..."

He received the list. His hands are shaking. He's afraid, but he needs to face it.  He hopes that everything will be alright. He skimmed every name until........ He found it. His world destroyed in just a second. He remembers how the faces of his parents smiles at him. Now, he can't see it again. 

"... Cynthia and McKlein Tibano".

He gave the list to the officer. He walks away and left the City Hall. He needs time to be alone. He is lifeless. He runs with his eyes blurring. He is thankful that this City is abandoned. He can find a place to grieve. Tears fall on the ground while he's running. 

"I see. So my parents died... I didn't see them. I'm late... Then what's the reason for doing this....? Did I suffer for none? All I want is to meet them again."

He can't control his eyes from tearing up. He cried. Inside a broken house in  Imus, Cavite. Mikael Tibano mourns.

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