Chapter 374

"Hehe, what did I say? I know that you will look for me again, hah!"

Jake snorted and dropped the bowl of meat. He was eating the recently cooked giant snake. It was flavourful and the starving people ate the cooked meat with tears in their eyes. 

"Guild Leader, you don't have to be like that. Mikael showed up here to find Chen Yu. You're the only one who knows where he is."

Lane defended Mikael. 

Their Guild members were spread around the world to help the people, even the greedy higher-ups chose to assist the people because their planet was at risk. 

"Huh, hey Lane. Don't you know that this guy sent me flying away when I tried to talk to him?" 

"Really, did you do that Mikael?"

Lane glanced at him, she didn't expect that Mikael would do that. 

Mikael nodded and explained his side. 

"He tried to touch Furrneka."

"You pervert! I can't believe that you are my Guild Leader!!"

Lane glared at Jake. 

"Hey, why are you looking like that, I'm not a pervert!"

He slammed his fists against the table. 

"Dammit! Okay, fine. I don't care anymore! You want to meet Chen Yu, right? Then follow me!"

He was fuming and walked away. 

Mikael and Furrneka looked at each other before they followed him. 

"What about you Lane? You're not going?"

Mikael asked and Lane shook her head. She had to protect these people. Even now the threat of the Demons was still lingering around. Truth be told, she knew that some Demons infiltrated their stronghold. It was her job to make sure that nothing bad would happen. 

"Please, be safe."

Lane said from the bottom of her heart. She lost Niña and it ached her deep within.  Furthermore, she was devastated that Miriam was behaving poorly right now. She didn't want to lose them again. 

Deep in her heart, she felt like her strength was not enough to protect her family. After this, Lane planned to take on the mission of entering the Hidden Dungeon. She had her own way to go in that Dungeon instead of contacting Kyle. She didn't have to listen to anyone. 

"Don't worry, I will not die. I'm a God."

"Thank you."

She smiled. 

Mikael turned around and started walking away. They followed Jake who was entering a building. He glanced at the two and decided to open his mouth. 

"Do you know the reason why I'm the only one who knows where Chen Yu is?"


Mikael shook his head. He was baffled about that.

"It's simple, Chen Yu is creating a machine that can stop this war."


Mikael was intrigued, he spent his days killing Demons. He killed countless of them yet he felt like they were endless. He couldn't kill all of them, nor end this war, both were hard to achieve even for being a God. 

"That's why Chen Yu's location should remain a secret. Perhaps you already know this but this stronghold has some Demons living in it."

Mikael could sense that there were Demons, but because they were good at hiding and mixing with the people, Mikael understood that it would be a hassle to eliminate them. Well, perhaps he could do that if he has some free time. 

He licked his lips. 

"Those Demons are gathering information. I'm sure some of them caught up about Chen Yu and his invention. So I have to maintain his location a secret. Because Chen might die once his location is found."

Jake Raynold nonchalantly opened the door and they entered his room. There was nothing much inside his room, except for dirty cans and plastics. This awful guy didn't know the word cleanliness. 

Mikael and Furrneka frowned but Jake just shrugged. 

"Don't be like that, I don't treat this as my room. It's more like a cabin, a vacation place."

"You still have to clean it."

"Nevermind, anyway, here."

Jake tossed something to Mikael. It was a roll-on deodorant, this caused Mikael to be pissed.

"What the fuck is this?"

He said, it was obvious that he was irritated. 

"Chill, that's a way to reach Chen Yu. What you're holding is an Item. You have to roll it on your skin and you're body will be transported to his location. Same with your girlfriend."


He raised his brow, staring at Jake. But it seemed like Jake was not lying, it was indeed an Item. Mikael felt the pulsating mana inside the roll-on.

"I know it sounds annoying but it's better to make sure, let's just say that I'm the gatekeeper. No one can reach Chen Yu's place without talking to me."

Because Chen Yu's invention was important, Kyle planned to use it to strike back against the Demons. 

"Okay, I'll trust you."

Mikael didn't have a choice but to believe him. Apparently, Chen Yu needed him for his strength. So he didn't have the time to dilly dally with Jake Raynold. 

He began rolling the Item on his skin. 

"By the way, I just want to ask."

Jake looked at him, he was quite nervous and serious. He was asking for a second opinion. 

"Do you really think I don't have a chance to come out of the Hidden Dungeon?"

He asked. He heard from Kim Soo-Woon that he would be stuck in the Dungeon forever if he tried to enter it. He was asking for Mikael's opinion. 

Mikael passed the roll-on to Furrneka.

Then, he glanced at Jake, looking at him from head to toe. Jake raised his chest and crossed his arms.

"Hehe, what do you think? Kim Soo-Woon is wrong, right? I can survive that place without a scratch--"

"You'll die."


His face turned red. He didn't like his answer. 

"You will die."

Mikael's expression didn't change while speaking. As if he was stating the obvious. 

"If you entered that place, you'll die."

"What are you talking about- hey! Hey!"

He raised his voice but Mikael and Furrneka started vanishing. Jake tried to ask more but Mikael just shook his head until they completely disappeared. 

"That asshole, at least he should speak what are my chances? I will enter the Hidden Dungeon even if I have 5% of winning!"

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