Chapter 414

A young girl was sitting in the corner of the room, she was frightened as she looked at her parents who were doing drugs. She knew that her parents would lash at her if she made a mistake, she was holding her voice, enduring the pain in her cheeks. 

She was the fruit of their love, unfortunately, their heads were too immature to bring a child into this world. They were selfish, as they didn't care about the child at all. They glare at the child and the poor girl cowered in fear. 

"I heard that you earned money from your job. Where is it!!?"

The father yelled, raising his dominant hand, ready to beat the girl. Of course, a young child could do nothing but give the hard-earned money. 

"... This is all I have."

Her hands were shaking as she presented the money. 

"Good! Now get out of my sight!"

She earned it by begging in the streets, she didn't have a choice but to do so. Her parents were lazy, only doing drugs and having sex.

Since then, the young girl lost her respect and admiration for the adults. She found them disgusting, motivated by greed and pleasure. 

"There is only one thing that is precious and pure, the innocent children that were not tainted by the way of the world."



"Tch, I can't believe that I will remember that past again …"

Yuuki massaged her forehead. She experienced a life of a living hell, and that's why she didn't want any child to experience what she experienced.

"Because they don't deserve it."

She muttered. She understood that she won't have a proper life after that. After that, she found her parents overdosed in the dirty room. 

She was shocked, but a great deal of comfort won over her. Instead of being sad, she found it happy to know that no one would beat her ever again. 

"After that, I realized that I actually have a grandmother, she's a good person. Although she was lonely because her children left her, no one visited her. She did her best to take care of me, sadly, she died when I was 16 years old… If there is one thing I regret, that is I'm cold toward my grandma."

She smiled bitterly. She was not the type who was easily get swayed by emotions. But lately these days, she found herself thinking of the past. 

Yuuki started to stand up using her own feet after her grandmother died. She didn't want to be dependent on the adults. Her grandmother was the only one who treated her lovingly, yet she didn't put any importance on that. 

"Traumatized, huh… I can't trust any adult."

In her case, it was relatable. Domestic Violence was not that easy to overcome. 

Yuuki got up and took a warm bath. The Hidden Dungeon was reconstructed to make it wider because more Hunters were currently living in, Yuuki had the privilege to have her own room. 

She exited her room and found that Jake Raynold was already awake. Not only that, there was a massive spear stuck in his chest and blood was spurting out.

"Oh, hello Yuuki! I just got out of the Room 48!"

He said proudly as he pulled out the spear. He spent almost five days inside the Room. It was a miracle that he was still alive. 

'Once you entered a Room, you can't leave unless you defeated all of the monsters.'

Yuuki nodded. Not that she cared, she was already in Room 64. Because of her Skill, Time Freeze, aka, The World(Za Warudo)… She easily climbed up to the higher Rooms. Unlike Jake who was always in a dangerous situations. 

Mikael was right when he said that Jake had a small chance of leaving this Dungeon. He would either die or live here forever, just like the other Hunters who lost their will to fight. 

The other Hunters decided to live in this Dungeon for the rest of their whole lives, they didn't have the strength to gamble their lives. The rules forbid them to use healing potions whenever they were in the Rooms. They could not increase their levels too, that's why they didn't gain any strength this whole time.

Yuuki walked passed him, she found Jake stupid. This guy had the chance to say no to this Dungeon, yet he didn't want to. He still does his best to fight. Yuuki was wondering how long can Jake do that. 

When Yuuki reached the newly created cafeteria, she found that there was already a bunch of food lined up for the Hunters to choose from. 

"Yuuki, how are you?"

Just as Yuuki was picking a salad, she found that Lane was already there. 


Yuuki just bobbed her head. She was not the type to talk a lot, especially in front of people. 

'Lane was a child when I first saw her, but now, she became an adult. A tainted person.'

Indeed, Yuuki was quite racist in a way. She always had a bad opinion to adults. It was not easy for her to trust people.

After a few months of staying in the Dungeon, the other Hunters began treating them with respect. Yuuki and Lane were strong women and they won't hesitate to shed blood if they were threatened. 

"So, Yuuki, have you decided on what Item you will buy?"

Lane asked as he stuffed a mouthful of chicken leg in her mouth, she was hungry because she stayed in the Room for a long time and she didn't have proper food. 

"I don't."

Yuuki muttered while munching the pure green vegetables on her plate. 

"Any Item from the outside world won't work in the Rooms, but the Items from the Store are different. We can use them whenever we want. Furthermore, it seems that more sets of Items are added in the Store."

Lane calmly said. She already had an Item in mind but her coins were still not enough. She admitted that earning coins was not that easy. 

They are living in this Dungeon for more than a year, equivalent to two months in the real world. They did not have any clue about what was happening in the outside world unless the new batch would show up.

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