Chapter 417

The Leviathan was an existence that was born out of envy, an emotion that came from each existence that was living in the universe.

When the creature first opened his eyes, his appearance was that of an abomination. Dried skin, three horns at the back of his head, and pure red blood eyes. He didn't know his purpose.

However, the lingering emotion in his heart continued to exist, screaming envy. Thus, the creature moved forward.

Years passed and he realized that everything he touched slowly withered and die, everything that was beautiful became ugly. He loved that sensation of stealing the beauty of everything.

Every life that he met, he corrupted them until they became like him, jealous of the beauty.

Millenniums passed and he learned that he actually have brothers, six of them.

All of them were blinded by their ideals that they could never live in harmony. They were doing this just to follow their purpose. On the way, they realized that they created armies of Demons who were loyal to their calling.

"But millions of years passed again, and I realized that nothing matters. No matter how many worlds I corrupt, my jealousy will never cease."

The Demon Lord of Envy became tired as if nothing bothered him anymore. He was just living, fulfilling his role. He killed trillions, or maybe more than that. Countless Gods and worlds crumbled before him, but he was not satisfied.

"That's when I found the last thing that I became jealous of, you."


Mikael tilted his head, sitting on the cold ice. It was a miracle that his ass did not feel numb.

"Are you talking to me?"

"No you stupid dumb fuck motherfucker. Just listen to my story, okay."

The slithering creature scoffed.


Mikael did not know what to say. This Legendary Creature knew how to cuss.

"I realized that the mortals have something that I don't. In fact, they are happier than I ever experienced in my whole life. In their minuscule lives, they found contentment, something that I long..."

Mikael listened carefully, he even have popcorn on his side. He sipped the coffee that he brewed. 

"I decided to let go of my Authority, and live like a mortal. However, in the middle of the process, my body mutated and I turned into something like this. A serpent that lives under the ocean."

"So you became a Legendary Creature because of that."

"I'm not a Legendary Creature, I can't say that myself. I was not born of nature, I was born by emotion. Something dreadful."

"But you didn't look like you are sad. In fact, I can see that you found peace."

Mikael uttered bullshit.

"Indeed, after I vanquished my Authority and became an unknown giant serpent-like creature, I can say that I erased my existence as the envious Demon Lord."

The Leviathan rest his body on the ice and faced Mikael.

"However, since I left behind the Authority, my descendants surely used it. Based on what I can see, it seems that the current Lord of Envy is a woman. She's the third Demon Lord of Envy."

The Leviathan said. Maybe it was because he was gone for so long long time, that Demons could not remember him anymore. Only the ancient Demons and his brothers knew him.

'Just like me, the Demon Lord of Lust disappeared.'

He was amazed that he could feel sad toward one of his brothers. Maybe becoming a giant eel was not that bad. Although he thoroughly understood that every one of his brothers was inherently evil.

"So, is that all?"

"Yeah, I'm nothing but history. However, I have something that I can help you with."

"Are you going to give me information?"

"Yes, but it's more than that."

Mikael has opened his ears. Now that he found that the Leviathan was a Demon Lord, he took his words seriously.

"As the Demon Lord of Envy, I have the ability to open the door of Hell, the Underworld."

This ability was the sole reason why the Shadow Demon met the Leviathan because the Shadow Demon wanted to open that Gate of Hell.

"And why are you saying this to me?"

"Simple, because I'm tired of the endless cycle of suffering. Now that I lost my Authority, my mind became open and I realized that Demons are the disease. They have to be stopped."

"... You're a Demon Lord, yet you want me to kill your brothers?"



"Because I'm envious!"

The creature proudly said.

"... I'll think about it."

Mikael looked at him coldly. He could see that even though the Leviathan was not a Demon Lord anymore, his elements were still there.

'Someone full of envy.'

Changing is a hard thing to do after all. Now, he confirmed that the Leviathan was dangerous no matter what. He didn't have sympathy. 

'But a gate to the Hell? It looks like Kyle doesn't know everything after all.'

Mikael grinned. Now he had another way to fuck those bastards. Mikael was not thinking of asking the Leviathan, he would torture him instead. 

'I will not wait for the time when this creature betrayed us.'

That's why the exact moment that the Leviathan lowered its defense, Mikael cast thunderous lightning and roasted the creature.


"Hehe, I'm thinking of eating a roast snake!"

"I thought you understand that I'm not the enemy!"

"Bullshit! You're a Demon, you are an enemy!"

Mikael had a toothy grin as his skin turned golden and scales covered him. Furthermore, his hair turned white. 

"I heard a much sadder story! Don't you know Emergence? That doujin fucked my life for years! Damn that 177013!"

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