Chapter 52

One Kilometer away from the battle. Six people were waiting for the conclusion. Only Miriam could observe the fight. 

"Are you sure we're not going to help!? Mikael is fighting there. It's one versus four!"

Miriam said.

"He can do this alone. He has three skills. He will beat them, I trust him. The only thing we will do is to wait. "


"Miriam,  you don't believe in Mikael? The hobgoblin, Minotaur, Gryphin, and Basilisk. All of those monsters. He overcame them. He's is strong"

"Kuck...I'll wait. However, if something bad happens to him. I'll never forgive you. I will never join your Guild"

Miriam believed in Mikael. She witnessed every battle that he won. However, she didn't like Kyle's plan. 

He let Mikael face them alone. He may win, but he'll win with injuries.






After the fight, the four sighed in relief. Mikael won the battle and the enemies were defeated.

"Good. Christian, did you record everything? I want to show the whole world this fight. If they want to kill the Rank 1. They must ready their selves to be cut in half. "

"This... Okay fine. I'll make sure that many people will see this. I will use my power to broadcast the footage on T.V and internet."

Christian doesn't know if Kyle is plan is good. Regardless of his feelings, he decided to believe in Kyle







Assassinating Rank 1. This kind of thing was common in Kyle's timeline. 

Rank 1 was the person who had the highest level in the Awakening. It's the only criteria to reach the top. It's a simple standard. 

However, the reason why Hunters were jealous of them was because of their rewards. The Evolution Stones. An Item that could increase their Skills. 

Evolution stone was an Item that can only get in the Ranking Hall. It's impossible to find it anywhere. It had the ability to evolved a skill. 

Gaining Skills was hard. It needs practice and battle experience to acquire it. 

Right now, there were only four people that have two Skills. They were Mikael Tibano, Lane Turner, Oliver Johnson, and Yuuki Kouri. Only four people, this was proof that attaining Skill was hard. The people who gained many Skills would become the behemoth of this era. They will be known as the giant of the First Batch.

Kyle and his team were the only people who knew about the information of Evolution Stones. However, one day, this information will spread and a lot of greedy people would hunt the Hunters that reach the title of Rank 1.

But For now, assassinating Mikael was a childish act because they didn't have a valid reason to do it. 






The video began to circulate. Many people watched it because it looks like a CGI fight. Though They knew that the fight was real. This made the video more famous. 

The world realized the strength of Mikael.  He had the power to cut the Rank 5 in half. 

Some people are dissatisfied with the video. Especially the Human Rights Organisation. The video itself was evidence of murder. However, they couldn't do anything. They tried to make a protest but someone was pulling strings to prevent them. Besides, they don't have the strength to confront a man who can destroy a City... 

If they show that they were angry at Mikael, many Hunters would knock on their door. The world was changing and the Hunters were the center of these changes.

"Mom! Dad! Did you see it? That's my brother! I'm happy that he's safe! Those leechers! My brother is a good guy. He only protects himself!" 

Lane Turner told her parents about his brother.  She looked at the television and curse the newscaster.

"Lane, it's bad to curse people. I don't wanna hear you saying any bad words, okay"

Her parents were alarmed. They were happy that their child was safe but they realized that their daughter had changed. They feel like she's mature and her way of talking was different... They are worried.

"Un!! Yes, Mama~"

The sweet little child nodded 







Niña saw the news. Her chest was tight like she can't breathe. She felt like she wants to kill those attackers even though they were already dead. Her heart was beating faster and she needs to do something.

She took her dagger and enter the Dungeon. She needs to earn money for her Mother... And she needs money to buy a plane ticket. 






In an abandoned building on Laguna. Kyle was torturing the only survivor, the support. He's asking him who's the mastermind. 


"Who asks you to kill Mikael?"

"Aargh!! I- I don't know! Shawn said that he wants to kill someone so I just follow him. Except that, I don't know anything! Please let me live!"

"Shawn? That Rank 5?"

"Yes! He said he wants to kill Mikael and show the world that he's the strongest! "

"... So you're useless."

Kyle sighed, it seemed that this man was oblivious.

"N- No!! Please, stop this! I can't do this aahhh!! "

The man already lost his fingers. His feet and hands were devoid of fingers. However, Kyle kept pouring potions to heal him. His fingers return but he's not happy. He knew that another torture would happen. 

"We got nothing to get huh. We should have left that Rank 5 alive. Well, I can't do anything about that. Sorry man, but you need to die."

"W- wait!! I don't wanna die!!"


The man lost his upper body and blood fell out. The Items that were in his Inventories rained. He had a couple of good pieces of equipment but overall, all of them were trash. 

Kyle used an Orb Beam cause bullets won't work on Hunters. Particularly, those level 100+ 

"What do you think? Can you find the mastermind?"

Kyle asked Christian, his business partner. 

"This one is different... It will take some time. I believe I can. "


They left the body to rot. Christian and Kyle were already experienced in torturing. Klein and Miriam would surely not participate in this, that's why they're just two. As for Mikael, he is sleeping right now. 

The abandoned building became silent. As for how Christian learned the way of torture. It's a mystery that you need to solve on your own. 






One month passed and Miriam acquired her Second Skill. She could now locate Niña and Lane.

Currently, They were on a plane. Their team would unite again after many months.

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