Chapter 60: MARKET

With Chen Yu, the brother successfully returned to Headquarter. The headquarters is currently in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, they know nothing about the reason why Kyle decided to build the Headquarter here. However, the place was peaceful and beautiful. Except for the few people who work in building the Headquarter, the place was quiet. 

There's only two way to visit the island, it's either by plane or boat, Mikael was dubious about the place but he trusts Kyle. 

"Sir, what kind of job do I have to do? 

Chen Yu was following the brothers. When he heard that someone would give him a job with a high salary. He immediately accepted it.

"I don't know. Kyle's the one who asks me to take you here."

"Ah is that so..."

They went to the elevator and push the top floor button. They felt their bodies moving upward. After some minutes, the elevator opened and they exit. 

"Here we are. I'm sorry but we have work to do. You can ask the guards and they will show you to the Guildleader office. "

"Y- yes."

Mikael and Klein were busy. After this, they need to go to Ireland to blackmail, I mean to recruit Hunters. 


Chen Yu was nervous. He remembered the offer that Mikael gave to him. He said that he would give them a salary of 10 million dollars annually. He was afraid that his Boss would fire him if he made a bad impression. 

Chen Yu entered the office. Inside the room, a man was standing near the window. He was in his late 20s.  He had a big presence that could freeze the whole room.

"H- Hello Sir! I- I'm Chen Yu!"

"Chen Yu..."

"Yes sir!"

"I want you to build a flying fortress"

"Yes sir!... What!?"






Mikael's present level was 216. He's passed two hundred. His current level was mediocre. At this time, many Hunters were already in level 240. 

Mikael was too busy to enter a Portal. This whole month, he never fought any monsters. He traveled the world because his f*cking Boss gave them many jobs. 

"... Should I resign?"

He thinks about resignation but whenever he remembers how the Minotaur and Gryphin died, he stopped the idea. 

"Well, it's not bad. The people start to lose their attention to me."

The media was now forgetting him, his name was rarely heard in the news. The whole world is now focusing its attention on the second batch. Many Guilds and Organizations were doing their best to recruit them. 

You could say that Mikael lost his fame. For him, it's not a big deal, he was happy that they're not disturbing him, such as taking pictures and selfies. 

"I'm not accustomed to those penetrating gaze. My back itches when they look at me like an animal in the zoo or something. "

He even needs to wear a cap and mask whenever he goes out. But now, he was free to do everything. 

"Thank God, I can now move freely. "

He already finished his job, Kyle gave him a one-week vacation.  He was back in the Philippines.

Right now, he's in the newly build Mall. And this mall is not ordinary. This is a Hunter Market. This is a Mall that sells dungeon Items publicly. It's an open Dungeon Market. 

This was the place where people could buy things that Hunters acquired inside the Dungeon. The place was just opened last three days and many people were busy buying things, the Market was completely packed with people. 

It's a Dungeon Items, and almost all of the people want them. Some Items could protect their lives. There were even healing potions, but those were quickly bought. The price varies depends on their options and value. 

Mikael was walking when he saw an accessory.  He found a good earring, it has a symmetrical and beautiful design.

[ Earrings of bravery

-prevent the user from becoming confused and increase the user's bravery]

[Price: 13,000,000 pesos]

"This earring... I think Nina will like this, ehem. Mikael your inner thoughts are showing"

He cough when he realized that he always remembers Niña when he saw girl stuff. 

The earring was expensive. It's 270, 833 thousand if you convert it to dollars. The Dungeon Market was ripping off. However, there were still customers who would buy their products.  Items may have a great amount of price but it's worth it. The Item's description never lies. If the Item increases their speed, then they'll become faster. 

Mikael bought the earrings. He wants to see Niña's happy. The 270 thousand dollars was small compared to Niña's smile. He would buy anything just to see her joy. 

"Since, I'm here. How about I go to the auction house. "

The Dungeon Market has two auctions, the private and public.

You could find the big-time people in the private, this was the place where they could find the greatest Items. The Market announced that they would auction a Skill Book. Right now, the private house was full of people. 

As for the public, this was the place where an Item that didn't get in the private auction. This place was full too, the Items may have been meager compare to the Items inside the private but it's still above average. 

Mikael saw the public auction and he witnessed people shouting, the place was crammed of people. 

"... I think I'll pass. I just visit here next time."

He said, though he wouldn't have next time. 

Mikael returned, he didn't need anything and he believes that he could get any equipment by Dungeon diving. He hates the idea of joining their turmoil. 

He goes to a place named Unidentified Items. This was the place where Items who had unknown description reside in. Mikael remembers that he sometimes got this kind of Item. 

He's curious, he entered the place and saw people reading and touching the Items on display. 


- ___________ use to write]

[Lion's eye

-___________ eye of a lion. ]

This was the common description of the Unidentified Items. It's like they're doing puzzles. Guessing if the Item was a jackpot or not. 

He watched his surroundings. 

"This is..."

Mikael stopped when he saw a rock lying on the table. It's a simple stone that has no uses. He read the description.


- a stone______]

"Why are my Skills are activating on their own?"

His three Skills were erupting inside him. He felt his body heating up,  lightning comes out of him.

*psst psst*

"Excuse me, how much is this!? "

He bought the stone. He immediately left the place, he would explode in the market if he stay here.

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