Chapter 67: SPECIES

<Mikael PoV>

Klein told me everything.  About what happened to me and how the Hydra's curse made me comatose for six years. 

He said he transferred me to the hospital because there was something happened. Yup, he didn't elaborate the story too much for me, but I get what he's saying. 

He said, there is no cure for the curse of Hydra unless I can overcome it on my own. Because of what happened to me, he said that curse magic won't work on me now. 

In short, I have immunity to curse spells.  My own body fights the curse while I'm sleeping..... I'm not slightly happy, the truth that I slept six years was stabbing my heart. 

I asked him about the Guild and the others but he didn't speak. 

He simply said that he was no longer part of Redemption and that Miriam had retired from being a Hunter.

He said Christian and Kyle were the only ones left in the founding member.

Lane, on the other hand, is in another Guild as well.

As for Niña...

"I have no news about Niña, the last time I saw her was two years ago. She suddenly disappeared, Miriam tried to find her, but you know Niña's skill. She will not be found if she does not show up"

To summarize, he did not know where Niña was.  A lot has changed and I don't know how I should react.

It seems like only yesterday everything was okay.  Then when I woke up,  something changed. No everything changed. 

In this kind of situation, what should I do?

Should I get angry? Or sad?

Well, matter what I do, I can never return to the past, I must not regret it...  What I need right now is time. The time to think, and the time to fix my dizzy brain.

"Klein, I know you have something to hide from me. I don't blame you, I don't know what you suffered when I was away."

"Kuya ..."

"I want to go home, I need time to think. By the way, how's Grandma? Are they okay?"


His face stiffened.

"Klein, tell me. What happened to them."

"Lolo... He did not agree to be treated. He said he had no regrets in this world. He was old and it was okay with him ... Lola also agreed with Grandpa's decision. She said that elderly like them must rest...... It is okay if they just disappear. She said that I should respect Grandpa's decision... Lolo Johnny died three years ago "

I was struck. 

"..... Before we go home, let's visit Grandpa"

"Okay, Lolo was buried together with Mama and Papa. "






A flying fortress flies across the Pacific Ocean.

Above this fortress, there were nests of Gryphins, Wyverns, and Drakes.  These monsters were domesticated and tamed.

They provide transportation better than jets, airplanes, and flying cars. Over the past six years, monsters had been used as a transportation and product.

The first to carry out this plan was none other than the Redemption Guild.  Kyle looked for Hunters with Tamer Skills, he used them to train these flying monsters as transportation.

As a result, many people and businessmen became interested in tamed monsters.

"Sir, we have news that Mikael has woken up"

Kyle was in an Infernal Drake that he took from a Red Portal. The Drake gently descended and Kyle jumped down and faced his secretary

"So he's awake. What do you think, secretary Hakase?"

"Sir based on the data I saw, Mikael is only level 237, at this time where the prominent Hunters are level 600+. He does not matter, we do not need him. And most of all, the founding members had already separated paths"

"Good. Let him be, he is useless to me"

"Yes, and sir, Vice Leader Christian is looking for you, he said he saw a good business in Guatemala"

"Ok, I'll call him later. By the way secretary, if you're still a level 250? Do you think you can beat him, the first Rank 1?"

"... No Sir"

The Secretary shook his head. 

"Good. You can leave"

Kyle with his domineering aura used his phone to call someone.






"Wow! Is this really the world? Many changed!"

Mikael, on their way home, saw the changes that took place in the world.

While inside the flying car.... yes correct, a hovercar, a car fueled by mana that had runes of elevation.  Mikael was amazed by what he saw, first, he was in a car that could only be seen in sci-fi movies.  Second, he sees bird-type monsters flying with a human rider.

And the last was ...

"Is that a woman ... a bunny girl? And why is that man has long ears"

There were now Beastmen and Elves. These were Species that he had never seen before.

"Ah, of course. Those people are beastmen and elves. The woman you saw was a member of the Rabbit Tribe they are the people who came to this world through Portal"

"... Ayeh"

Mikael felt like he was in another world. Maybe this was a Parallel Universe?  Perhaps or not.

These mythical creatures could only be found in books and stories.  But now he sees them in person.

He took his time and looked for any new and different things that he finds.

"The world had changed so much"

Mikael and his brother were in a flying car. As always, he did not know what to do. His chest was tightly knit and he felt like he lost something in his heart. His home was different from what he remembered.

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