Chapter 81: ARRIVAL

Furrneka tried to use her claw but her body was too heavy to move.  Mikael approached her.

"Don't worry. Try to use your Skill. You will know that your Black Lightning has been upgraded"

She looked at Mikael, Mikael was serious.  He also does not seem to be lying.  His eyes convince her to activate her Skill.

* psst !!  psst !! *

The Black Lightning Serpent came out of her body.  The bigger it got the stronger the sparks.  Furrneka was surprised by what she saw, her Serpent became stronger and she felt that she learned another Skill.

"This ... my Lightning has explosive effect now."

"See, I did nothing. Your Skill and mine merged and then returned to us, they get the characteristics of each other. This is a win-win situation"

He approached Furrneka and looked closely at her face.  She had an ear of a cat and her eyes mesmerized him, it's addictive to look at.

"You're beautiful"

He knew the Beast People were beautiful and they had an attractive figure.  Their whole body emits sexiness.

"What? Nyah? Did you say something?"

Furrneka was busy so she did not hear what Mikael said.  She was looking at her newly found Skill.  Her smiles almost reached her two ears, she was happy to know that she got stronger.

"Ehem, nothing. What's your name? I'm Mikael, don't worry I'm not a bad person"

"... Furrneka. Furrneka of the Cat Tribe"

"Furrneka is it? I helped you when you fainted, I brought you here to the apartment because HA is looking for you. I can't take you to the hospital"

Mikael was telling the truth, Furrneka was currently a wanted person.  Hurting two Hunters of the HA was a bad move.  Now, many people were looking for her.

"Tch, I should have killed those two. Why did you stop me?"

Furrneka asked. She had a chance to kill them.  If only Mikael had not come to the scene.

"Hah? Are you crazy? You get a bigger penalty when you kill an HA Hunter. As a Hunter, you should know that"


She used her blanket to cover her body, she hates people who always interfere with her.

"Sigh, are you really like that? Earlier you were happy cause you found out that your Skill evolved, and now you are angry. You're unpredictable"

He said his true attitude.

"I don't care, get out of here!"

"Okay, fine, I see that you're still angry..... At least thank me. "

Mikael frowned in annoyance.  This Cat woman was feral, an untamed and wild woman.  She had this spoiled and prideful atmosphere.  And Mikael didn't like it.

"... tch take care. We don't know each other anyway. By the way thanks to the passive skill you gave. I'm faster now"

Furrneka did not answer, she didn't like this man.  She hates him for an unexplainable reason, as long as she is angry, she showed her emotion like a child.

"Here is your expanded bag. I didn't touch anything there. You can leave whenever you want"

He closed the door and left.  He didn't like the woman's behavior.  He prefers Niña playful and childish attitude than an unpredictable woman like Furrneka.

"I hate humans, they always see us like toys. The way they see us is a doll. Especially the men in Japan, they gave me goosebumps. Their fetishes were disturbing...  If they want to have sex, then talk to the Fox and Rabbit people. Those tribes love sexual- ah nevermind. "

As an untamed beast, she didn't want to get near any people.  She wanted to hunt alone.  She was a natural-born predator, HA? Guilds?  Hunter?  She would tear any obstacles.

What she wanted is to live freely.  She didn't want anyone to disturb her freedom.  She would do what she wants and nothing would stop her.

She inspected her body and injuries.

"After 3 days, I will leave here. My body will perfectly heal at that time."

She's a selfish woman. Though she doesn't need to say it because she knew her nature. She would leave Mikael before things get hectic. Besides, they both got something from each other.  Mikael gained Skill and so did she.

"Just like what he says, it's a give and take ..... nyah, I gained Skill nyah nyah"

Whenever she remembered that she gained her second Skill, she could not help but smile.  Her tail swayed like an upward pendulum.

She was happy.  But then she remembered another thing, it was their tradition.  A tradition that they follow to this day. When she remembered it, suddenly her forehead furrowed.

"Nyah! As if! No one knows so I'm still safe! I'll just leave before he knows! Heck, I don't want to marry!!"






It's midnight, the four people in the apartment were sleeping quietly.

Mikael was sleeping in his own room, the apartment was big and there were many rooms.  It's a good place to relax and to forget, Mikael like this place. As someone who just woke up a year ago with a curse.  A quiet and peaceful atmosphere like this was good for him.

But this peaceful atmosphere would not remain.  Three people quietly entered their apartment.  They used a Skill to bypass the security.

Mikael opened his eyes, his senses are heightened when he entered the Punishment.  In a never-ending war, his instinct grew stronger.

He utilized his senses to identify the unwelcome guests.

"Three people, equally strong. Perhaps around 600+, they have the same aura like Klein. What is the reason they are here?"

After some seconds, he found out that they were going in Furrneka's direction.

"Revenge? Maybe the HA found her?"

He didn't know the correct answer, he stood up and ready his equipment.

If a fight took place, Mikael's priority was Adalyn's safety, she was an ordinary girl and she could die if she goes around close to the battle.  Seven was now a 150+ Hunter, he could protect himself.

Time passed and there was a loud shout.  Furrneka's voice shook the whole apartment.

"Nyaaahh !!!"

After that, he could hear the sound of clashing and slashing.  He didn't know what's the best decision, should he help or not?

"Tch, she gave me a Passive Skill. This will be my payback"

He opened the door and helped her.

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