A woman was walking.  She had a beautiful face but her emotion was cold.  Though her beauty cannot be hidden, her coldness makes her more gorgeous.

Everyone who tried to block her turned to ice.  With every step of her feet, the whole area freeze.

The place was full of ice statues.  These statues were still alive.  But if they stay on the ice for a long time they would definitely die in the frost.

This woman was dangerous, she could kill any person she wants.  Only a few people could face her.  Sadly, on this floor, no one could match her.

The sound of high heels walking was like a call of death.  When you hear that the footsteps, your whole body would turn to ice.

"Ice Empress Yuuki, I know you want to see the Guildleader but please, follow the protocol. We have rules here."

Secretary Hakase, a Japanese just like her, appeared.  His body passed through a solid wall.  Hakase could penetrate solid objects, there were exceptions but there was no denying the Skill was overpowered.

* shhaaa !!! *

A large Ice Spike arose under Secretary, he used his Skill.  His body passed through to the sharp ice.

"Hakase, you traitor. You turned your back on Japan to work on Redemption. And on that man"

"Empress, that man saved the world. Do not humiliate him. I did not betray my countrymen, I am true to my feelings. I am a member of Redemption, it is normal for me to defend my comrades"

Hakase defended himself.  When it comes to opposing words, he won't be defeated.  Especially to Yuuki who was a quiet person.

"Your leader, where is he?"

Since she saw his lackey.  She found it easier to find the boss.  This was her reason why she visited this fortress, to meet Kyle, the leader of Redemption.

"Leader is on the top floor. He is waiting for you, and he also said don't increase the number of statues in the fortress. We will have a hard time healing them "

"I can't believe the Redemption has these weaklings. They can't put a fight"

"Wrong, you're just too strong. How can they fight a monster like you"

After saying those words, the secretary's body gradually disappeared.  He penetrated the wall and returned, his work was done.


After a second of pause, Yuuki continued walking. She didn't obey Hakase. Everything she saw moving became frozen. The innocent people who saw her became ice statues. 

Every step she took, the whole ground turned into ice skating rinks.  Her passive Skill could kill a normal person just by being close.  That's why she was controlling it but not in this place.

After all, she was here to visit and she wants to leave a good gift.  Perhaps the employees would treat this floor as a tourist spot, like an art gallery where you can see statues. 

She slowly walked over the hard ice.  All she could hear was the sound of her high heels.

This is Yuuki Kouri, the Ice Empress.

"Oh, you are here. Did you enjoy your visit?"

When she reached the top floor, she saw Kyle busy with papers.  He was writing nonstop while he asked Yuuki.

"Where's Cedy?"

* crash !!!  clank !!! *

Hundred ice spears rained at Kyle.  Secretary Hakase appeared and wielded his greatsword to cancel the attack.  Even though the whole place was ruined, Kyle didn't stop working.  He still signed papers, it looked like his work was important.

"Answer me"

"Yuuki it's not a courtesy for you to knock on my house and break anything that you see. Don't you know, many people had hypothermia because of you. It looks like my expenses will increase again."

* swoosh !!! *

A large cone of ice attacked him, but it stopped in the middle.  A man showed up, he used his Telekinesis to prevent the Ice cone from moving.

"Oh Christian, how are you? Did you close the deal?"

"Yes, everything is fine. Though I was surprised that we had a visitor. You should have told me, I was not able to prepare"

He walked with a smile.

"Hello Ms. Yuuki, I'm happy to meet you again"

Yuuki stared at them, she knew there was friction going on between the two Redemption leaders.  She was shocked by what she saw, it was even worse than she thought.

There's a silent battle that's happening between Kyle and Christian. These two hate each other.

"Miss Yuuki, can I know the reason why you came here?"

Christian asked.  The Ice Empress would not cause havoc without a good reason.  He wanted to know why she did this.

"Cedy Hampshire, I'm looking for him. He's missing, I ask The Eye and she told me that there are only four possible answers. Redemption was one of it"

She answered his question.  Christian talked better than Kyle who is busy with his work.  And she preferred the good one rather than the bad one.

"Is that so ... Cedy Hampshire? I'm sorry but I don't know him. I know every corner of this place. After all, this whole fortress is mine"

As he said these words, he stared at Kyle.

"... I see. You're not lying right?"

Yuuki asked him just to confirm it.

"Yes, I'm not lying. You can trust me. And if you're talking about the 'stealth ability'. Someone told me that Kim Soo-Woon appeared with a young man in Thailand"

Artifact, runes, existence, or Item that has hiding ability.  There were only four people who had it in the world.  The Fortress of Redemption was one of them.  This was the reason why Miriam couldn't infiltrate the Guild. And this was the reason why she couldn't find Cedy Hampshire.

"... If I find out that you lied to me. I will destroy your whole Guild."

This was a real threat.  The Ice Empress could do it, in fact, she already proved it.  A city returned to the ice age because of her.

"No, I'm honest. And if I'm lying, you can kill me. I will not fight."


"And don't worry this man can't escape this Fortress. He's stuck here until around two months."

He pointed to Kyle who's as always, still busy.

"Then I guess I'm going to Thailand now"

"Thank you, Miss Yuuki"

Before leaving, she stopped and turn around.  She looked at Kyle and recalled Miriam's request.

"Miriam told me something, she said go fucking die!"

She jumped out, she dived into the Pacific Ocean.  But instead of drowning, the whole water turned to ice. She walked in the middle of the ocean.

( Since I made characters illustration of Master of Ceremonies, I decided that I will create one of Mc's not part of the story. I will post it on Sunday. Note: In this arc, the side characters will have a major part.)

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