"Scan complete sir", Jarvis said to Tony.

"Okay, tell me what you got buddy", Tony said.

It has been a week since Tony killed Aldrich Killian. The events of the week have been quite hectic and troublesome, to say the least. It wasn't every day that information would lead to the capture of the Vice President of the United States. Since his house had been destroyed, Tony and Pepper had decided to live in Avengers Tower in the meantime.

After the entire ordeal, Pepper had been adamant that Tony get some help. Tony at first didn't want to get any help about his mental health but Pepper threatened to break up with him if he didn't do it, which made Tony reluctantly agree.

"The writings are a group of multiple languages, written in a complex pattern. It mostly composts of, Tibetan, Japanese, English, and Latin languages", Jarvis stated.

"Do they make sense?", Tony asked as he drank some water.

"No, sir, I believe we need to know the fundamental rule that these writings are derived. Only then will we be able to grasp these writings' meaning", Jarvis replied.

During the battle with Aldrich, Tony knew that Mark 42 wasn't powerful enough to sustain damage due to high temperatures. But within the fight, he was hit with a powerful heat blast, a blast that he thought would cause his defeat, even death. It was at this moment when weird writings began to appear out of his suit. At first, he was shocked at this, but then he became thankful. It was because of these writings that he was able to nearly nullify all of Aldrich's attacks, thus making him the victor of the battle.

But now that event has passed, his curiosity got the better of him. For at least an hour or two every day, he has been doing some research on these writings. He was quite shocked that a few symbols had given his suit flame-resistant features. The engineer inside of him just wanted to figure out how this works.

"So, in all still nothing, huh?", Tony said as he stared at the hologram of the writings in front of him.

"Sadly no sir. I have begun running multiple calculations but none of them had shown that they have deciphered the importance of these writings", Jarvis replied.

"Don't worry buddy. For me, this just makes Zero a more mysterious figure. He has recordings of my father and now these writings. Just how secretive is this guy", Tony commented.

"Come on Tony, Dr. Andrew Garner will be here soon", Pepper said as she entered Tony's lab.

Dr. Andrew was the therapist that S.H.I.E.L.D. had introduced to Tony. The man has been working with them for a long time now, he mostly deals with people that were placed in the INDEX but S.H.I.E.L.D. decided that he was a perfect fit to help Tony settle his own problems.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming", Tony said as he closed the hologram and went to the living room to meet the man for his weekly sessions.



"In ancient times, people believed the heavens were filled with gods and monsters, and magical worlds. Then, as time passed, those beliefs faded into myth and folklore. But now we know the stories were true. Otherworlds, with names like Asgard, do exist. And beings once revered as gods, like Thor, have returned, leaving us with more questions and... an enormous mess to clean up", Agent Simmons said as she watches the huge mess that Thor left behind after his battle yesterday.

"Don't say I didn't give you anything", I sarcastically said as I pour some pile of objects in front of Agent Simmons and Agent Leopold Fitz. I scanned my surroundings and I could see numerous agents labeling objects and talking among themselves.

For the last couple of months, I have been assigned to a new team. The team was a mobile group that Director Fury gave to Agent Phil Coulson after he came back to S.H.I.E.L.D. Only Fury and his trusted group know what truly happened to Coulson after the incident in the Helicarrier, that includes me as well. But I didn't get my information from S.H.I.E.L.D.

I am part of SHADOW after all, which means I am privy to information that even S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't even know about. But I gotta hand it to Fury, show him your loyalty and he'll give you a shot to revive you from the dead. That thought makes me chuckle sometimes.

"Checking for alien spectrographic signatures one teeny rock at a time", Agent Fitz said as he reluctantly began scanning the objects I piled in front of him.

"Necessary precaution. We don't want anything alien getting in the wrong hands", I said to Agent Fitz. Fitz is a good person, but sometimes socially awkward, or is that a requirement for every person who is incredibly smart, I wonder?

"Still, this is definitely the type of work a monkey could easily do", Agent Fitz replied. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/mcu-the-inheritance-of-the-3-sannins_17469821105038805/grant_50645870844113230">/book/mcu-the-inheritance-of-the-3-sannins_17469821105038805/grant_50645870844113230</a> for visiting.

"You're our little monkey", I said to him with amus.e.m.e.nt. Note to self, Agent Fitz is fond of monkeys.

"Come on Fitz, no monkey business", Agent Simmons said as she reprimanded her best friend.

"I'm just saying, a monkey could do this", Fitz replied as he returned to his work.

I smiled when I saw this. Agent Fitz and Agent Simmons were close friends even back during their Academy days, it was written on their file. The two of them were the team's tech duo, but I didn't even have to spend a single day with them to know that they love each other. They just haven't realized it yet, which is so amusing to watch.

"Beep, Beep"

"Definitely not from here. Another piece of the ship", Fitz said as he held an object in his hand. I immediately took the object and began spraying it.

"What are you doing?", Fitz asked.

"Out of sight. Out of mind", I said as I placed the object in a container.

Yesterday Thor had a battle here with Malekith. Ethan was the only one that went here to make sure that nothing unwanted happened.

After helping a few people and making sure that Thor would live through the battle, he just left. I personally asked him why he didn't get one of the infinity stones, that is what we are trying to protect after all.

Then he explained that it shouldn't be with him. He told me that the best way to defend the stones was to scatter them throughout the universe and that no one should have more than 1 in their possessions. He said that Asgard was one of the best civilizations to defend one of the stones. They had a powerful army and if something went wrong, he'll just teleport there to help them.

I was shocked to hear that he was optimistic about other people defended the stones. He just told me that he had a gut feeling that they wouldn't be easily defeated this time... I was, even more, confused when I heard that, but I trust the man, so I went along with his decision.

"It would be nice if for once, Thor and his people sent down the god of cleaning up after yourself. They probably have a magic broom for this kind of thing", Agent Coulson said he files some of the mess in a container that Skye was carrying.

"I just wish they left their alien ship behind", Skye commented.

"So we can clean that up, too?", Agent Melinda May sarcastically stated.

"So we could go inside, take a peek under the hood, maybe take it for a spin", Skye replied.

Melinda showed an amused look on her face, so Skye said, "Come on, you're telling me piloting an alien ship isn't on your bucket list?".

"I can't think of a single time when anything alien in human hands ended well", Coulson commented as he continues filling alien objects.

"Wouldn't mind getting my human hands on Thor...So dreamy", Skye said with a dazed look on her face.

"Sure, his handsome but---", Coulson was interrupted by Melinda May when she said, "No, his dreamy".

I smiled when I heard this, the other two members that were part of Coulson's team were Agent Melinda May, who is our pilot, and Skye, an orphan and a hacktivist that Agent Coulson became fond of. I haven't observed it for so long but I had a feeling that Agent Coulson was beginning to view Skye as a daughter, of course, the man hasn't realized it but I am fairly certain about that assessment. All in all, they were good people to work with.

And the rest of the day was spent in boring work, cleaning Thor's mess.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to chapters.

pat.reon.com/King_disturb (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

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