MCU: The Inheritance Of The 3 Sannins

Chapter 111 - Counterattack

After hearing my point of view on the Hydra matter the entire people in the room became quiet. Steve was even clenching his fist tighter now than ever. It was clear that he didn't like my reason. But I didn't care, this was the consequence of S.H.I.E.L.D. letting questionable people in their agency and they would learn through this mistake no matter how painful it will be.

Fury then stood up from his bed and said, "I for one don't fully agree with your assessment...but I will have to give it merit, even with great reluctance". Fury then looks at Steve and Sam, who the latter he still doesn't know, and said, "Looks like you are all I got".

Fury then took out a briefcase from one of the hidden compartments of the base and seated himself in a chair. He looks at me and said, "At least tell us if you place anything in the Helicarriers that could help us. Like I don't know, a disable switch or something".

I snorted in amus.e.m.e.nt and replied, "I place something inside the algorithm of Project Insight itself, but it's not something that can stop it. It's just a little gift I want to give Hydra when you disable the Hellicarriers".

"All right then, Agent Hill", Fury said to his most trusted agent. She then took out a computer and explained the plan they were able to formulate while in hiding.

"We need to stop the Helicarrier before they reach 3000 feet, if we can't then they'll triangulate with Insight satellite becoming fully weaponized", Hill said. Fury then opened his briefcase and showed Steve and Sam what was inside.

"We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own"

"One or two won't cut it. We need to link all three carriers for this to work, because if even one of those sh.i.p.s remains operational a whole lot of people are gonna die", Hill added.

"Now since we have all this information about the Hydra members", Fury said as held the USB drive that I gave him, "We can use this to call all loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the Triskelion and they will help fight for our cause. This way it will lessen the number of people that we have to fight our way through".

Steve looks at Fury and said, "The Helicarriers must go, the is the priority here. We will use it to destroy itself".

"What? We need to salvage it, think about all the good it could bring", Fury said to Steve.

"Yet here we are planning to stop it before it could kill millions in a matter of minutes. It has to go", Steve replied with an adamant look on his face.

There was a hush silence in the room as both Fury and Steve had a face-off of beliefs. One could argue that each idea has its own merits but eventually, Fury sighed and relented. He understood that having a gun pointed at the heads of all humans on earth wasn't a good way to make sure of humanity's safety.

Realizing that Fury agreed with him, Steve added, "I will also resign from working from S.H.I.E.L.D. after this mission".

"What? You can't be serious", Fury asked.

"Your method of commanding S.H.I.E.L.D. help led to this event, even if indirectly. This just shows that I can't work with you. But I will still help save the world if that's what you are worrying about", Steve said.

Suddenly a blue sphere appeared leaving behind two females and one male. Only one of these females didn't wear a mask.

"How about with me? Will you work with me?".

Steve immediately recognize the voice. He turned around and he could see the only woman that he truly loves. Gone were the damage of years to her body, the woman that he love was young again. He immediately went towards her in a sprint and gave her a strong tight hug. As if he was fearful that she would disappear from her hold.

He then held her face and said, "How?".

Peggy kissed Steve on the lips and said, "Zero restored my youth and told me everything about your current situation".

Fury looks at the seating Zero and asked with disbelief in his voice, "You can restore someone's youth?".

"Don't worry Fury, I gave you some as well", I responded.

I then look at Peggy and thought that it was a good idea to restore her youth. Steve was about to leave S.H.I.E.L.D., even if I save it from going under. With her telling Steve to help S.H.I.E.L.D then maybe now he would consider changing his mind.

"Tell me, Steve, would you still quit S.H.I.E.L.D?", I asked.

Steve looks at Peggy and the two of them lock eyes for a brief moment as if they were communicating with them. "..I'll think about it", he replied.

Peggy just caresses her hand in Steve's face and said nothing about his response.

Sitwell made some coughing sounds and said, "Sorry to burst your bubble Cap, but before Garrett left the Triskelion he placed 30 centipede soldiers, and just to make sure that they can stop you, he tripled the number of doses he used on them".

"hmmm... With that amount of unstable concoction in their system, I don't see them being alive within the next 48 hours?", I said to Sitwell.

"That's right, Pierce wanted a security measure put in place no matter the cost, so Garrett delivered. Beside the Helicarrier will take flight in", Sitwell then looks at his watch, "16 hours from now".

"Centipede soldiers?", Steve said with curiosity in his voice.

"Hydra's attempt to make super soldiers of their own, there unstable though. They were the ones that killed Fury, tried I mean", I said as I look at Fury. "The more serum they placed in their body the stronger they become but that would also mean the quicker they expire. Your gonna have a tough time going against 30 supersoldiers", I replied to Steve. I then look at the two masked individuals that accompanied Peggy, "That's if, you are on your own".

All of them look at the two other masked individuals, and all of them became intrigued when the two slowly removed the masked that was covering their faces. Fury and Hill were shocked when one of the individuals was Natasha Romanoff. While Steve was shocked when the other person was Bucky Barnes.

"I only got to wear this for a while and then I have to remove it already, that actually sucks", Romanoff said.

Steve then went towards Bucky and gave him a tight hug. One that Bucky return and said, "Come on, not too long. Or Peggy would be jealous".

Steve laugh and said, "You're alive? How? You died in World War 2".

"I was never killed in World War 2. Remember Hydra captured me for a while then you rescued me. They did something to me during that time and because of that, I was able to survive my fall. Be it with a missing limb", Bucky said as he raises his robotic arm.


"After I fell, Hydra found me and made me into their soldier. I did a lot of awful things...It was only because of Zero did I break free from their control"

Steve looks at me and thanks me for saving his best friend.

Meanwhile, Fury could be seen glaring at Romanoff, something the redhead just smile at as a reply.

"You work for him?", Fury said as he pointed at me.

"Yes", Romanoff then looks in my direction, "I did it to try and right my wrongs, and he helped me find an outlet to do just that. So, I am thankful for that".

Fury just sighed in defeat as he realized that they were multitudes of spies in his agency. This made him wonder if they were a competent spy agency in the first place.

While I was enjoying Fury's disappointment, I received a new set of memory by virtue of one of my clones left in the lighthouse, and it would seem it requires my personal attention.

"I wanted to personally see the downfall of Hydra but it seems I have to handle more important matters", I said to the people in the room.

"Would you care to explain what could be more important than Hydra?", Fury said as he looks at me.

I just smiled behind my masked and said, "Oh Fury, I'm busier than you think". I then disappeared in a puff of smoke.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to chapters. (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

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