MCU: The Inheritance Of The 3 Sannins



"Thanos has made his move. He is definitely headed to Nidavellir", I said to the people in the lighthouse. Right now, Nidavellir is in an extremely vulnerable state. Based on my canon knowledge, Loki is currently masquerading as King Odin and he has no care what so ever to rule as a worthy king. The trickster is instead busy enjoying the joys of kinghood.

Enoch went to the computer and began typing something, "I have sent a message to all researching Chronicoms to focus research in this star system. It will still take us quite a while to see where the next jump point towards Nidavellir is but at least now we can focus on one specific region in space".

Even with all the Chronicoms researching in a one-star system, it will still require a lot of time to find Nidavellir. And there is no doubt in my mind that Thanos would have already slaughtered the entire population by then. I clench my fist at such an outcome.

"Do everything that's necessary", I said to Enoch.

Suddenly the tense atmosphere in the room was broken when we receive a call. Realizing who it was, I immediately answered it.

"Hello Erik, is everything okay there?", I said to Erik that was on the other line.

"I'm looking at Wolfgang von Strucker's base right now, but I think something weird is going on here"

A few days ago I sent Erik Sokovia to do a few things for me. The most important thing was to retrieve the mind stone. During the invasion of New York, I purposely left it in STARK Tower so that it could be placed in the hands of HYDRA. The reason I did this was that I wanted the Maximoff twins to still have their powers. In canon, they got their powers from the mind stone and I know that every individual that gets their power via an infinity stone is gifted with incredible abilities. But the procedure to achieve this power is often life-threatening and sometimes could be labeled as a miracle if the individuals survive the process.

That's why in my mind Carol, Wanda, and Pietro were lucky to just be alive after they got their powers.

But aside from wanting the Maximoff twins to still have their powers, I also wanted Dr. List's research. The man was able to make enhance individuals by using the power of the mind stone. Something that is beyond hard to do. I wasn't even certain if I could replicate such an outcome.

"What do you mean?", I asked Erik.

"No one's here. I'm just outside the base but I couldn't detect any heat signatures that were nearby. It's like this place is abandoned", Erik stated.

That's weird. No way Wolfgang von Strucker would leave the safety of his base now that S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA are fighting in the open. Once S.H.I.E.L.D. stabilize there was a small chance that he could be found. To transfer an entire facility's personnel during this time is actually not a good strategy in my opinion.

"Do you want me to go there with you?", I asked.

"No, I can do this. I just called you to update what I'm seeing right now"

"Remember, your safety is the utmost priority. When something goes wrong don't hesitate to escape"

"Don't worry, I got this", Erik said as he ended the call.


Ebony Maw, one of the members of the Black Order or otherwise known as the Children of Thanos could be seen levitating in the air as he approaches a large man seating in a chair that seems to be a throne. The large man had his eyes close as his chair hovers above the ground. The man had well-defined muscles, a tall figure, and a purple-like skin. He wore armor that is the color of gold. Even with his eyes close the man was radiating power. This man is none other than the great titan himself, Thanos.

The moment Ebony Maw was a few feet away from him, he bowed and said, "Sire, I have found something that I believe would greatly interest you".

Thanos opened his eyes and he gazes at this adopted son and said, "hmmm...Go on".

"In our last jump point, the ship detected a space probe traveling near where we appeared. I immediately ordered it to be taken and stored inside the ship. Only when it was in our possession that we learn where the probe came from"

"And do care and tell me why this is important to me", Thanos said with an unamused tone in his voice.

"After studying the probe we figured its design spec. I believe that it was made by the Chronicoms", Ebony Maw said as he straightens his back and looks straight in the eyes of the Mad Titan.

"Tell me why do you think a bunch of machines is important enough that I should care about them", Thanos replied. The common activities of the Chronicoms wasn't actually a secret. Most of the advanced civilizations of the galaxy know that Chronicoms mostly sends researchers throughout planets that are still early in their development. For thousands of years, those Chronicoms study the way of life of the planet that they were sent to. So, in Thanos' opinion, the Chronicoms mean nothing on the grander scale.

"A few years ago, our information brokers across the galaxy had told me something which I thought wasn't important enough for you to hear. They told me that the Chronicoms had suddenly gained interest in your previous conquest. The Chronicoms paid a huge amount of units just to get that piece of information. They did this in plain sight, they didn't even bother disguising themselves. At first, I thought none of it. The Chronicoms were said to record all the information they could find and store it on their planet. But now I am thinking differently".

"You believe that it wasn't a coincidence why you found a space probe in our travels toward Nidavellir"

"Yes sire, I now believe the Chronicoms were actively studying you, for what purpose, I do not know but I have already sent out word to our information brokers to gather what they can on the lastest Chronicom activity...", Ebony Maw paused for a while and said, "Would you allow me to speak what's on my mind sire".

"You can speak freely", Thanos said. Ebony Maw is one of his most trusted subordinates, and Thanos knows how clever the man can be. That has been proven by the number of times he has conquered planets with Ebony Maw by his side.

"If you would allow me, sire. I wish to completely go straight and attack the Chronicom planet, Chronyca-2. I would like to get the services of a few armies for hire to make the bulk of my forces and I wish to attack it as soon as possible"

"You believe them to be that much of a threat?", Thanos said with interest in his voice.

"I believe that they have been working in the shadows far too long. They need to be uprooted", Ebony Maw said with a calculating glint in his eyes.

There was silence between the two of them, Thanos was clearly thinking about Ebony Maw's point of view, after a while he spoke up, "I will grant you the troops and units to hire more if you desire, but the moment you attack Chronyca-2, I want to see it. If there is another player that wants the stones then he or she would surely defend his allies".

"Thank you, Sire", Ebony Maw said as he bows and left Thanos to be alone on his throne.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

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Take care and God Bless.

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