MCU: The Inheritance Of The 3 Sannins

Chapter 12 - TRAVEL (1984)


You seem tired dear, you should get some rest," Martha told me.

"I'm fine sweetie," I told her as I rub the bridge of my nose.

"I don't understand it Charles, I have supported you in all the things you do. Some I didn't agree with, but why would you deal with all this stress when you have all the money to retire comfortably," Martha said.

There was a moment of silence between the couple.

"You are the only person I told my worries to, my pain, and my ambition. You already know why. Why bother asking me again?" I said getting annoyed with this topic.

"All right, all right. I won't stop you. But at least take care of yourself more". She leans to give me a kiss in my cheek, "Have a safe travel dear," she said.

"Don't worry, I will," I told. I went out of the mansion and went to take a seat in the limousine.

"Where to sir?" asked my driver.

"Take me to the airport Robert," I told him.

"Ok sir," he said.

I watch the changing scenery in the limousine window. Much has changed in the last decade. I resigned from my own company and hired a new CEO, I would have given it to my son, but he still refused.

You could say fate had really intended for me to have a political career. That day that William was buried, my good-mannered grandson having a rebellious phase was news to me. Sneaking out of the hotel and being alone in New York was a surefire way to never be seen again. My wife and I went to the diner together with my son and my daughter-in-law.

Then who would have guessed it, Howard Stark entered the diner. I had slowly spread my malls in the major cities in the State Illinois, and a few malls were under construction across the country during that time. What better way for the average Americans to like you, give them jobs! Along the way, I had met with some members of both political parties of the country. When I casually mention my desire for a political career The Chairperson of each party wanted me in. At that time I haven't yet decided which party to join.

Howard Stark was a close ally of the Party that supported weapons research and manufacturing. I was deciding which Party was most beneficial to my interest. I was leaning on the same party Howard Stark was on. Me, making an agreement with him was extremely beneficial to the Party. Some people consider Howard Stark as a despicable man. Making weapons for the purpose of killing thousands wouldn't get you some people's respect.

But not me, I respect Howard Stark. Even as a weapons developer he was a founding member of the "Strategic Scientific Reserve" (SSR), a key organization that helped in the war. Even after the reconstruction of SSR. He still was a key member of the organization now named; Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. As a veteran, I wholeheartedly support his effort in making the country safe. Especially now that the US and the Soviet Union are currently in a state of cold war.

With the support of the party, I won the election in 1977 and became the Governor of the State of Illinois in 1977 -1981, Howard made a manufacturing branch of his company in my state. In return, I gave him favorable conditions that were acceptable to the law. A couple of tax deductions here and there, a "win-win" situation for both of us.

After being Governor of Illinois, I was appointed by President Ronald Reagan as the Secretary of Department of Commerce. I was able to increase trade deals between bordering countries, but I knew it was not enough. I needed a big win, a win that the average Americans would talk about.

The election was next year if I wanted to secure my position as a strong candidate for "The Presidency" I needed Greece. Greece is a country in south-eastern Europe on the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula, bordering the Mediterranean Sea in the south and the Ionian Sea in the west. Greece has one thing that the average Americans don't know about.

Greece has the number 1 trading fleet in the world. As it stands the entire trading fleet of the European countries combine lacks in comparison with the trading fleet in Greece. As a matter of fact, Japan currently the number 2 ship manufacture in the world is making sh.i.p.s for Greece. Securing a trade agreement with Greece would bring thousands of jobs in the US if not hundreds of thousands. Thus strengthening the economy to a huge degree.

Who would take credit for it? Me, Charles A. Carter, Secretary of the Department of Commerce.

Everything was going to plan until the Chinese went in. The trade deal I had carefully negotiated was in a dangerous situation. Before the deal could be signed "The Chinese" went in and offered a trade deal with Greece. The agreement that China offered was clearly undermining my agreement with Greece. Now I needed to return immediately to Greece to secure that my trade deal would go through.

'China, how dare you try to ruin my ticket to the Presidency. This agreement would have given me a huge chance to be selected by the party in the nomination proceedings. I'll remember these when I become President', I said to myself as I clench my fist.

I arrive shortly at the airport. Waiting for me were my staff members and the plane that would take me to Greece. My staff and I had been going through the papers or should I say trade agreement that the Chinese offered.

Most of them were tired, we had to change our trade deal agreement to compete with the Chinese trade agreement. China is a growing country, they were slowly industrializing their economy after the war, they needed Greece to help them gain oversea income and influence.

The new agreement that my staffers and I had made wasn't the "solid" trump card I dream it would be. I needed to substantially change most of it, it wasn't highly in my favor anymore.

'This would have to do. I can no longer change any of the terms in the agreement. It's still a desirable trade deal for the US,' I told myself.

As the plane took off most of my staff members went to sleep to rest. I did the same, days of working nonstop had made me incredibly tired lately.

'Look at that, you were right Martha. I need to take care of myself more,' I said to myself as I close my eyes and went to sleep.


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