MCU: The Inheritance Of The 3 Sannins

Chapter 14 - Main Character 1984


I have been reincarnated for 14 years nows. It still shocking thinking about it sometimes. I had applied for an early application at Harvard. I'm taking both Bachelors of Science in Biology and Genetics. Those degrees are extremely well suited to me. Tsunade for Biology and Genetics for Orochimaru.

My brothers are now 9 years old. John is the kind of kid that will always get himself in trouble. While William is more subdued. You can often find William in his room reading a novel. All three of us have a light olive skin tone. A perfect mixture of my father's Caucasian descent and my mother's southern American descent. The last few years of training had made me taller for my age and also giving me a well develop sets of muscles. While in the looks department, well all I can say is that I going to be a looker in the future.

With a lot of contemplation, I decided not to train the twins with chakra. In most self-insert stories if the main character gets siblings the main character trains them to become powerful. I strongly disagree with this idea. The life I am going to have in the future would be extremely dangerous. I don't want them to take part in a life that has a high chance of death. The responsibility of helping the people of this planet is mine to bear.

My parents had been extremely busy in the last two years, particularly my father. The family business has expanded to at least 30 states. My grandfather hired a new CEO to take care of the expansion, due to him having a political career now. It seems my grandfather was able to foster a good relationship with Howard Stark in the diner a couple of years back.

Understandable, Howard Stark is the country's weapon expert, and also one of the founder members of the Strategic Scientific Reserve (S.S.R.) that has now become Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division (S.H.I.E.L.D). Having a relationship with Howard must have given my grandfather some excellent political alliances.

I have now reach High-Jounin level chakra. For a 14 year old that ain't half bad. I believe throughout the years of my training that my nature affinity is wind. Without chakra paper to test it, I can only speculate. Wind was always the easiest to control.

With all the chakra control exercise I had been doing I had finally succeeded in making one of the most iconic and one of the most pinnacle techniques in the chakra control category. I can't wait to use this to hit someone's face someday.

I had mastered the wind nature affinity and I'm still trying to achieve basic mastery on the second element. I chose fire as the second nature affinity to train in. In the anime achieving total mastery on the 5 basic elements with training alone was only done by a few individuals. Lucky for me one of these individuals was Orochimaru.

For the last 4 years aside from training my wind elemental affinity, I had been mostly training on chakra control. The moment I reach basic Jounin-level chakra I was able to make 3 shadow clones. Including me that makes a total of 4 individuals. I the original focus on homeschooling and the training program I had with my grandfather officiating.

1 clone was left to train element mastery, 1 clone went to train chakra control, and 1 was left to train or make seals. Most of the time the clone required to make seal would explode due to a mistake in the seals he was making. Multiple clones learning for the win.

For the last month I had decided that my chakra level control was sufficient enough to try to make my own "Strength of a Hundred Seal". The Strength of a Hundred Seal was the diamond shape marking in the forehead of Tsunade. I decided to form the seal not in my forehead but on my chest. It's the 80s when you have what people think as a tattoo in your face people will think you are part of a gang or something. I rather not deal with that so I made a few tinkering with the original jutsu formula and was able to move the "Strength of a Hundred Seal" in my chest. Due to me being a man the Strength of a Hundred Seal will allow me to use Yang Seal:Release different from Tsunade's Yin Seal:Release.

Making my own Strength of a Hundred Seal was extremely hard to make. The seal requires you to gather chakra at a certain point in your body. This is done throughout the day. The hardest part was sleeping. In the first week right before I would go to sleep, I would lose control. Causing the store chakra to disperse throughout my body. Meaning I would have to do it again the next day.

This affected me most in the second week and third week. I was lacking sleep most nights due to trying to concentrate on my chakra control instead of sleeping. My parents were worried when I was getting breakfast and they could see eye bags beneath my eyes. I told them I was reading late at night so that they won't have to worry. I started getting the hang of this during the 5th week. I wouldn't lose the store chakra when I sleep anymore.

When someone is trying to store chakra for the Strength of a Hundred Seal 80% of their available chakra is used to store that chakra. Only 20% was usable to that individual in his or her day to day life. This means for the time being I wasn't able to make any clones and train anything that was heavily chakra reliant.

Today was a beautiful day. I woke up, open my curtains in my room, and smelled the fresh air. I took a quick shower and glance at myself in the mirror in my room. Looking at my body that has become moderately ripped.

"I never thought I would be this muscular," I said out loud. I flex my muscles just like what bodybuilders do during competition.

"Ok, enough narcissism," I said to myself. I grab some clothes and went to have breakfast.

"Good morning people," I said to everyone in the table.

"Good morning," they said in response.

"How are you doing Bernard, you should take it easy if your still feeling under the weather," I said to Bernard who is standing in the side of the breakfast table. The man is in his 70s already and he has been getting tired lately. The family official retired him as a butler due to his age but Bernard is a stubborn old man. Still telling us that it was his duty. Besides Bernard is family and the twins love spending time with him. They call him grandpa Bern.

"The car is waiting for you outside to take you to your grandfather's house," my father said as he is reading the business section of the newspaper.

"Again with this, seriously I would never understand why your father would allow this," said my mother as she glares at my father. My father who doesn't want to answer her raises the newspaper to cover his face pretending that he does not notice my mother's glare.

"Can we watch?" said John.

"Yeah, can we watch?" said William.

"No," said my mother with resolute voice. "The two of you are giving them bad influence," my mother said as she glares between my father and me. I quickly ate my food and left the room not wanting to get a lecture from a protective mother.

"You better be careful," shouted my mother as I leave.

"I'm always careful," I said leaving.


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