MCU: The Inheritance Of The 3 Sannins

Chapter 144 - Doctor Stephen Strange

Ethan sighed as he looks at the numerous wounded Masters of the Mystic Arts. The training ground of Kamar Taj is the place where the aspiring students of the Mystic Arts would train at but now it is currently being filled with wounded Masters.

After Zhang Wei left, the remaining conscious students went cautiously inside the library to try and see what was the reason why a sudden burst of foul energy originated from the inside. Once inside, they saw something that would certainly scar them for life. They saw multiple masters dead, injured, and near bleeding to death.

As luck would have it, 2 of the new apprentices were in fact doctors before they were recruited to join the order of the mystics arts. The two individuals immediately took charge and went to those who were in a critical situation. They tried to save the dying masters by applying first aid but it soon dawned on them that they needed to bring them to a hospital in order for them to have a chance to live.

It was during this time that Kaecilous gained consciousness. He was still pale and tired because of the ordeal he had been through but he immediately ordered one of the apprentices to enter his room and get a phone that was placed in one of the cabinets. Once in his hand, Kaecilius called the only number that was listed as a contact, Ethan Carter.

When Ethan received the call, he immediately teleported to Kamar Taj, and he was shocked at what he saw. He immediately made multiple clones and summoned Catherine in order to heal the remaining people that were still alive. He even had one clone return to the lighthouse and retrieved multiple bags of blood due to some of the masters in extreme need of it.

And it was already 12:00 pm when Ethan finished healing and saving the lives of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. Right now he was looking at the apprentices who seem to be feeling down and having a dazed look in their eyes. It seems this was the moment that all of them realized that training in the order of the mystic arts ain't all about just being able to manipulate reality for fun. Being a master is a responsibility and they have seen what that responsibility entails on them.

Ethan then went towards the room of the Ancient One but instead of the Ancient One being the one inside, Kaecilius is the one who is currently seating on her chair.

"You should rest. I healed you but that doesn't mean that you are 100% okay. You're still a little pale", Ethan stated.

Kaecilius for a brief moment stared at the empty kettle that the Ancient One always uses to make her tea and said, "How are the people outside?".

"...I had my clones remove the dead bodies from the library and stored them in a seal", Ethan said as he took out a scroll and place it on the table. "You lost a lot of your masters and most of your students would most likely leave and give up the pursuit of being a master of the mystic arts. They had seen what that title means and now they are second-guessing their decision to join. The few that would remain would most likely suffer from mental trauma...".

"I see", Kaecilius replied weakly.

"You haven't told me what happened. All you said is that you were attack and in need of medical attention...Tell me, who did this? And where is the Ancient One now?", Ethan asked. Ethan was thinking about what could have caused this event to take place. Kaecilius is now an ally, yet the masters still suffered an attack and it was far worse than what happened in canon. He thought that he had already made sure that the Ancient One would live but seems that was not the case.

Kaecilius looks at Ethan with a pained look on his face and said, "...Zhang Wei did it...He was more powerful than I thought...".

The name made Ethan shock. To think that instead of Kaecilius betraying the Masters of the Mystic Arts it was his disciple instead. He had never thought of an event like this happening.

Suddenly a powerful burst of energy began to appear in the room, "He knows my identity", Ethan said with a voice laced with anger. Kaecilius said nothing in response, he could only subject himself to the raw power of Ethan's chakra.

Ethan then realizes what he was doing and he immediately took a deep breath and calmed himself down. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that".

"I deserved it, if only I saw it sooner. Then, my fellow friends would not have died", Kaecilius said.

Ethan narrowed his eyes and looks at Kaecilius and said, "Do you dare go there. No one could have seen this, don't blame yourself".

"But someone did saw it...She saw it. The Ancient One knew that Zhang Wei would betray us", Kaecilius replied.

"I see", Ethan said as he turned around. He wanted to check on something, something that may lead to the Ancient One location.

"Wait, where are you going?", Kaecilius asked.

"I'll leave a clone here just in case. But I need to check on something", Ethan said as he left.


"Damn it", a woman said due to one of the medical gauzes she was carrying dropping on the floor of the elevator she was on. She immediately picks it up the same time the elevator door opens. She then ran towards the apartment of her friend, be it clumsily due to the medical supplies she was carrying.

Once she was at the door of the apartment, she realized that there was no way for her to bang on the door using her hands. She then decided to used her feet to bang on the door.

"bang! bang! bang! "

"Stephen! Open up! It's me, Christine!", the woman said.

Not long after, the door opened and what greeted her was a sight that gave her fright. Her friend, Doctor Stephen Strange had blood covering his hands and some of his shirt, "What is going on??", she asked in worry.

Stephen said nothing but took the medical supplies that Christine was holding and said, "Close the door and help me".

Christine then immediately did what Stephen asked and the moment she fully entered the apartment she saw one of the windows shattered on the floor. She saw a trail of blood leading to a bald woman wearing a unique outfit.

"What is going on here, Stephen?!", Catherine said as she helps Stephen patch the woman currently in his apartment.

"How would I know! I was about to go to sleep then suddenly this woman went through the window of my apartment and landing in my living room", Stephen said as he began stitches the woman back up.

"She needs to go to a hospital. We don't know if she is suffering any internal injuries", Catherine added.

"You actually think I didn't think of that?! She demanded that she not be sent to a hospital before passing out"

"She's not thinking right. She would die if this continues"

Stephen had a pained look on his face but said, "Look at what she is wearing. Do you think it's familiar?".

Christine became baffled why Stephen seemingly change the subject but she started looking at the attire at the woman anyway. After a few moments, she realized that it was familiar, "She has the same attire as those people who help save New York from those aliens".

"If we bring her in a hospital this might alert the authorities. The news still talks about the countries in the UN still looking for them. I can't bring her to a hospital only for her to disappear because the government wants to get their hands on her", Stephen added.

Christine was reluctant to agree about Stephen's method but she decided to help him anyway. She then began helping Doctor Stephen Strange in the surgery he was doing in his living room. The two of them could only hope that the woman survives.

After the surgery they have performed, the two of them were exhausted both physically and mentally. After making sure that the woman is still breathing the two of them began to sleep.

After a few minutes, Zero could be seen silently entering the room. With the eyeholes of his mask, he looks at the Ancient One and said, "What are you planning?".

He looks at the sorry state that she was in and he began to wonder how powerful Zhang Wei currently is. The Ancient One is currently the most powerful sorcerer on the planet be it a level weaker due to her removing her connection to Dormammu's dimension. But to bring her to such a state would only mean that Zhang Wei had reached a power that no one in the order of the mystic arts could handle.

He then stretches out his hand and began to heal her from her injuries. Stephen Strange is an excellent doctor but the injuries that the Ancient One had sustained were something far greater than conventional medicine could handle.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to chapters. (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

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