MCU: The Inheritance Of The 3 Sannins

Chapter 152 - A Battle in the Horizon

The three Di'allas were huge stone monoliths that have incredible powers. Each of the monoliths would enable the user to loosely control an aspect of existence itself; being space, time, and creation. Zero never considered using the powers of the monoliths because he actually didn't know how to properly use them. Even adding his memories of the events in canon, he was still quite clueless about how to safely use its powers.

But Zero still recognized the danger of the monoliths, that was the reason why he had kept them in the storage room of the Lighthouse. His base was practically near impossible to attack without him being able to retaliate and defeat any would-be invader. Zero couldn't be blamed for his inability to predict that someone would attack his base. He had complete trust in his disciple's skills and the defense system he put in place before he left. He never would have thought that Zhang Wei knew of the monolith's existence as well as his departure from the planet.

Zero narrowed his eyes as he looks at the three empty spots in the storage room where the monoliths were stored and said, "What are you planning, Zhang Wei?".

The monoliths weren't just stones that can manipulate time, space, and creation though. The monoliths originated from another dimension where incorporeal beings existed. In canon, the dimension was named, the fear dimension. If Zhang Wei specifically attacked the Lighthouse to steal the monoliths, then there was a huge chance that he knew that he could use the combined powers of the monoliths to open a gateway to the fear dimension itself. And with this method, he could allow the inhabitants of that plane to enter earth but Zero found this hard to believe.

The inhabitants of the fear dimension weren't weak and Zero found it unlikely that Zhang Wei would have an ability to control them all. Zhang Wei may have controlled Erik but Erik could not be compared to the incorporeal beings living in the fear dimension itself.

After staying inside the storage room, Zero then made multiple clones and had them take out all the computer systems inside the destroyed base. S.H.I.E.L.D. may know the location of his base, but he would not allow them to know his real identity. That would be a problem that would give him more headaches than them figuring out that he had been using one of their decommission bases.

As for the advanced weapons and fighter jets that could found in the Lighthouse, Zero opted for S.H.I.E.L.D. to have them. They just needed to spend money and time digging them up. After he had got all the computers that may contain leads about his real identity, Zero kept them in a storage seal and he teleported out of the Lighthouse back to the Bus.

"So, how bad is it?", Ward said as he looks at Zero who just appeared.

"Zhang Wei had just made a move that may or may not bring the entire planet in a dangerous situation. I will be calling my other disciple back. The three of us as long with Kaecilius will stop Zhang Wei", Zero replied.

Not wanting to be left in the dark, Agent Maria Hill inserted herself in the conversation and said, "Who is this Zhang Wei and Kaecilius? And why this Zhang Wei person place the earth in a dangerous situation?".

To show his support, Agent Coulson added, "That is right. If the world is in danger then it is S.H.I.E.L.D.'s responsibility to be its vanguard".

Zero alternated his gaze among the two high-ranking S.H.I.E.L.D agents and said, "Zhang Wei is a Master of the Mystics arts that went rouge. As of right now, he is the most powerful sorcerer on the entire planet. He had stolen 3 artifacts from my storage room and these artifacts if used correctly would bring disaster for the entire planet and I intend to stop him before he does".

"This Zhang Wei guy, what did he stole exactly?", Agent May asked.

"He stole 3 large stone monoliths, each with the ability to manipulate an aspect of reality. And if he knows how to combine them together then he will be able to open a gateway that will allow beings with incredible powers to enter our mortal plane. And before any of you say it, these beings are more powerful than the Chitauris that attack New York. These beings are incorporeal in nature and they have spent countless amounts of years craving for a physical body. Not only that, these beings would be near impossible to kill, that is the reason why my team and I will stop him before he does the ritual to open the gateway", Zero responded in a cold manner.

"We are S.H.I.E.L.D. We will act as our namesake demands us. We will be the shield that protects the entire planet. You can't tell us what to do!", Skye stated with anger and conviction in her voice. After training with Agent May, Skye was given a S.H.I.E.L.D. badge symbolizes her new status as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, be it only level 1.

Agent Hill looks at Agent Skye for a brief moment and she states to Zero, "Agent Skye is new but even she realized the responsibility we bear. S.H.I.E.L.D. will not back down and we will be in the front lines even if it means our deaths. Besides, S.H.I.E.L.D. made the Avengers for this very purpose anyway".

"...Fine", Zero replied.


Zhang Wei had been secretly watching the Maximoff twins in the distance and he was quite disappointed at their abilities. It is true that they have been training really hard and in fact, Wanda had shown great talent in controlling her powers but the thing the two of them needed more was time. Time he couldn't give. He had attack Zero and stolen the monoliths, he had even placed one of his disciples in a mind-control spell. There was no way that Zero won't hunt him down. He needed to act now so that he could not lose his advantage.

He then floated towards the twins, and said, "The time for training is over. My plan had been push ahead of schedule. Let's g---".

Before Zhang Wei could finish his sentence, Pietro used his powers to run towards Zhang Wei and in his hand was a stone fashioned into a knife.

After training in this unknown dimension, the two of them came to the conclusion that Zhang Wei was a dangerous man. They realize that siding with him was a bad idea, so the siblings thought of a plan. They would threaten to kill Zhang Wei using Pietro's power and the knife that Wanda made and force Zhang Wei to release them back to earth. Once on earth, Pietro would once again use his power but this time to kill Zhang Wei, and together the two of them would escape.

The two of them still planned to bring their vengeance to Tony Stark but siding with Zhang Wei was off the table. Every time Zhang Wei gave them their weekly supplies, the two of them would always feel a sort of foul energy coming from him. It was because of this energy that the two of them opted for the plan that Pietro just executed.

But before Pietro could approach Zhang Wei, he found himself incapable of moving. He tried to move his legs, his arms, his head, his entire body, none of them were able to move, something was holding him still. He became wide-eyed at this and he looks at Zhang Wei and said, "How?".

"I'm more powerful than you think", Zhang Wei replied. With a wave of his hand, Pietro found himself being flung a few meters away.

Seeing what was happening to her brother, Wanda shot multiple red-like energy attacks at Zhang Wei, all of which were incapable of reaching him. All of her attacks were stopped by an invisible force field.

"Do you actually believe yourselves to be more powerful than me?", Zhang Wei said as he gazes upon the twins, "PATHETIC!".

A powerful burst of energy began to expand in the surrounding area with Zhang Wei in the middle of it. The energy was so potent that Zhang Wei's figure could not be seen, "This is my true power!", he exclaimed. Zhang Wei then stretches out both of his hands and the Maximoff twins soon found themselves being propelled towards him.

They tried to fight the force that was controlling their bodies, but Zhang Wei was more powerful than they thought. They had believed that they could fight Zhang Wei after their time training, but their assumption was extremely missed calculated. They soon found themselves being held by their throats and the dark energy slowing crawling into their bodies.



The energy was inflicting so much pain to the two of them that it could be compared to the process in how they were experimented to achieve their powers, "Look at that, I could kill you so easily", Zhang Wei said with a smile on his face. "But that would be too wasteful. I did allow the two of you to train so that I could use you".

The twins soon found their minds being attacked by a different form of energy. Whatever this energy was, the two of them were sure that they had felt it before. Their eyes briefly became pitch-black before stabilizing into a shiny yellow glow.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to chapters. (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

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