MCU: The Inheritance Of The 3 Sannins


Ethan's POV:

I knew one person among these 15 men gathered in the room today. Looks like he brought his friends with him. 'It's not like calling for backup would give you the chance to defeat me', I thought to myself.

"Hey, how it been since the last time I beat your ass Marcus. I can see you brought some friends with you. Do you want to let them watch how I beat you", I said taunting the man.

"Tsk… Just you wait kid. I'll beat that smug face of yours", Marcus said with an annoyed expression in his face.

"Wow, the kids has some balls. I still can't believe he beat you up Marcus", said a buff black man with an eagle tattoo in his left shoulder.

"Who cares about that Oliver. All I need to do is beat this kid in a spar and I get $10000. My family needs that money", said of the person who was with Marcus.

After 1 year in the "training program," my grandfather was having some problems trying to gather people for my training. He decided to increase the prize money to $10000. When the previous people I defeated in the prior year heard this, they were overcome with greed and decided to try their luck once again.

One of these people is Marcus. He is one of the few individuals who keep coming back every once in a while for a beat down. It's not like I'm complaining, the more people who heard this prize money my grandfather is giving out the more people I get to fight. Beside before they get to fight me they need to sign a waiver that basically tells them that any injury sustains in this spar does not make me accountable.

"Shut up," Marcus said to his friends. "When are we stating this?" he asked me.

"Take a few minutes to relax. I'll give all of you $50 to wait here. You can use this time to I don't know sleep, warm up. I don't really care," I said to them as I went outside the room and saw one of the maids of my grandfather. I believe her name is Alexa.

"Excuse me, where are my grandparents?" I ask the maid.

"I believe your grandmother went to the office of your grandfather this morning sir Ethan. As for your grandfather, he has still not returned home from his trip to Greece. Just between the two of us sir Ethan, I think the madame is sad most nights when sir Charles is not home", said the maid name Alexa.

"Grandpa still hasn't returned? Has he left any messages at least, grandpa always call's my grandmother every morning when his abroad" I said to Alexa.

"To my knowledge no. This made the madam think that something was wrong," Alexa said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"My grandfather didn't leave a message huh…..You can return to what you are doing Alexa and thank you for your time," I said to her.

"No problem sir Ethan and please do be careful in your training," she said as she went on her way,

I went to the living room in the mansion. I stared at the view in one of the windows of the living room. In the view, you could see the gate of my grandparent's mansion.

Grandpa is in Greece right now. He told me about his plan in Greece a few months back. Last time I saw him he was pissed about a small setback in that plan. Did that small setback actually become a huge problem causing him not to message grandmother and not to return home?

'I have a gut feeling that something happened,' I thought to myself.

I kept staring at the view through the window for half an hour thinking about what could have happened in Greece. I eventually sighed and said "Well, let's get this training started then. Besides it my grandfather, he can handle any problem that comes he way," I said to myself as I place the problem of my grandfather not contacting my grandmother in the back of my mind.

I walk back to the room where those 15 people were. Eager to start my training session.


"Finally, are we about to begin. I have places to be and chicks to bang," said one of the friends of Marcus. The man was Caucasian with a newly trimmed beard and hair.

"Seriously, you guys are wasting your life out of the marines. Only Oliver here has a family, lucky guy. You, Stephen, you would not find happiness sleeping with other people," said another Caucasian man.

"Shut up Stephen. Shut up Andre," said Marcus to his two white friends.

"Are we doing this or not?" said Marcus.

"Just sign your waivers so that we can begin," I said to them.

I called for Alexa so that she can gather all the waivers after they sign them. After she gathered the waiver she left the room to finish some of her schedule jobs for the day.

"Ok, let's end this quickly shall we gentlemen," I said to the 15 men in the room.

"Finally, the $10000 prize money is mine," said the one man who was "out of place". The man was fat and clearly hasn't lift anything in his life. He came at me charging with his fist and screaming "AHHHHHH". Before he could get near me I gave him a quick kick in the side of his head causing him to be thrown a couple of feet away unconscious.

'That's gonna hurt...I'll check on him later if he has any damage in his head,' I thought to myself.

"Now lets official start this "training program", I said to the remaining men.






"Well, I win. That was a good exercise wouldn't you guys agree," I said to the now 15 men who are laying on the floor, groaning with pain.

"Better luck next time guys," I said to them.

My celebration was cut short due to a panic Alexa storming the room.

"Alexa wh----," before I could finish my sentence Alexa delivered devastating news.

"Sir Ethan, your grandfather was assassinated in Greece, he died an---------" she said.

The moment I heard my grandfather was killed I was shocked. My mind was blank, the words "he died" keeps repeating in my head. For a few seconds, everything was quiet to me. Unconsciously I was releasing killing intent, this causes all the men who were groaning in pain to keep quiet. For them, I just became a predator they didn't want to mess with. Each and every one of them were drenched in cold sweat. Fear for their lives was the only thing they could think at that moment. The most weak-willed among them including Alexa saw themselves being killed.

The killing intent vanishes as quickly as it came. I saw Alexa on the floor holding her chest with fear in her eyes.

'Did I just do that. I subconsciously release killing intent. I need to train more to prevent something like that from happening again,' I thought to myself.

"Can you repeat what you said Alexa. I couldn't get it the first time," I said to her.

"You…Your….gran….grandfather…..w..was killed.....your…pa…rents..w….wants….y….you…….turn...home….imme…dia..te….ly.." she said with a stutter in her voice.

"Ok, thank you Alexa," I told her.

I left the room immediately with the purpose to return home with due haste.


Author's Thoughts

I would like to thank people who gifted me their power stones.

As of right now, I had made a pat.reon account for those who wants to have early access to my chapters.

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