Today was the first official day of my first class. My first class is "introduction to molecular biology". The class is scheduled at 9 am. I prepared my stuff and went out of my apartment to go to my first class. I entered the room and seated myself on the left side, where there was a window so that I watch the scenery when the class gets boring.

Slowly students were filling the room. Most of the students who hadn't seen me in the orientation were surprised about seeing a kid in the classroom. As usual, people were gossiping about me.

One guy came towards me and said "Hey kid, where's your mother?". I vaguely remember his voice, he must be one of the people who threw jokes about me in orientation.

"At home," I said to him still staring at the view of the window.

"Hey kid, didn't anyone teach you to be respectful?" he said with a tone of anger in his voice.

'Are you kidding, am I about to get bullied in college....' I thought to myself.

"They did," I said.

"Well they sure did a bad job," he said slowing forming a smirk in his face.

"No, they did fine. I just refuse to be respectful to you," I said still staring at the window. This guy is irritating me already.

'I mean seriously can't a guy enjoy the view in his window', I thought to myself.

"What, refuse to be respectful to me. How about I punch you so that you can learn to be respectful," he said with his fist clenched.

'You know what, I'll teach you what true bullying looks like,'I said to myself with an idea forming in my head.

The other students were watching the events that are happening between the two of us.

"He should not have said that," said a random student.

"Do you know who that guy is?" ask random students friend.

"The kid, no. I know who the other guy is. He is the son of Michael Cruise, Alfred Cruise. Michael Cruise is "managing partner" in one of the best law firms in the city. Rumor is that Alfred never passed the exam to enter Harvard. The only reason he got in is that his father is a close friend with University president," he said.







Suddenly people in the entire classroom were shocked. Those who were watching the two of us were shocked, even the people who didn't watch the two of us before now we're staring at the both of us.

"WHAT THE F**K KID," said Alfred. He was the most shocked of all of them. He glances around the room looking at his classmates staring at him. He became fl.u.s.tered not knowing what to do.

"Stay away from me pedo, I don't want you to teach me about being respectful," I said to him with the most innocent face I could make.

Some of the students were holding in their laughter. Others were speechless.

The man just stood where he stand not knowing what to do. He is clearly thinking of a way to salvage this situation.

"F.u.c.k this, I'm not going to deal with your shit," he said and went to the back of the room to take a seat. He was clearly doing everything he can from being noticeable. Most of the students just gave the man a side glance and continued their laughter.

'That's what you get for annoying me. Too bad this technique has an expiry date', I thought as I resumed watching the view outside of my window.

Shortly afterward the professor arrived. He introduced himself as Professor Spyros Brugge or simply call him Professor Spyros. He is a man who I believe to be of European descent.

"Ok, just like every one of you I don't like waking up early in the morning. My classes usually start in the afternoon until the evening but the university with all its authority placed me in a morning class," he said with an annoyed look.

He pauses and glances at everyone in the room.

"Oh, there's more. Since the University had made a mistake in their scheduling, I now need to move this class even earlier. Starting tomorrow this class is now moved to 7:00 am," he said now with a hint of anger in his voice.

The students after hearing the class schedule move from 9:00 am to 7:00 am were not happy but they just accepted it. There were some grumbles and mumbles but they accepted it with reluctance.

"We won't have a class today, I just need you to be ready with all your books for this class. I don't want you to share with each other. Okay, dismiss," the Professor said.

Everyone went out of the room giving the professor a silent thank you for not having a class today. Looks like in whatever world you are as long as a teacher lets you go home early students will like you.


I went early to class at 6:40 am. I seated myself down in the same seat I had yesterday. I just watch the view from outside of the window. Slowly people were arriving, some were out of breath, clearly they were scared of being late so they ran here for class.

The professor entered the room and the entire classroom including me were shocked. The professor was wearing his pajamas and was carrying a mug of hot coffee as he walks. He stood in the front of the class and took a sip of his hot coffee and said "Starting right now I am protesting this unjust schedule of a class," he said.

He took a seat in his table and said "read chapter 1 of your Biology book, we will have a discussion in 10 minutes". After announcing that the teacher took out a newspaper in his bag and proceeded to read it. The students were shocked and entertained at the same time.

If someone would look at this classroom at this moment they would be very intrigued. A teacher wearing his pajamas, drinking his cup of coffee and reading a newspaper in front of his students while the students read their book. What an interesting picture.

'The power of tenure is strong in this one,' I thought as I read the first chapter of my biology book.


Anyway, I would like to thank people who gifted me their power stones.

As of right now, I had made a pat.reon account for those who wants to have early access to my chapters.

Thank care and God Bless.

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