It has been a couple of days now since I had found the two Inhumans. After Conner had finish cooking in the warehouse the two brothers would return to their apartment a few miles away. My clones would always complain about this boring job of surveillance. I got fed up and would immediately destroy any clone that would complain. This actually helped me in putting my clones in check.

Anyway, Conner and Lucas would then give the newly finished batch of vertigo to the Cicada gang to sell. It seems that they aren't actually members of the gang. A member of the Cicada gang became a friend of Lucas when Lucas saved him from an enemy gang. For helping him, the guy gave Lucas a few pouches of cocaine. The cocaine was then later added with a few drops of Conner's blood which led to the first-ever vertigo.

Conner speculated his power had something to do with hormones. How he got to this conclusion was a mystery even to me. They gave the cocaine that Conner place a few drops of his blood back to the cicada gang member. He tried it and boom, he had the so-called best high of his life.

When I heard of this I immediately collected any blood spatter that I could find in the cooking section of Conner in the abandoned warehouse. Lucky for me there were a few. I diluted his blood to increase the amount of sample I got.

Right now I am in my apartment injecting a few ml of the diluted blood in some lab mice. I had a spare room in my apartment I use for this kind of thing. No one but me is allowed to enter this room. The door can only be open by channeling my chakra in the seal that was written in the doorknob. Forcing it to open will activate a seal that will release my own concoction of a sleeping drug. The seal will release the sleeping drug every 4 hours for at least 25 times. Only I had the antidote to this drug. The total effect of this countermeasure is 100 hours of sleeping time for the intruder. Enough time for me to handle anything that happens.

"Let's see, from here on out I call you Mickey1. I don't think that this experiment will be bad for you so just relax," I said to the first mice. I injected a small amount of the diluted blood and carefully watch for some changes. After 5 seconds Mickey1 immediately went to sleep. This intrigued me so I proceeded to inject more diluted blood to multiple mice to see what happens.

Mickey 2 and Mickey3 had their color changed from white to a moderately light grey shade.

Just like Mickey1, Mickey 5 went to sleep immediately.

Mickey 4 became extremely aggressive.

And lastly, Mickey6 had an increase in size. Approximately 1 inch in length.

"These are all interesting outcomes. If based on what Conner said that his powers allow him to manipulate Hormones. Then I could conclude which hormone was affected during my experiment," I said to no one in particular.

I took a notepad and began writing the following:

Mickey1 and 5 were most likely affected by a sudden increase in melatonin which led them to fall to sleep.

Mickey 2 and 3 were most likely affected with the hormone increase of eumelanin and pheomelanin causing it change color.

Mickey 4 was most likely affected with increase hormone of testosterone and serotonin causing it to show signs of aggressive behavior.

Mickey 6 was most likely affected with increase hormone of somatotropin causing it to show signs of increase in length.

The ability to manipulate hormones, that's one unique ability if you ask me. It seems Conner's ability allows him to choose which hormone he manipulates, cause base on my experiments the hormones that were affected were all at random. I need more blood samples to do proper research on this ability.

"Just imagine the possibility if I am able to decide which hormones to increase, this ability will revolutionize the medical field. Conner's body was a literal gold mine", I said to myself.

'I wonder if Conner can do the same thing Ivankov from One Piece can? It would be very interesting if he can turn a man into a woman. If I get his power and use it to make a female Director Fury that would be the best prank of the century. hahahahahaha,' I thought to myself.



A blue sphere can be seen being formed behind the back of a Chinese woman. Inside this sphere, a man with no eyes appeared. Instead of eyes, flesh was place on it.

"I finally found them. What's the plan Jiaying?" said the man without eyes.

"We pick them up and return them in Afterlife. So, where are they Gordon?," replied Jiaying.

Suddenly a man who had most of his face burned came near them without them noticing and said "I will also come along with you. I will not allow any further complications to happen", the man said.

"Li, you should rest, Jiaying and I will be able to handle this," Gordon said clearly making an excuse to prevent Li from going with them.

"I won't take no for an answer", he said. The man looks at Gordon for a while and then stares at the woman.

Li stares at Jiaying in a heavy silence. Gordon seeing this became extremely uncomfortable. The people who were having a stare down were the two people in charge of Afterlife.

"Alright then, we will go together", Jiaying said accepting defeat.

Gordon then teleported them to the location of Conner and Lucas.



As I was busy observing the mice in my apartment, I was suddenly hit by a new set of memories. The clone I had assigned to watch the brothers had dispelled itself. Right at this moment 3 people suddenly appeared outside of the warehouse were Conner and Lucas were making new batches of vertigo.

"Well, look at that. It's about time something happens", I said as I put my mice in their cages and prepared all the stuff I needed.

Inside my storage seal belt, I removed a mask. The mask looks like the same mask that Obito wore during the 4th great ninja war. I had it personally made when I was 10 years old. I personally thought it looks cool.

I left my apartment and immediately arrived in the warehouse within 15 minutes. The moment I arrived in the warehouse I was shocked at what I saw. I look at the remaining clone I had in the area and said to him "Dispel yourself, I need to know what I miss". The clone obliged and I was able to learn what happened in the last 15 minutes before I arrived.


Wow, so much hate:

1. The "rip off" comment for me meant something along the lines of ownership between Fox and Marvel(Disney - prior to the selling of ownership rights).

2. Strength of the Hundred Seal => Using the stored chakra leads to Yang Release.

3. The reason why the MC wants to get Jiaying life force absorption ability is that I believe that Yang Release is flawed. This is my reasoning; when the MC activates the seal, the seal basically powers the cells to cause restoration or rejuvenation in the MC body. To accommodate this every cell in the MC's body is undergoing a sort of hyperactivity in a short amount of time. This hyperactivity in my opinion causes the cells to undergo a sort of trauma. This trauma will show its effect in the long run by substantially reducing the life span of the MC.

Why I believe this?

My answer is basically due to what Itachi said, "Every jutsu has a weakness". For me, I can also interpret this as "Every Jutsu has a flaw".

An example of this is;

Kakashi – Chidori (Causes a sort of Tunnel-vision upon using)

Naruto – Wind Release: Rasen-shuriken(The one he used to kill Kakuzu). Tsunade stated in the anime that if Naruto keeps using the said technique he will lose the ability to manipulate chakra.

4. I will also change a small effect of Jiaying's ability, aside from just absorbing life force( life span), it can also heal the user of any wounds.

NOTE: This chapter is different from the AOS episodes.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

As of right now, I had made a pat.reon account for those who wants to have early access to my chapters.

Thank care and God Bless.

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