MCU: The Inheritance Of The 3 Sannins

Chapter 49 - TIMESKIP -4 YEARS (1995)

Inside the mirror dimension, you could see multiple people. Currently, the Ancient One is fighting 3 children at the same time. The youngest is a girl, and the other 2 were boys, their ages were 10 and 13 respectively. The 3 children could be seen having large beads of sweat in their foreheads as the fight continues.

"Who would have taught that the Ancient One would have agreed to this, are they going to be okay though?", a man who had left metallic arm said.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA. At this point I don't worry anymore Bucky, you should too", I said with a slight smile on my face.

"Well, whatever. It's not me who's going to have sores and bruises tomorrow", Bucky said to me.

"Who knows, maybe luck is on their side", I said to him sarcastically.

"I have a far greater chance winning the lottery than them winning against the Ancient One", Bucky said with a wry smile.

Treating Bucky's mind was extremely tricky. What hydra did to him was both brutal and ingenious. Hydra used a machine that forces Bucky's mind to replay his personal memories in his head, while simultaneously stimulating the most excruciating pain it possibly can without killing him. This combination of memories + pain causes his brain to automatically create an association between them; those memories = pain, therefore they need to be forgotten at all cost.

Even with the brain wiping machine's work, his memories comes back over a series of weeks or months, which means that assuming Bucky is out of cryo long enough, they have to routinely wipe him. As they repeatedly erase those memories, his brain buries them deeper and deeper into his subconscious, until he is nothing more than just a husk of a man. Somehow throughout this operation, Hydra was able to place key commands in his brain, by the use of code words.

My job was to slowly bring out the conscious part of Bucky's brain while not causing any more harm to his brain. I finally succeeded in curing Bucky after 2 years of hard work. The moment Bucky finally had full clarity he was both happy and sad. Happy because he can finally control he's body again, and sad because he could remember the people he killed, he was feeling extremely remorseful.

Seeing Bucky like that, Howard went to him. The two had a talk among themselves, whatever they talked about help Bucky considerably. Now, Bucky is quite alright, but I know that the man wants to make up for all the sins he committed. He doesn't talk about it but I know for a fact that he still has nightmares.

"How's controlling your new power?" I asked him.

Bucky had a conflicted expression and said, "At first teleporting was hard, I always teleported in the wrong location, and the landing was always the hard part but after a few weeks of practice, I can finally say that I'm confident about my powers".

After Bucky was healed, I gave him the choice if he wanted a power-up. After Bucky saw my Phantoms and my 3 disciples, he decided to agree to my proposal. Bucky later decided that he wanted Gordon's teleportation ability. I operated on him a few days after that, and right now the Winter Soldier can now teleport.

Then suddenly, the fight that we were watching became intense. The Ancient One was suddenly wrapped with multiple snakes causing her to be bounded, a follow-up attack then came from the left side of the Ancient One, it was multiple bone shard shotting towards her at high speed. The Ancient One conjured a portal beneath her feet, and she escapes the combined attack by going through the portal. The moment she showed herself again, Ava, one of her opponents threw 3 knives at her direction, he conjured a shield to block the knives.

Unbeknownst to the Ancient One, one of the knives that Ava threw was her in disguise, the real Ava transformed herself to one of the knives so that she can get in close contact with the Ancient One.

"TAKE THIS!!!!", Ava said as she enhanced her punch with chakra.


The moment that Ava fist connected to the shield, she was smiling, she taught that her punch could penetrate the Ancient One's shield, but it wasn't meant to be.

"It's my turn to get serious now", said the Ancient One.

"Your disciples sure had improved", Bucky said as he saw the intense exchange between my 3 disciples and the Ancient One.

I sighed at the taught of my 3 disciples improving; Ava Starr, Grant Ward, and Erik Stevens. My 3 disciples had been training to use chakra for at least 4 years now. They taught that they were powerful enough that they can challenge the Ancient One in a fight. The Ancient One finally humored them by accepting their challenge, but the Ancient One didn't accept any challenge without anything at stake. So it was decided by both parties that the loser would have to clean the entirety of Kamar Taj.

"The Ancient One sure can be cruel, huh. Looks like my 3 disciple won't be able to train for 3 days due to them cleaning Kamar Taj", I said to Bucky.

Erik Stevens was 9 years old when I found him, as well as Grant Ward. They could still mold their chakra at this age, but starting at that age made it considerably harder to improve in the long run. The 2 boys are both 13 years old now, the late unlocking of their chakra made their progress slower, they were both in the late-stage of Genin rank, while Ava was already mid-chunnin at the young age of 10. I plan to expand their chakra pathways within the year so they can have a shot to reach Kage-level. As for Ava, her improvement is extremely smooth, she has a high chance of reaching Kage level by the time she's 16, at least.

In canon MCU, Erik Stevens was known as Erik Killmonger, but his real name is Prince N'Jadaka of the Kingdom of Wakanda. He was 9 years old when he saw the dead body of his father, with claw marks on his chest. At that moment he felt alone, abandoned. He wanted to learn what caused his father's death, so he read through the files his father, his father once forbade him not to read them. It was like that when I met him, he was studying Wakandan writings.

As for Grant Ward, I found him crying in the forest near their house, his eldest brother had just made him beat up their youngest sibling. He was sorry that he did it, but he was scared of his eldest brother. If he tells his parents, then he would get a beating as well. In canon, Grant Ward was the youngest ever to become a SHIELD specialist. He had the best record in SHIELD assessment since the Black Widow herself. Unbeknownst to the world, canon Grant Ward was a Hydra operative. This young Grant Ward, who became my disciple wanted to have more options in his fighting ability. So, just like Bucky, I placed inhuman cells in his bone marrow. Right now, this Grant Ward has the power of Lucas, similar to the dead bone pulse in the Naruto World.

The 2 boys, had one thing in common, they had a rough childhood. This childhood of theirs already made them view the world in their own filter. I had tried everything I can imagine to help the boys from going to the darker path in life, similar to their canon counterpart. For Grant Ward, I taught him to learn to trust, with the help of his fellow students he was slowly learning that. For Erik, it was helping him understand that the world wasn't all black and white, I taught him to understand society not just by his own perspective. This helped Erik a lot especially when he was reading the history of Wakanda, and why they did not act when Africans were shipped as slaves.

"It seems that the spar is about to end", Bucky commented.

The Ancient One was now finally done, humoring my 3 disciples, she increases her speed and then she taps all 3 of my disciples in the chest in quick succession, causing them to be in their astral form.

"No fair!!! This is Cheating!!" Ava screamed.

The two boys just remained quiet and decided to accept defeat.

"You will immediately begin in cleaning the entire temple", said the Ancient One with an amused expression. She returned the 3 of them back to their bodies and escorted us out of the mirror dimension.

"It's still not fair!" Ava said while pouting.

"We lost a bet, Ava, let's go start cleaning", Ward said.

"Besides, do remember that this was your idea", said an annoyed Erik.

The 3 of them soon began cleaning and left Bucky, the Ancient One, and me alone.

"That was mean", Bucky stated.

"They need to learn", the Ancient One said smiling.

"I agree, it----", I was suddenly interrupted when memories suddenly came to my mind, memories from my clone.

"Are you ok?" Bucky asked.

"I'm fine, I need to go. Bucky, make sure they do their job properly", I said to Bucky indicating about my 3 disciples cleaning the temple.

"Excuse me, I need to leave. Be back in maybe a week", I said to them as walk towards the portal that connects the 3 sanctums.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to up 10 chapters. (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

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