Bernard POV

The young master "Ethan D. Carter" was an enigma of a child. He never had those tantrums that most children of his age often had, he also rarely plays with other children. The young master would also sit in the middle of the garden and just stay there, sometimes I see him picking up leaves and placing it in his pockets.

It was another day, the young master would spend his time in the garden and picking up leaves and sitting there by himself.

"Young master, do you have anything you want to do today? How about we go to the park? Would you like to meet children your age and make friends?" I ask young Ethan.

"Nah, I'm good here. I don't need friends, I have you guys," said Ethan.

"You're just shy young master, you don't need to worry about it, you'll quickly make friends there," I said.

"Hmmmm…. I wanna play a game then, a bet" said Ethan.

"What game young master," being curious about what the young master was thinking.

"Chess. If I beat you then we stay here, but if you beat me were going in the park" said Ethan with so much confidence in his voice.

"Ok then, no take-backs," I said to young Ethan.

"No take backs, I promise. Pinky promise" said young Ethan. We both sealed the bet by a pinky promise.

A few minutes later after the game.

"I a 5-year-old…. How.." I thought.

"Ethan who taught you to play chess?" I ask. There were so many questions flowing to my mind. Who taught him how to play chess for one. How did he get so good? Why is he so good. I'm 65 and got beaten at chess by a 5-year-old. I got totally destroyed.

"I learned from you and dad when your playing. It's not even that hard" Ethan said. He said that like it was common knowledge. True chess is a common game once you know the rules you can basically be a decent player at it, but that still requires you to play a few games. To be so good in his first game is insane. To beat me, a person who played the game for more than 30 years. That is really impressive.

"Why don't we play again young master. This time I'll play seriously" I said.

"Okay," Ethan said.

After the rematch:

"And check, I win, I'll go to the garden now Bern, bye," said a smiling Ethan as he skipping towards the garden.

"The young master has a bright future ahead. The sir and madam must know this," I thought.

Ethan POV:

I needed to let them know that I wasn't just a smart kid. I needed to let them know that I was a prodigy. Totally defeating Bernard in a chess game seems like a good idea. He will tell my parents that I am a gifted child. That was the very first step of my plan. What's the use of all the money that the family has if I can't use it.

A few hours later:

"How is my sweet child doing today" ask my mother as she tries to carry me.

"I'm okay," I said refusing to be carried by her; by anyone for that matter.

"ahhh…My baby boy doesn't want to be carried anymore, they grow up to fast," she said as she proceeded to pinch my cheeks.

"Ouch, that hurts," I said.

"Go get yourself clean, dinner will be in an hour. Your father and I have some news to tell," she said.

"Ok," I said.

"hmm…I wonder what news will they need to tell a kid," I thought to myself.

At the dinner table:

"So what's the news," I asked. As I ate my dinner. My dad looks at mom, with a smile in his face, he ask me "How would you feel Ethan about being an older brother?"

I look at mom with a smile on my face, "I'll have a younger sister or brother. That's wonderful". I never had siblings in my past life, so being an older brother makes me excited.

"We found out today when she went to the hospital," my father said. "Your mom is 1 month pregnant now. Within 8 months you are going to be an older brother Ethan" he said.

"I can't wait, for he, her or them," I said.

Shortly after dinner, I went to my room wanting to go continue my taijutsu practice in my dream.

Jack Carter Pov:

I have been a father for the last 5 years. Before it began I was really nervous. My dad is a stern man, my mom uses to say that my father would be the center of the party because of all the jokes he told. But after the war, my mom said he changed. He became more serious and less talkative.

A war would do that to you. I'm even surprised that he didn't become an alcoholic or a smoker. He just became more driven.

All my life my dad was a constant absent figure. He only shows up at nights, we barely talk. As I grew up I understand why he did it. One does not simply achieve what he achieved without absolute focus in his goals. But I didn't want that, I wanted to be a part of my family's life.

Shortly after Ethan was born I went to my father. I told him that I am stepping down as the COO of the company. That produced one of the heated arguments we had. But I did not budge, my decision was firm.

My dad reluctantly agreed, but he made me the supervisor of all our business in the state of Illinois, future, and current. I agreed in one condition that the headquarters be move-in Chicago so that I could be near my family.

Before I could leave the room, he told me "Well done". That must be my dad's way of saying he's proud of me for standing up to him.

Being a father for Ethan, was very easy. He rarely cries, he rarely causes tantrums. Ethan was just too mature. He taught himself how to read and write.

What type of 3 years old knows how to read and write. He even asked me for a brush, ink, and a certain type of paper, for what purpose I didn't bother.

Baffling, that is the best way to describe my son. I love Ethan, but taking care of him was like taking care of an a.d.u.l.t. He doesn't really need guidance from me, he's too smart for a child.

But I am a father, and I would be part of my child's life. Even if he is too smart.


I was in the balcony drinking a cup of tea staring at the stars when my wife moves beside me and said. "Want to have another baby."

"I vividly remember you not wanting another kid, you said that Ethan was going to be the only child were going to have," I said.

"They offered me, Partner, today, they gave me the weekend to think about it," she said.

"Ely, that's great news. They are finally acknowledging you in the firm. You'll make a great partner," I said to her enthusiastically.

"I'm thinking of declining. I would be too busy. I want more kids, being a Partner would stop that," she said.

"Are you sure? You always told me that you wanted to be in charge of a Law Firm one day, in your own word "I want to be the big boss"," I ask worriedly emphasizing the last part of my sentence.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm happy and right now, and I want a baby," she said. She slowly returns to the room, as she moves she removes her clothes slowly. "Now come here and grant what I want," she said teasingly.

"Yes ma'am," I said as I quickly follow after her.


COO - basically second in rank in a company. First in rank is the CEO.


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