MCU: The Inheritance Of The 3 Sannins

Chapter 53 - Unleash the Power Within


"What the? Where am I?", Carol said as she took multiple steps back to create distance from me. Scanning her surroundings she realized that she was all alone with the masked man, she looks at me and said, "Where am I?".

"Relax would you. I teleported you back on earth", I said to her, I then placed Yon-Rogg on the ground and placed him under a genjutsu sleep.

I summoned a clone and said to him, "Take care of him for a while but keep close", my clone nodded and he carried the sleeping Yon-Rogg in a safe distance from both me and Carol. I didn't want to kill Yon-Rogg, I wanted him to return back to Hala, the Kree Capital, just like what happened in canon.

"Now, where were we? Ah yes, about your powers, that's right", I said to Carol.

The reason I altered this part of canon was basically, for one thing, I wanted to build a sort of rapport between Carol Danvers and Nick Fury, Fury specifically. I wanted to make a few moves when movie stories come into play, which will inevitably get me Fury's attention when he is the Director of SHIELD in the future. Right now the last obstacle was to help Carol unlock her full potential.

"What about my powers?" Carol asked.

"You need to fully accept it", I said to her.

In the movie Carol's power was suppressed by the Kree with the device that was implanted in her neck, she was only able to remove it after meeting with the supreme intelligence. The meeting with the supreme intelligence happened inside her consciousness, which means that even if Carol removes the device in her neck she'll probably not be able to use her powers fully due to her subconsciously limiting herself.

"What are you talking about?", Carol said confuse.

"You know that your powers did not come from the Kree but it came from the destruction of the light speed engine. You have known that since yesterday, yet why can't you still use your powers in its full potential", I said to her.

"..Since yesterday…How long have you been watching me?", Carol said in an angry tone.

I sighed inside my mask and said to her, "Look, just forget that part and stop changing the topic. Unbeknownst to you, you are subconsciously blocking your powers".

Carol with a determined look on her face destroyed the device the Kree implanted in the back of her neck. For a while, she was glowing but it did not last long.

"Now what?", Carol asked me.

"hmmm…I may have a way, but are you willing to use it?", I said to her as I rub my chin.

"I am, to defeat the Accusers, to defeat Ronan. I'll do the plan that you have in mind", She said.

I nodded, behind my masked I was smirking. I teleported near her and said, "Show me your will to survive". I c.o.c.k my hand and quickly formed a decent sized Rasengan, then I released it towards her.

Before Carol could realize what I did, she received a Rasengan in her stomach and she felt the pain of the impact as the Rasengan expanded itself which cause her to be drag a couple of dozen meters.

Carol fell into her one knee and she said in an angry voice, "What the f.u.c.k are you doing?!".

"I'm testing to see if you can control your powers with the consequence of death hanging by your head", I said to her. I was impressed with Carol, she took a Rasengan, and she didn't even bleed, this is her in her weakest form.

"That's your method?! Fine, I'll play along", Carol said as her arm glowed and she fires multiple photons beams at me.

I quickly dodge the incoming attack, it seems that the powers she can only use at this moment are her photon blast capabilities.

'Fight or flight' is a human biological response when something or someone dangerous is in front of them. I want to force Carol in a corner and make her fight, the same way she defeated the Supreme Intelligence in the movie.

I threw a kunai in her direction and did a hand sign.

Carol was shocked when a single kunai suddenly multiplied and became numerous. She tried using her photon blast to destroy any incoming projectile but unbeknownst to her, the multiple kunais were wired with exploding tags. The moment her photon blast hit one kunai it cause a chain reaction of all the kunai exploding. She was caught off guard by the explosion, but before she knew it, a strong amount of wind brought the heat of the explosion straight to her, the wind was incredibly powerful that she was dragged more than 100 meters by it.

'That amount of heat, followed by Wind Style: Great Breakthrough had changed the humidity of our location. Any normal human would already have 3rd degrees burns throughout their body the instant that amount of heat touches their skin, good thing you're not normal, huh Carol', I thought as I look at the huge smoke in the distance.

After a while the smoke dissipated, in the middle of it, you could see Carol standing. There were scorch markings throughout her armor. Even in her base form, it seems that she can still tank an attack like that.

'Damn she's pissed', I thought as I look at her face. Suddenly I saw it, in her eyes, the spark of power wishing to be released. It didn't last though, the glowing of her eyes was only visible for a split moment.

'She needs a little more push', I said to myself.

I made a hand sign and beside me appeared 15 clones. Seeing more of me appear made Carol even madder and she said, "I don't care how many of you there are, I'm going beat you up".

'She's really is mad, I wonder if she would still like to be my friend after this', I thought.

All my clones spread out in multiple directions, she aimed her photon blast at me the original one. I easily dodge her photon blast, and I sprinted towards her. She was still able to fire multiple photon blast at me, but I was too fast for her. It was already too late for her to realize that she was already in my arms reach.

"You need a little more push", I said.

I c.o.c.k my right hand and release it straight to her stomach, the punch expelled the air out of her, I quickly followed it with an uppercut to her chin. This attack caused her to be lifted a couple of feet of the ground, before she falls down due to gravity I did a hand sign and molded chakra in my stomach; the part of my masked that was covering my mouth suddenly opened and I release a huge amount of wind in my stomach that pushed Carol even further in the air.

Throughout this entire beating, Carol's eyes were glowing with power.

The moment Carol was in the air, all my spread out clones did multiple hand signs and molded chakra in their stomach. Once their mouths were no longer covered, each of my 15 clones released a huge amount of fire that upon contact with Carol, exploded.



Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to up 10 chapters. (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

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