A masked man can be seen intently looking at a moderate size crater a few hundred meters away from him. The rain that was incredibly strong a few moments ago has now subsided and the shining rays of the sun can be seen slowly piercing the thinning clouds up above. When one looks closely in the surroundings of the crater one could see that it was smoking and the dirt around the crater was filled with burned marks.

"That's one heck of a finishing move", the masked man said to himself.

Slowly the smoke that was coming from the crater dissipated and in the middle of it is Carol Danvers, she stood tall in the middle of the crater with her arms crossed above her chest. The glowing effect of her powers has been greatly diminished but lasted and was able to shield her from the lightning dragon that fell on her a while back.

"I was scared there for a second", Carol said as she rests her arms and checks for damages in her body.

'Damn, the powers that the Tesseract gave her is a literally cheat. I'm not even sure if the Hulk can take that attack without losing consciousness ', the masked man thought.

Carol cracked her neck and said to the masked man, "Ready for round 2?".

"I rather not", the masked man said.

"Come on, I want it to be my turn to dish out some beating ", Carol said with a smirk as her glowing powers steadily increases.

The masked man heard something, and inside the masked Ethan smirked and he said, "No, I rather not, besides look above".

Carol was wary about looking above, the last time she looked up there was a literal lightning dragon in the sky but she decided to it anyway. The moment she looks up there were multiple Kree Accusers sh.i.p.s that have just arrived by jump point in the orbit of earth.

"Well, look at that, duty calls, I guess. I'll leave Yon-Rogg in Mar-Vell's ship. I'll let you decide what you want to do to him", those were the last words that the masked man said as he vanishes in thin air.

Not being able to payback the masked man made Carol pissed, but time is of the essence. Rather than placing her anger towards the masked man, she decided to direct that to the Krees. She took off in the air and began destroying the missiles that the Accusers fired at earth.

Unbeknownst to Carol, the masked man, who was Ethan didn't disappear, he just made himself invisible. The moment Carol flew in the air he canceled the jutsu that made him invisible and he stared above and carefully watch Carol in how she easily stopped the incoming missiles, it was clear that he was in deep thought about something.

The clone that Ethan made to guard Yon-Rogg appeared beside him and said, "What now boss?".

"Dispel yourself, I'll deliver Yon-Rogg in Mar-Vell's ship. Where about to be even busier in the future", the real Ethan said with a sigh. He took Yon-Rogg from his clone, and he teleported in the middle of Mar-Vell's laboratory. The Skulls, Maria, and Fury seeing him were clearly still on-edge about him.

"Carol will return shortly. Here you guys can have him, but a bit of advice for you people, especially the Skrulls, don't kill him. I think Carol has plans for this one", the masked man said, Ethan wanted to immediately disappear when suddenly Goose, a Flerken, the former pet of Mar-Vell went towards his feet and began rubbing against him. Seeing this, inside the masked, Ethan smiled and petted Goose for a while, he placed a thunder god seal on the alien creature and disappeared after that was done.

Talos seeing Yon-Rogg vulnerable in front of him proceeded to bombard him with punches. Yon-Rogg who was in the middle of genjutsu sleep was woken up by this but was still unable to protect himself. Shortly after the beat down, Yon-Rogg lost consciousness after taking too many punches in the head.

"The guy with the weird mask said that Carol may have a purpose for him. Plus! Let's not forget the key sentence of the trench wearing guy. He specifically said not to kill him, now look what you did…You better hope his alive", Fury said to Talos and then looked at the beaten up Yon-Rogg.

"Don't worry he'll live", Talos confidently said to Fury.

A while later Carol returned to Mar-Vell's ship and saw the state of Yon-Rogg, she showed no emotion towards it, she was just plainly nonchalant about it. She dragged Yon-Rogg's body to the hanger of the Mar-Vell's ship and she picked one of the smaller vessels and place Yon-Rogg on it. Due to Yon-Rogg being unconscious she could not tell him what she wanted to say to him, so she decided to record it and place it on the ship of Yon-Rogg and she set the course of the ship to Hala, the Kree Imperial Capital.

After doing this she returned to where the other was and said, "I',m hungry, let's eat".

"Yes, that would be nice", Fury said as he took Goose, and began playing with it and talking in a playful voice, "That was a close huh, Goosy. The bad guys nearly got us, huh. MOTHER FLERKEN!" Goose did not like how Fury was handling him and scratch him in the left eye.

Goose then proceeded to go towards the Tesseract and he opens his mouth. The moment he opened his mouth multiple large tentacles came out of it and drag the Tesseract inside of him. To say that the people were shocked was an understatement, they quickly distance themselves from the scary creature.

"I told you it was a Flerken", Talos said to Fury.

Based on the number of times Fury petted Goose, he felt incredibly relieved that he wasn't eaten.

"Are you okay?", Maria asked Fury.

Fury who quickly remembered his eye injury said, "Yeah, it's just a scratch".

Hearing this Talos quickly interjected while shaking his head left to right and said to Fury, "No, it's not just a scratch. Not just a scratch at all".


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to up 10 chapters.

pat.reon.com/King_disturb (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

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