MCU: The Inheritance Of The 3 Sannins

Chapter 63 - A GIFT FOR ALL

"Any luck Howard?", I asked.

"No", Howard said with a pissed-off tone.

In the middle of Howard's lab inside the Lighthouse is the Tessaract. Howard has been studying the Tessaract thoroughly even more so than he was in SHIELD. I had given him a list of things to do with it and to be honest, I'm pretty sure the reason why he didn't burn out is probably because he's a corpse.

Right now the thing that had made Howard so piss had something to do with the dead rat in front of him. Howard and I wanted to figure out 'how the f*ck did the energy from the Tesseract gave Carol her powers', and Howard has been saying that it's impossible that Carol was even alive after the explosion.

"Still no luck, huh", I said with a sighed. To assist Howard I on occasion help him in the study of the Tesseract.

"I mean seriously! That blast should, and I mean SHOULD HAVE BLOWN HER TO SMITHEREENS LIKE THE AIRCRAFT SHE SAID SHE WAS FLYING ON, BUT NO, IT GAVE HER POWERS!!! WHAT THE F*CK IS THAT!", Howard said in an extremely angry tone.

"Okay, that's new", Ethan said, this was his first time seeing a pissed off Howard.

For the past few years, Howard together with the Skrull scientist had already expanded the Kree spaceship, right now it was in the hangar of the Lighthouse. The Skrull was currently placing new weapon system in the ship, weapons that were powered with the Tesseract. Meanwhile, the Project Watchtower was also making good progress, but it wasn't as fast as I hope it was, but you win some and lose some, I guess.

"Okay you need to relax, Howard", I said to him.

"RELAX, HOW CAN—", Howard said.

I cut Howard off by summoning someone beside me, that someone was Howard's wife, Maria Stark. I return Maria's senses and at first, she was confused by her surroundings, Howard immediately went towards her and gave her a big hug.

I let Howard explain to his wife what has happened to her. She was obviously shocked that someone can bring her back from the dead, well sort of bring her back.

"Okay, I'll give you one hour to get your bearings. After the hour is up, I'll need to show the two of you something", I said to Howard.

"Thank you, Thank You so much", Howard said as she dragged he's recently reanimated wife into another room so that they can talk in private. When Maria saw that Howard was being humble to someone, it only added more to her shock.

Once alone in the room, I looked at the papers that Howard was writing on. On the papers were the results of all Howard's experiments in the Tesseract. It seems that all the mice that were introduced to the energy of the Tesseract died, the gamma radiation was too much for them to bear. I looked at the recently dead mouse and look at the side of its neck. Written on the side of its neck was a self-destruction seal, it was a seal that I wrote in all the mice that would be used in this type of experiment, it was a precaution.

Imagine if a mouse received and survived its introduction to the powers of the Tesseract. You would have a mouse that will be as powerful as Carol Danvers, something I do not want to happen. So, the seal's purpose was to detonate any mouse that had successfully survived the ordeal. I didn't want any glowing mouse roaming in the base anyway.

After nearly one hour, I went to where he placed the flying thunder seal version 3. The seal teleported me to Los Angeles. For the past few years, I had placed multiple version3 seals in places/cities that there will be future 'heroes'.

I went directly to the newly built mansion of Tony Stark. I sneakily went inside his house, hiding in the shadows. I eventually saw Tony in his living room, seating on his couch, a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand, and a photo in another. I made myself invisible and went behind Tony. I saw that he was looking at the picture of his parents and him when he was younger, it seems the New Year had made Tony sad. I quickly knock him out and guided his body so that he will be laying down on the couch instead of seating down.

I did multiple hand signs, and place my palm in the ground. Writings suddenly appeared in the ground quickly followed by a huge amount of smoke. Inside the smoke were Howard Stark and Maria Stark.

Both of them were confused about where they were summoned.

"Where are w---", Howard wanted to ask me a question but he soon couldn't get the words to get out of his mouth, because he saw a body on the nearby couch.

"Is that?" Maria immediately went towards Tony and she began to caress the face of her son.

"Is something wrong with him?", Howard asked me.

"No, Howard, I just knock him out. I brought the 2 of you here with me because I want to thank you for all your help in the past few years", I said to Howard as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Howard, You can't talk to Tony in real life, but I recently made a seal that will allow you to talk with your son in his sleep. Like a shared dream to be exact", I said to Howard.

You could see that Howard really wanted to talk with his son again, even if only in his dream

"You think….he misses me? His father?", Howard said in a weak voice.

When I heard this from Howard I immediately understood why he was acting reluctant to talk with his son. He and Tony never had a good relationship, he was afraid to know if his son misses him or not. If Tony didn't miss his father then it will break Howard completely.

"Of course, a son will always miss his father. I know you're a smart man Howard, and I know that you know this", I gentle said to him.

"I want to talk to my son immediately", Maria immediately said.

I nodded and took a scroll from my pocket. Inside the scroll was an even bigger scroll. I unfolded the scroll, the scroll was so large that it was the same size as Tony's living room. I carried Tony and place him on top of the scroll.

"I need the two of you lay down on the scroll. There is enough space for the two of you", I said to Howard and Maria.

Maria quickly laid down on the floor while Howard calmed himself first before laying down on top of it. I did a hand sign and a clone appeared beside me.

"It's 8 in the evening already, I will cancel the seal at 5 in the morning on the next day, after that time is up we need to leave. That's how much time you two have. Maria, Howard, enjoy my gift", I said to them.

"Begin the technique", I said to my clone. My clone did multiple hand sign and place his palm on top of the scroll. The scroll began to light up due to my clone channeling chakra on it. Slowly the eyes of Maria and Howard became white, they will soon be entering the dream of Tony.

I could have personally channeled chakra on the scroll but the seal needed a constant supply of it. Staying here for more than 10 hours just to channel chakra would be too tiresome to do.

"Once it's 5 am, cancel the seal", I paused as I glanced at both Howard and Maria and said, "Make sure they leave".

My clone nodded and I quickly left Tony's mansion and returned to the Lighthouse to begin studying the Tesseract.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to chapters. (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

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