Sage Mode is the empowered state humans enter when they learn to draw natural energy inside them and blending it with their chakra. By doing so, the human creates a new chakra, the Sage/Senjutsu chakra that allows them to enter Sage Mode. Only a few people were able to learn this powerful technique due to the heavy requirements it needed the user to be in. Two first requirements were having a physically powerful body as well as having high amounts of personal chakra.

A few months after meeting with Enoch, I decided that it was time to study the said technique. Even if I had Jiraiya sage mode knowledge, as well as Orochimaru's, I still went to my three children to see if they would know how to help me in training it.

"Okay, do any of you guys know how to enter the Sage mode?", I ask my three children. All three of them were at least the size of a big dog right now due to them learning a jutsu that makes them smaller, which is something I appreciated them doing. If the three of them were in their real size then I would have a big problem in where to place them, literally and figuratively.

"OF COURSE!", George said.

"OBVIOUSLY...hisss", Roose said.

"I KNOW!", Catherine said.

Three of them look at one another, each one sizing the rest and suddenly they all said in unison.




Three of them began talking at the same time, arguing about who has the best sage mode version among each of them. George argued that his sage mode is the best cause you will look like a smooth toad, Roose argued that I will look badass if I used his sage mode, while the well behaved Catherine, who I taught wouldn't argue with any of her brothers said that her sage was the best because she can give you increased healing ability.

Just listening to all of them argue was extremely annoying. I place my hands in my ears and shouted at the three of them; "SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!"




Three of them immediately became quiet but it was clear that none of them would take a defeat that easily. The moment I favor one sage mode version the two would immediately interject and say that their sage mode was better. This is basically sibling rivalry in the highest order the winner gets to become daddy's signature look, a funny thing to think about.

"Okay, no arguing", I said at the three of them, the three reluctantly nodded in response.

"I know that Sage mode can easily increase all physical stats of the user, so skip that. I want to know what ability I can get if I choose your version of sage mode and no stupid reasons like it make you look badass, none of that. I want to know what it can truly offer me", I said to them.

I asked this question because I wanted to make sure that the sage mode ability they had was the same as what I know.

"George what ability do I get if I choose your version of the sage mode", I asked.

George with a proud look on his face said, " The user can harness the natural energy surrounding them, turning it into an extension of their body, which increases the reach of their attacks. The user also gains the ability to sense chakra around them".

"Okay, Roose your turn", I said.

Roose who doesn't want to be defeated, especially by George said, "The user gains further access to snake anatomy, such as their brille, which can be used to lockout light as well as stop visual-based genjutsu from affecting them, or basically illusion immunity. They are also able to perform abilities that are characteristic of that of a snake, such as dislocating their jaw".

"Last but not least, Catherine your turn", I said.

"My version of the sage mode allows the user to sense his/her surroundings by using vibrations. When in my version of the sage mode you, your body gains an increase in defense due to most attacks becoming ineffective", Catherine said.

"I see, I see", I said. Each of their version of sage mode has its own pros and cons. None was not desirable it just depends on which one I personally prefer to pick.

"Okay, I need time to think", I said as I left the three of them alone. I went to my room in the lighthouse and decided to lie down in my bed to think.

"Which one should I choose to learn?...hmmmm.....", I said to myself. Unbeknownst to me, I was incredibly in deep taught that I didn't realize that it was already night out. I sighed when I learned of this. I was still undecided in which sage mode I should pick.

"That's it, I need fresh air", I said as I left the Lighthouse and watch the splashing of the waves on the coast.

Natural energy, that is the very basic of Sage mode, looking up in the sky, I saw a bird flying, which I found odd due it being the night after all. Then suddenly I was struck by an idea, "Why do I have to limit myself in choosing their sage mode? Look at Hashirama and Madara, the two of them were able to learn sage mode without the influence of any summoning creatures. Madara even learned the technique in an instant. This would mean I could learn sage mode on my own. If I go in this method, learning sage mode would probably be longer...I think I could do it..there is still 8 years before canon after all", I said to myself.

This decision led to me learning a technique far longer than I thought it would be. I had the basics of sage mode due to the knowledge of Jiraiya as well as with Orochimaru, but trying to learn sage mode and absorbing the raw natural energy in the surroundings was hard. Especially if you're using their knowledge only as a reference. If I decided to choose toad sage mode then I would have probably learned it within a few months, perhaps a year or two the longest. No, I wanted a sage mode free from any animalistic influence, I could just feel it in my gut that this decision was a great decision.

I began meditating and trying it on my own for the next following years. I had on a number of occasions nearly became a stone sculpture, luckily I already prepared a seal to help me with that. After 7 years of training, I finally was able to achieve sage mode without the influence of any summoning creature. This sage mode was mode akin to Hashirama since he didn't have a summoning creature to teach him. Just like him, I could also enter sage mode instantaneously.

During the first day of me being a real sage, I was walking around the Lighthouse when I happen to see the raw energy that the Tessaract was holding. The energy was primal, I felt like the energy was here, nowhere, and everywhere at the same time. It was quite odd actually. The more I looked at the Tesseract the more I became interested in the weird energy. This gave me the stupid idea to try and absorb whatever energy the Tesseract had.

I only did it for a moment though cause I lost consciousness immediately afterward. I should not have absorbed a huge amount in one go, that was my fault.

So much for my 48 hours of meditation.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to chapters. (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

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