"Damn this thing is heavy", a 6 feet tall black man said as he tried to lift an object that looks like a hammer. He used all his strength but to no avail.

"hahahahahahaha. Big Jack has all those muscles but he can't even lift such a small object. hahahahaha", said another man as he mocks the black man.

"Oh, really Joe? How about you used your muscles and lift this little thing?", Jack said with a mocking tone.

Joe, who did not want to be humiliated did just that and he tried to lift the hammer, but just like Jack he also failed.

"Damn it", Joe said.

"I told you, so", Jack said as he slaps the back of Joe.

"Let's get a chain", Joe said. The two guys who actually are friends got a chain and tied one end to the hammer and the other end to one of their trucks. But not only did it fail, but their truck also sustained damage because the truck could not lift the hammer, even if they press the gas pedal with everything it got.


A small group of people laughs at the predicament of the two individuals.

At a certain location in the desert of New Mexico, many people were slowly gathering, due to a certain hammer that can't be lifted. Some people speculate that it was part of a spaceship or a tool used by astronauts in spaces others were just having fun and wanting to test their strength.

By midday though a government organization went to the locations and immediately escorted the people out and quarantined the location. Guards were placed as sentries and a wired fence was immediately erected.

"I want you to begin analyzing that hammer", Agent Coulson said to the group of scientists that Agent Blake brought with me.

"I'll begin redirecting any flights from this air space", Agent Blake said to Coulson.

"I want to no planes flying within 5 miles of this location", Agent Coulson ordered Agent Blake.

"Yes, sir", Agent Blake said and eventually left and did his duty.

Coulson went to the command center and asked the agents that were assigned there, "What readings are you getting?"

"Nothing of value sir. Everything is normal aside from the sudden fluctuation of meteorological data that happened here yesterday. It was probably caused by the 0-8-4", an agent respondent.

"Nothing else? Do we have any more relevant information", Coulson asked the entire agents in the room.

After a few minutes of just computer beeping, another agent seems to have found some valuable information and he said, "Sir, I found a University Professor that seems to have been doing research here. Her name is Jane Foster and research seems to be pointed in astrology, perhaps her equipment got some valuable data in them".

"Where is she?", Agent Coulson asked.

"She is in the nearest town, sir", the agent responded.

"Let's go", Coulson said as a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents began to follow him and locate Professor Jane Foster. They arrived at where she was staying and they immediately saw some tech equipment. Equipment that Agent Coulson immediately ordered his agents to confiscate. This was the time Jane Foster and her group returned, she tried to stop Agent Coulson but to no avail.

The moment Coulson returned to the quarantined location, he saw that most of the screens of the command center were blinking in the color red. He also saw Agent Blake have a serious expression on his face as he ordered the agents in the room.

"What happened Agent Blake?", Coulson asked.

"We are currently being hack. I order the tech team to handle this problem first and to make sure that no data is being stolen", Agent Blake responded.

"Who would hack us?", Coulson asked.

One of the agents that were part of the tech team responded and said, "Based on their hacking algorithm, I believe they are the Rising Tide, sir. Basically a bunch of hacktivists that wants to spread information for all to know. They particularly want to target SHIELD data".

"You've dealt with them in the past?", Agent Blake asked.

"Yes, sir. They came up roughly two months after Tony Stark said he was Iron Man. Back then they were hacking some of our servers and collecting videos of the Iron Man. We were able to stop them and also capture some of its members", the agent said.

Later that night, after preventing the hack and trying to collect information on the equipment of Jane Foster, Coulson was still clueless at what the hammer was when suddenly something happened.

"Sir, we have an intruder on the site!", an agent said through every single communication line they had on the base. All the SHIELD agents began to spread out and locate the intruder.

"Describe the intruder!" Coulson ordered.

"The intruder is physically fit, blonde hair and possibly in his 30's and he seems to be going towards the Hammer", the agent responded.

"Only one person?", Coulson asked.

"Yes sir", the agent responded. Coulson went towards the screen that has the camera field and saw a blonde man easily defeating trained Agents with his bare hands.

"Barton, I need you, now!", Coulson said through his earpiece.

"On it", Agent Barton responded as he went to an elevated location and prepared his bow and arrow.

"Give the command sir", Agent Barton said.

"Wait!", Coulson said as he saw the blonde man look at the immovable hammer. Coulson was hoping that something would happen when the man picks the hammer up.

The intruder soon reached the hammer and started to put power into his arm to lift the hammer from the ground, but as soon as he realized that he couldn't lift it, the man had a confused expression on his face. The man tried once again, and this time he was using every last fiber muscles, but the disappointment came to the man with he still could not lift the hammer.

Coulson's sighed with disappointment as well. He thought that he was about to solve the mystery of the hammer, he then ordered the agents to capture the man and have him detained in an isolated room.


Does anyone know who the rising tide are?



Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

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Take care and God Bless.

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