"What if I tell you that I have a way to free you", Ethan said.

Hela had a shocked expression on her face when she heard this. After the initial disbelief, she said, "Don't mock me, mortal. I---"

"Ethan, that's the name of the person that is going to free you from your prison. Not mortal", Ethan said.

With a furrowed brow, Hela said with anger in her voice, "You would have me believe that you have the ability to free me from my prison. A prison that I have been bound to for so many years now! You overestimate you yourself, MORTAL!".

Ethan looks at Hela and he could feel her pain. The last person she trusted was her father. She has now closed herself off from trusting anybody. She refuses to place that same level of trust in someone that could hurt her.

'Damn it, Odin, you don't make it easy for anybody don't you', Ethan thought.

Ethan sighed and he said, "A few years ago, King Odin nearly died from taking too much time from doing his so-called 'Odin Sleep'. He collapsed because of it. Even Queen Frigga was worried about the chances of her husband waking up. But eventually, he woke up. Then a few days ago, due to the destruction of the Bifrost, King Odin had to use Dark Energy as a substitute to bring Thor to earth".

Ethan looks at Hela, but she didn't say a word in response, so Ethan continued. "I hypothesize that these two events have greatly weakened the Asgardian King, even more than he realized. He may show a tough exterior in front of his people but now is the right time to free you. This is your one and only chance for freedom. To escape the shackles of your father's hold and be free".

The reason I was able to fully remember this detail that the MCU had was because of the Chronicoms. They had a machine that enables two people to connect their minds. I asked them if they could tweak it and make it into a machine that allows anyone that uses it to get information that was stuck in their head. With this, I was basically able to rewatch all the MCU movies I had watched in the past life.

For a while, Hela just looks at the chains that were keeping her in place, and then she said, "Why? Why are you so hell bend in getting me free? I don't even know you. You just appeared here one day out of nowhere... You don't owe me anything".

"You're right, I don't owe you anything... I'm not asking you to trust me, trust is a two-way streak. We barely know each other, trust can't be formed by that small interaction...But I keep seeing you in my dream every night, and I'm getting tired of it. Perhaps freeing you is the only way to stop that. Besides aren't you curious about that as well", Ethan replied.

Hela thought of it for a while and she asked, "If I agree. How would you do it?".

"The only way to free you is to make sure that King Odin doesn't know you escaped. So, I will need to leave behind something here as a decoy", Ethan said.

"And what is that"

"A part of your very being----", Ethan said but Hela interrupted him.

"WHAT!! YOU EXPECT ME TO DO THAT?!", Hela said in shock and anger. Then suddenly the chains that were keeping her bounded didn't like her reaction. So they decided to tighten themselves onto her.

"AAHH!!!, Hela screams in pain as the chains became tighter.

"Well, I expected that reaction to be honest", Ethan said as he looks at the screaming woman in front of him

'This is going to be a long conversation', Ethan thought to himself.



"Drive faster!!" A man order. Right now he was busy firing his gun at the thing that was chasing after them.

It was a normal night, he was busy selling weapons to some local warlords in Africa, and then suddenly he heard gunshots in his surroundings. He ordered his men to kill the intruder but none of them came back. He quickly realized that he couldn't kill the target so he ordered what little men he had left to escape immediately.

But the thing that attacked them wasn't something that would easily give up. The creature chased him and his men down until there were only him and his driver left.

The driver quickly turned left when he saw a tree blocking the road they were intending to go.

"Why did you turn left?!", the man asked as he continued firing his gun.




"A tree was blocking the road", the driver defended himself.

The boss realizing what road they were taking became angry and shouted, "YOU IDIOT! THIS IS A DEAD END! THIS LEADS TO THE FOREST. WHERE THERE IS NO ROAD! IF YOU WANT TO BE STUPID, BET YOUR OWN LIFE NOT MINE!!".


Suddenly a knife with a paper attached to the end of it was thrown and embedded into the back of the jeep that they were riding. The boss looks at it for a while and he immediately saw the paper was burning. This made him fear if it was a bomb and immediately took his chances and jump out of the vehicle. He didn't care if he'd break a bone or two, he just had a gut feeling that if he stayed in the jeep he would certainly die.


After a few meters, the jeep was engulfed in a fiery explosion. It was extremely visible due to the empty road.

The man quickly stood up and run towards the forest. The man didn't realize that he broke his arm when he jumped out of the jeep. Adrenaline had prevented him from temporarily feeling pain. His only chance of surviving now is trying to lose his pursuer deep in the forest of Africa. With rugged breathing, the man hopes that he would live.

After 30 minutes the man could now feel the pain that his body is under. He wanted to scream but he held his tongue. He didn't want to make a sound, he was still fearful that the thing that was chasing him was still there.

After two hours of running the man decided to rest. He hadn't heard any sounds coming from behind him for a while now. So he believes that he was safe.

"F.u.c.k.i.n.g hell. Now I have to get out of this forest before it kills me", the man said with heavy breathing.

Out of nowhere, a voice was heard in the surroundings, "Really now... Aren't you scared of me?".

The man quickly stood up and with his good arm he took a fairly decent stick off the ground and said, "Look, what do you want? You want money? I have money... Come on, we can work this out". The man had sweat dripping all over his body. It wasn't because he was running for 2 hours. No, the man was scared and knew that he could die right now.

"You can't pay your way out of this, Ulysses Klaue", the voice said.

Suddenly something came out in front of Klaue. His eyes became wide as the last thing he saw is a man that had an aura of a Black Panther surrounding him.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to chapters.

pat.reon.com/King_disturb (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

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