After watching the setting sun in the mountains of Wakanda, Erik and the rest of the Golden Tribe of Wakanda returned to the palace. The moment they returned the King told them that food has been prepared for them. Inside the dining hall was a long rectangular table and on the table were various cuisine that Wakanda could offer.

After eating their food in silence the King of Wakanda decided to ask Erik, "How long have you known of Wakanda?".

Erik looks at King T'Chaka and responded, "A couple of days during that night. My father had notes hidden in his room, and I devoured every knowledge that those notes had on Wakanda".

"I see..", King T'Chaka solemnly replied.

The Queen saw the painful look of her husband and decided to take part in the conversation by somewhat changing the topic, "I have been meaning to us... that cloak your wearing...Are you part of the group that helped saved New York?".

"Yes", Erik replied.

The group waited for Erik to elaborate but they quickly realize that he won't. This resulted in an uncomfortable silence.

Erik then looks at the King and said, "I know you want to ask me something, and it's killing you inside. So, I'll allow it, for your own peace of mind. Ask me the question that is bugging you".

The King's painfully look slowly vanish and what replaced it was a face of a determined man and he said, "What do you plan to do now that you are in Wakanda?".

"... If you think that I came here to avenge my father, then you are wrong. I loved my father... but I know his actions were what led to his death. The moment you saw him, I'm sure he did something stupid that gave you no other excuse but to kill him... ". Erik then stood up from his seat and went towards one of the windows of the dining room and said, "At first, I was angry at you...but the longer I live the more I realized that my anger was unjustified... Someone once told me that the world ain't black and white...So, I learned to let go".

Erik then turned around and looks straight at the Wakandan King. "But that does not mean that his ideologies were wrong".

With a furrowed brows the Wakanda King said, "Be careful of what you speak next. I maybe your uncle but I am foremost a King. My responsibilities are to my people, above everything else, and I will not let them be placed in unnecessary danger".

Erik responded, "The war in New York had shown the world that we are not alone. That our fighting in the borders of our nations is nothing more than squabbles between ants. In the grand scheme of things, it is insignificant".

"What are you emphasizing here?", Prince T'Challa asked.

Erik looks at his cousin and said, "It is time for Wakanda to open its borders and show the world who really is the most technologically advanced country in the world".

"So are asking us to break tradition", Queen Ramonda said.

"A tradition that is obsolete"

"A tradition that has kept Wakanda safe", Prince T'Challa added.

"A tradition that will cripple the Kingdom of Wakanda. If not now then in the future.", Erik added.

Seeing the tense atmosphere that was growing in the room the King T'Chaka said, "Today has been a very emotional day for all of us. Let us discuss this tomorrow when we have a good night's rest and when we are calmer".

The queen and her children agreed but Erik did not like that proposal. Instead, he took something from a seal that was written on his arm. Everyone was shocked when a puff of smoke appear out of nowhere. Prince T'Challa immediately stood up from where he was seated and he stood in the middle of Erik and his family. He wanted to make sure that they will be safe if things went bad.

"Relax, as I said, I didn't come here for revenge", Erik said as he showed them a USB drive. "There are only two reasons why I came here to Wakanda. One is to see the sunset that my father told me about and the second, is to give this to the royal family of Wakanda". Erik then decided to throw the USB at T'Challa, who caught it with ease.

"If you guys think that I came here to connect to the family that I have then you are wrong. The blood of the Golden Tribe of Wakanda may flow through my veins but that is all that we have in common. To me, you are strangers...", Erik looks at everyone in the room and he continued talking, "I have a family, even if I didn't say it to them, I know that they know that they are my family. So, I don't need another one. All I want you to do is check what is inside of that USB and just maybe, you guys will reconsider my proposal".

Erik then disappeared with a puff of smoke. After the smoke dissipated, Shuri activated his kimoyo beads and she showed a hologram of Erik already out of the palace and jumping on the roofs of houses. By the rate he's going, he'll be out of the capital in less than 5 minutes.

Seeing that there was no hope in talking to Erik the King of Wakanda decided to at least consider Erik's idea. This required them to all go to Shuri's lab and check the thumb drive up. The king wanted to do it alone but all of his family members decided to go against that idea, thus all of them will try and see what the drive contains.

Once the thumb drive was open it resulted in shocked faces among everyone present. Even the attack on New York hadn't made them shock and worried compared to what was inside the thumb drive.

Inside the thumb drive contained information on the infinity stones, one of which was used in New York. It is important to note that it didn't contain the location of these stones but the fact that a tiny little space rock is powerful enough to bore a hole into space and that alien civilizations are coveting such an item was something extremely detrimental to the safety of the planet. Especially if you add the fact that the stones had been fought before and it led to the destruction of not just nations but PLANETS.

Plus the thumb drive also contained the real reason why Hydra was founded. Learning the truth that the Hydra that was defeated during World War 2 was nothing more than a small faction of the group was incredibly mind-blowing. This was added to the fact that they now know why Hydra was made in the first place.

Aliens had been on earth in the past, and they had experimented on the human race. Knowing that Hydra was the untended end result of it was a scary thought to digest.

The files had slowly made the Wakandan King consider Erik's proposal. Perhaps opening the borders and sharing some of their technology was a good idea after all. For this wasn't just about Wakanda anymore, this is about the entire human race.

"I need time to think", King T'Chaka said as he left Shuri's lab.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to chapters. (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

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